阅读:第一篇TOPIC Distribution of Plants and Animals讲地球上植物之间的相似性要远大于动物。以下阐明原因。原因一是植物很早以前就... [查看全文]
听力:Conversation1男生找老师,老师问他今天上课听懂没?男生说他报communication的时候没想到会讨论古罗马演讲家,并且说不同意此演讲家的... [查看全文]
第一题:描述一件参加过的有意思的学校活动。可以讲体育运动或者志愿者活动等等。比如说支教活动。可以简单叙述一下整个活动的过程。如何准... [查看全文]
综合写作阅读:文章是讲的关于Harappan civilization decline的原因的三个假说。第一个是受到游牧民族nomadic tribe入侵。第二个是气候... [查看全文]
Task 1: Talk about an interesting school activity that you participated in recently. Give details and examples in... [查看全文]
第一篇:狮子第一部分说上古时代,除少数例外,狮子广泛分布在各个大陆。解析:Lions are most active at night and live in a v... [查看全文]
SECTION 1CONVERSATION 1教授做调查采访录了很多tape 他自己分析不过来 找女的做他助手 女的说自己在图书馆兼职又有很多课程怕没空 ... [查看全文]
独立写作范文:People often buy products not because they really need them but because other people have them.We ma... [查看全文]