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平均收入让人吃惊 The Number of Average Salary Surprises People




Every year, the average salary will be announced to the public and there is no doubt that people laugh at themselves for they are so far away from these numbers. The data seems to be ridiculous for most people, but as a matter of fact, it shows that the gap between the rich and the poor is bigger and bigger.


China’s economy develops very fast and the world is watching us. Since the policy of Reform and Open carried out, we met many challenges and chances. A lot of people seize the chance and earn a lot o f money. These rich people use their first money to invest other projects and become the millionaires. While for some people who just do their own jobs and earn the basic money, they do not earn much money.


As a result, the rich become richer. This is the reason why the data seems to be so high for most people. One rich people can make the average salary look much higher, which surprises the ordinary people. Though people complain about the large gap, the successful people deserve to own such fortune.




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