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Expect to see Walder Frey again before “Game of Thrones” concludes.


While promoting his FX series “The Strain” at 2015 summer TV press tour, actor David Bradley confirmed to Zap2it he’s been told “Thrones” has plans for his character, the mastermind behind the Red Wedding.

当大卫·布拉德利(David Bradley)在2015夏季电视记者会上宣传他FX电视台的剧集《血族》(时,他向Zap2it的记者透露《权力的游戏》有计划让他的角色再次出现,他的角色也就是红色婚礼的策划者。

“He will be coming back, but I can’t say when,” Bradley says of Walder, though he wouldn’t reveal if he’ll appear in Season 6. “I can’t really say because things are in a

delicate situation.”

“他会回来,但我不能透露是什么时候,” 布拉德利谈到瓦德时说,但他没有透露他是否会出现在第六季中。“我真的不能透露,因为事情还处于很微妙的阶段。”

“Game of Thrones” is currently filming its sixth season, and is expected to run in the range of eight seasons. Bradley last appeared on the HBO series in 2013 in the Season 3

finale, after executing the biggest betrayal in the show’s history at the Red Wedding. It’s because of him that main characters Robb Stark and Catelyn Stark were murdered, and fans have demanded justice ever since.


Walder Frey only appeared in three episodes of “Thrones,” and Bradley says he “can’t wait” to reprise the role.


“I do look forward to it, because I do love playing someone so irredeemable,” he says. “I’m afraid he makes me laugh because he’s so appalling that there’s a kind of dark humor in there somewhere.”


“Game of Thrones” Season 6 premieres in spring 2016 on HBO.



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