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Life For Different People 不同人的生活




Many years ago, Kate Middleton as the ordinary girl married prince William, which became a legend for many young girls. Pippa as Kate’s little sister started to come into the public’s eyes as she showed in the wedding. Now Pippa will marry a rich and handsome man, the media reported it in the following.


As sisters, the media like to compare Pippa with Kate. They always speak highly of Kate, for she acts in the elegant way and dresses well when she appears in the public occasion. While they criticize Pippa for she doesn’t dress as well as her sister, what’s more, she once broke the traffic rules. But now, the media turn their attitude to Pippa, they comment that Pippa lives the better life than Kate.


On the one hand, Pippa’s fiance is not only rich, but the more important thing is that he looks handsome than prince William. On the other hand, they analyse that Kate can’t do what she wants to do, she must think about the pulic’s opinion. But Pippa just lives the way she wants.


It is such ridiculous for the media to make such comment. Different people live the different life, everyone finds their own place in the world.



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