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2019-10-07易错翻译解析:216 怎么哭法?

216 怎么哭法?原 文:Cry and you cry alone.原 译:哭就独自哭吧。辨 析:原译听上去有点滑稽,好像是一个祈使句,叫人一个人独... [查看全文]

2019-10-06易错翻译解析:215 孩子会有“侵略性”吗?

215 孩子会有“侵略性”吗?原 文:Researches have shown that the "rod" tends to produce children who are more aggres... [查看全文]

2019-10-06易错翻译解析:214 develop和“发展”

214 develop和“发展”原 文:Major industries such as electronics, construction, and food stuffs have already begun d... [查看全文]

2019-10-06易错翻译解析:213 “鱼”和人

213 “鱼”和人原 文:He felt like a big fish in a small pond and decided to leave as soon as possible.原 译:... [查看全文]

2019-10-05易错翻译解析:212 如何“接近”诗歌?

212 如何“接近”诗歌?原 文:Approach to the poem must be from afar off, even generations off.原 译:要接近那首诗必... [查看全文]

2019-10-05易错翻译解析:211 要补出“话”字

211 要补出“话”字原 文:Did you hear me?原 译:你听我了吗?辨 析:这是一句极其简单的句子,可是一不小心还是有人译错了。首先... [查看全文]

2019-10-05易错翻译解析:210 “梦之船”、“梦票”、“梦之队”

210 “梦之船”、“梦票”、“梦之队”原 文:That guy is a real dreamboat.原 译:那个家伙是个真正的梦之船。辨 析:“梦之船... [查看全文]

2019-10-04易错翻译解析:209 是全糟蹋了吗?

209 是全糟蹋了吗?原 文:That mildew stain is really a fly in the ointment for the painting.原 译:那点霉斑就像是一... [查看全文]

2019-10-04易错翻译解析:208 谁需要“深口袋”?

208 谁需要“深口袋”?原 文:They are young at heart, their pockets are deep and advertisers want to get inside t... [查看全文]

2019-10-04易错翻译解析:207 步子慢下来了吗?

207 步子慢下来了吗?原 文:He did it step by slow step.原 译:他一步慢似一步地做这件事。辨 析:“一步慢似一步”的意思是... [查看全文]