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1. _______________ (我们确定搞两个开放):namely, to open up both externally and internally. 2. _____________ (不用说)that hes been there before. 3. _____________ (真想不到)that he had done a thing like that. 4.Premier Zhou [查看全文]


1. He is ________________ (他与其说是个学者)as a writer. 2. The parents should also set the kids free _______________ (以便他们自己做选择). 3. Some freshmen _____________(打定主意)to pursue a master's degree after under [查看全文]


例1 ____________(将领你们去参观我们的新车间)by the secretary. 译文:You will be shown our new workshop. 简评:如果这句话不是划线填内容,你完全可以将它翻译成The secretary will show you our new works [查看全文]


1. _____________ (为了维护健康),there are at least three things we can do every day. 2. _______________(他大概知道他要做什么),but nothing specific. 3. We need to live a regular life. That is,_____________(我们要早睡 [查看全文]


1. It was essential that _______________(我们在月底前签订合同). 2. _______________(家庭人口多好还是人口少好)is a very popular topic,which is often talked about not only by city residents but by farmers as well. 3. We [查看全文]


1.When an opportunity comes, _________________ (伴之而来的是成功的希望)but never realizes it on its own. 2. If you want to _______________(取得成就或实现雄心壮志),you must work hard,make efforts and get prepared. 3 [查看全文]


1. I am not sure whether I want to take this course;_______________(我第一周可否旁听)to see if I like it? 2. The police are on the trail of new evidence _______________(希望能有助于该案的处理). 3. The volume of trade [查看全文]


1.__________________ (直到失去健康) that people know the value of health. 2.The bag was stuffed____________________(脏衣服) 3.___________________ (很多朋友不在), we decided to put the meeting off. 4._______________________ [查看全文]


1. This is yet _________________ (两国人民的又一个共同点). 2. His scientific works _______________(在英语国家得到广泛阅读). 3. Revolution means the emancipation of the productive forces,_____________(改革也是解放 [查看全文]


1.In this way, I believe that all the people may be able to _______________ (像我一样享受乘坐公车的乐趣). 2.By practicing these, I have been able to _____________ (在智育方面我一直能不断进步). 3.According t [查看全文]