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对金牌的态度 The Attitude Towards Golden Medal




For every player, standing in the stage of Olympic Game and then winning the golden medal are their biggest dream. People also pay much attention to the golden medal and they put great hope on the players. Winning the first place is perfect but every player is a hero.


In China, people paied much attention to the golden medal before. Many players worked so hard to fight for the first place. When they did not stand on the highest place, people were so hard on them and thought they were losers. Most people misunderstood the spirit of sport, as they only cared for the golden medal.


But today, people change their attitude towards golden medal. People keep their eyes on the instant news of Olympic Games. When the media reported the result, even the players did not win the medal, a lot of them showed their respect to the players and inspired them to keep moving on. It is such a good change for people realizing the spirit of sport.


Every player derserves to be respected and given applause, no matter what the result is.




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