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2023-04-03愚人英语笑话 总是洗两套 Always get double prints

120 总是洗两套 Always get double prints Dining out one evening,I noticed some teenagers celebrating at ... [查看全文]

2023-04-03愚人英语笑话 还有我的太阳镜? My sunglasses,too?

119 还有我的太阳镜? My sunglasses,too? When I walked up to the ATM at my bank,I noticed someone had l... [查看全文]

2023-04-03愚人英语笑话 保安磁卡 Security card

118 保安磁卡 Security card My boss said,"As of tomorrow,employees will only be able to access the buil... [查看全文]

2023-04-03愚人英语笑话 只能用于公司业务 Only for company business

117 只能用于公司业务 Only for company business My boss said,"E-mail is not to be used to pass on info... [查看全文]

2023-04-03愚人英语笑话 未知的问题 Unknown problems

116 未知的问题 Unknown problems My boss said,"What I need is a detailed list of unknown problems we... [查看全文]

2023-04-03愚人英语笑话 醉鬼开车 The drunkards drive

115 醉鬼开车 The drunkards drive Two drunkards were driving on the way home. One of them said, "Watch... [查看全文]

2023-03-19愚人英语笑话 实在惋惜 Really sorry

114 实在惋惜 Really sorry Bob wanted to train his donkey to work every day without eating anything,s... [查看全文]

2023-03-03愚人英语笑话 回家 Go home

113 回家 Go home A policeman saw a drunkard walking circle around a barrel,and asked,"What's the matte... [查看全文]

2023-03-03愚人英语笑话 不理解 Don t understand

112 不理解 Don t understand John and Henry were drinking in the bar. John said to Henry,"My wife d... [查看全文]

2023-03-01愚人英语笑话 家里人知道 The family knows

111 家里人知道 The family knows The doctor said to the nurse,"Go and get the name of the injured w... [查看全文]