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大学生该参加社团吗 Should College Students Join Clubs




Campus life is wonderful for college students. They have much spare time and they can join some activities to enrich their part-time. But some students believe that joining the club is wasting time, as they can learn nothing. In my opinion, joining the club is good for college students.


When students come to the high education, they should not only focus on learning knowledge from books, learning how to get along with others and master social skills are also of great importance. Joining the club provides students the chance to make friends and enrich their spare life.


Some students think it is meaningless to join the club for they have no passion and learn nothing. So when we choose a club, we need to measure it with our interest. Only the interest can make the activity meaningful. So if the student is not interested, he doesn’t have to join it to cater for students.


Campus life should be colorful, we can enrich our life with joining some activities according to our interest.




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