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Major and Job 专业与就业




When students come to the university, they will treat their major as the big deal, because the major will decide their future. Most students consider the job potential when they choose the major. In my opinion, each major will have the relative job potential, it is our hard working that helps us to be successful.


As a graduate student, I have to find a job and I have got many interviews, but I haven’t found the good job, so I am still fighting for my future. I major in English, before I chose it as my major, many people told me that it was easy to find a job and I did research the information on the Internet. I made my choice, but now I realized that finding a job is easy while not for the satisfying one.


When some high school students ask my opinion about the major, my answer is the interest comes first. None of the major can promise you the promising future, you need to stand out and then you will achieve great success no matter what major you learn.



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