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中国科技吸引老外 Chinese Technology Attracts Foreigners




Red packet is unavoidable in Chinese new year. The married couple need to send some gifts and red packets to the elder and the young. At the same time, the new techonology provides people a funny way to send red packet. It is the popular communicational tool Wechat. Now many foreigners are also crazy about Wechat, when they realize the function of red packet, they fall in love with it and share the money happily. Chinese new techonology are favored by the world, which makes us be proud. Recently, another new selfie technoloy surprises the world. With it, people can make themselves look attractive and it helps to adjust the pictures to look perfect. When the foreigners compare the pictures, they are shocked by this selfie technology. Chinese technology brings convenience to people’s life and makes them happy.



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