第一篇讲的是overhunting对large mammal灭绝的影响,举了一个在Maori某岛上鸟类灭绝的例子;第二篇是讲的arctic的一个貌似叫Dozen还是啥的... [查看全文]
Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the way a person dresses is a good indication of his/her pers... [查看全文]
综合写作CFLs与传统灯泡的比较。阅读观点:CFLs 不如传统灯泡。理由为1 昂贵2 有害环境释放mercury3 光线对眼睛不好听力观点:Disagree... [查看全文]
第一题:上过的两个学校,解释两个学校的区别。第二题:艺术家的天赋是天生的还是通过后天刻苦训练完成的。第三题:阅读建议:在学生宿舍中... [查看全文]
第一篇文章indus文明的衰落第一部分讲一个古文明(印加)的衰落。 这个文明的衰落不是因为战争;也不是因为某一群人的定居,因为那群人是在衰... [查看全文]
Conversation 1机经要点教授问女同学对课上讲得东西有问题否?同学不明白教授为什么讲PR,教授说打电话的方式都有PR(有题)女同学就问intern... [查看全文]
The personal and work-related challenges that young people face today are not very different from the challenges ... [查看全文]
综合写作:关于whether R. robustus is active hunter of dinasaurs. 一个叫R.的生物胃里面发现了恐龙的残骸,于是科学家们争论它... [查看全文]
口语:1. Your friend has been offered a job that's far away from his hometown. Do you think he should take ... [查看全文]