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高中英语优秀作文:My View on School Education




School eduction has played an important role in people’s life. When reaching three tears old, the little children will go to kindergarten for a preschool education. And then they will take part in the primary school, middle school, high school, college and so on. School eduction almost run through people’s whole life. So it is very important. We all know that thereare many knowledgeable teachers in school will teach the students. But it’s not enough. School eduction needs the coordination of family education. The British educator, Hosea Ballou once said,”Education commences at the mother’s knee, and every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character. Therefore, we can see that the successful of school education needs the help of family education so that the children can have a perfect education. The promissing future is waiting for them.




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