2. 要有幽默感。Be funny.
On the night in 1967 that Jackie and Ken Egan met at a dance club in Newton, Mass., he asked her for a kiss. She declined: 'I don't know you,' she told him. 'And my kisses are like Lay's potato chips -- you wouldn't want just one.'
1967年的一个晚上,杰琪•伊根(Jackie Egan)和肯•伊根(Ken Egan)在马萨诸塞州Newton市一家舞蹈俱乐部相识。肯向杰琪索吻,但遭到拒绝。“我还不了解你,” 杰琪对他说,“而且我的吻就像‘乐事薯片’一样,你不可能只想吃一片。”
The Egans, who live in Marshfield, Mass., and have four children, just celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Monday. Ms. Egan says laughter helps them deal with issues that would otherwise drive them nuts -- such as Mr. Egan's fussy eating habits and forgetfulness about putting the toilet seat down. Or Ms. Egan's inability to let her husband finish a story without interrupting him, or her many knickknacks.
'You need to learn to find the humor in each other's annoying habits. It helps you keep the affection,' says Ms. Egan, 69.