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2019-09-07易错翻译解析:126 “烧地”是什么意思?

126 “烧地”是什么意思?原 文:The shock brigade burned the earth and got to the appointed position in 30 minutes.... [查看全文]

2019-09-06易错翻译解析:125 “拖后腿”和“开玩笑”

125 “拖后腿”和“开玩笑”原 文:Obviously she is pulling his leg.原 译:她显然是在拖他的后腿。辨 析:这又是一个从字面出... [查看全文]

2019-09-06易错翻译解析:124 怎么个“开放”法

124 怎么个“开放”法原 文:She believed that much of the data were open to interpretation.原 译:她相信许多数据可用于... [查看全文]

2019-09-06易错翻译解析:123 “看出”了什么?

123 “看出”了什么?原 文:Don't read more than what was intended into what he said.原 译:不要从他讲的话中看出多于他... [查看全文]

2019-09-05易错翻译解析:122 “记不住人家的脸”是什么意思?

122 “记不住人家的脸”是什么意思?原 文:Aunt Mary is getting worse; she is forgetting faces nowadays.原 译:玛丽姑妈... [查看全文]

2019-09-05易错翻译解析:121 “把时间给人”是什么意思?

121 “把时间给人”是什么意思?原 文:If you are going to join hands with Sally I will not give you the time of ... [查看全文]

2019-09-05易错翻译解析:120 年龄可以“穿”吗?

120 年龄可以“穿”吗?原 文:Mr. Smith is wearing well.原 译:史密斯先生穿得笔挺。辨 析:wear的基本意思是“穿”、“戴”,... [查看全文]

2019-09-04易错翻译解析:119 什么叫“官僚式的死亡”?

119 什么叫“官僚式的死亡”?原 文:The proposal died a bureaucratic death.原 译:该建议官僚般地死去。辨 析:原译是典型的... [查看全文]

2019-09-04易错翻译解析:118 谁原谅谁?

118 谁原谅谁?原 文:She is pardonably proud of her wonderful cooking.原 译:她可以原谅地对自己精彩的烹饪感到骄傲。辨 ... [查看全文]

2019-09-04易错翻译解析:117 为什么拿不定主意?

117 为什么拿不定主意?原 文:Surrounded by so many admirers, she must be difficult in her choice.原 译:周围有那么多... [查看全文]