游戏场景英语对话A: "Greetings, fellow adventurer. Have you traversed the Liyue Harbor lately?"A: 你好,冒险者。你最近... [查看全文]
游戏场景英语对话Player A: "Hello, Traveler! Have you visited the Windrise yet?"玩家A:你好,旅行者!你去过风起地了吗?Pla... [查看全文]
英文对话Player A: "Hey, partner! How's your progress in Identity V? Have you unlocked any new hunters or surv... [查看全文]
英文对话Player A: "Hey, mate! Have you completed the latest mission in Tomorrowland?"Player B: "Yeah, I did it wi... [查看全文]
英文对话Player A: Hey, mates! Have you checked out the new update for Swordsman Online: Tap into the Jianghu?Play... [查看全文]
英文对话Player A: Hey, are you up for some intense PVE action in the "Dragon Realm" dungeon? The new loot looks... [查看全文]
英文对话:Player A: "Hey, fellow Wastelander, have you heard the rumors about the Glowing Sea? It's said to b... [查看全文]
英文对话:Player A: "Hey, have you been to the Sunset Valley yet in Jianghu Realm of Counter-Flow Cold? The scen... [查看全文]
对话场景:两位炉石传说的玩家,玩家A(名叫"霜之哀伤")和玩家B(名叫"火焰之怒"),在炉石传说的对战结束后进行友好的交流。英文版:Play... [查看全文]
场景说明:两位《守望先锋》的玩家,玩家A(名叫"隐刃")和玩家B(名叫"火炮手"),在成功完成一次合作任务后进行交流。英文对话:Player ... [查看全文]