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外国人对中国人的印象 Foreigners’ Impression On Chinese




Nowadays, Chinese people are everywhere, on the one hand, they like to travel and on the other hand, the population is very large. But foreigners’ impression on Chinese is not always good. The media have reported the negative incidents that were brought by Chinese tourists, and many foreigners have given their opinion and criticized the tourists’ behavior. It is true that many Chinese people haven’t realized their bad behavior, such as talking loudly in the public occasion. As we have the large population, so not every people has the chance to receive good education. What’s more, the foreign media just reported the bad side while ignoring the good side, so the foreign people always think Chinese people are rude. We admit that we are not doing well enough and we need to behave ourselves. And I believe that a wise man will make his own judgment when he communicate with Chinese.



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