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Should Universities Give Priority To Practical Courses For S 大学应优先考虑实用课程




For adapting to the demand of job market, mostuniversity students tend to choose some practical courses, such as finance orcomputer science, because they are told that these courses will make morecontribution to their future job hunting than traditional ones. As a result,some people suggest that universities should give priority to practical coursesfor students. However, for my part, I consider that traditional courses shouldbe given equal priority in education.


Many reasons can account for my views and thefollowing are the most essential aspects. To begin with, taking employment intoconsideration, traditional courses have provided the most basic knowledge andcultures which have great impact on job hunting and character shaping.Therefore, if universities give priority to practical courses, more and morestudents will choose these and that will cause the unbalance of employment.Furthermore, out of the need in nation development, traditional course is themost important way for students to inherit our native root cultures. Under thedevelopment of globalization, inheriting and keeping our specific culturecharacter is an important strategy in our nation development.


After a thorough consideration, I maintain thatuniversities should give equal priority to both traditional courses andpractical courses so that our nation can keep our unique character when keepingpace with the development of globalization.




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