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2019-08-24易错翻译解析:86 好不到哪里去

86 好不到哪里去原 文:Nonsense, I don't think his painting is any better than yours.原 译:胡说,我不认为他的画比你的... [查看全文]

2019-08-24易错翻译解析:85 如何起誓说“不”?

85 如何起誓说“不”?原 文:I won't do it to save my life.原 译:为了自己的救命,我不会这样做。辨 析:动词不定式短语确... [查看全文]

2019-08-24易错翻译解析:84 是一样“聪明”还是一样“笨”?

84 是一样“聪明”还是一样“笨”?原 文:They went away as wise as they came.原 译:他们走的时候和来的时候一样聪明。辨 ... [查看全文]

2019-08-23易错翻译解析:83 为什么要“将句子拉长”?

83 为什么要“将句子拉长”?原 文:I decided I had to stretch every sentence like a poor man spending his last dol... [查看全文]

2019-08-23易错翻译解析:82 专家和大学是什么关系?

82 专家和大学是什么关系?原 文:Research experts with Chicago University made a remarkable new discovery.原 译:研究专... [查看全文]

2019-08-23易错翻译解析:81 悲伤会爱伙伴吗?

81 悲伤会爱伙伴吗?原 文:Misery may love company, but company clearly does not love misery.原 译:悲伤也许会爱伙伴,... [查看全文]

2019-08-22易错翻译解析:80 “支持者”、“抽烟者”等

80 “支持者”、“抽烟者”等原 文:The Green Peace is also a supporter of alternative technology in power generation.... [查看全文]

2019-08-22易错翻译解析:79 有多少谚语被驳倒了?

79 有多少谚语被驳倒了?原 文:Few proverbs have been so thoroughly disproved—or have caused so much harm—as this ... [查看全文]

2019-08-22易错翻译解析:78 绿颜色的含义

78 绿颜色的含义原 文:If digital cash becomes so easy to use, people would stop using the green stuff.原 译:要是... [查看全文]

2019-08-21易错翻译解析:77 是“为”还是“不为”?

77 是“为”还是“不为”?原 文:I must not stay here and do nothing.原 译:我不能呆在这儿并且什么也不做。辨 析:本句的... [查看全文]