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英语角-圆桌会议 Round Table:现代人离不开自拍?




Topic1-80% men in Chongqing claims to be victims of domestic violenceIt is commonly believed that women and children are the main victims of domestic violence. To the surprise of many, according to Chongqing Morning Post, eight out of ten men in Chongqing are victims of domestic violence. Really? What happened to guys in Chongqing?

Topic2-Happiest Career RankingAre you happy with your job? An annual survey on what’s the happiest job found that freelancer tops the ranking. Do you agree with that? What makes a happy career?

Topic3-Kids from Rich and Poor FamiliesA primary school teacher points out that kids from rich families can buy much more educational resources. If parents with less money don’t spend more on their kids’ studies, the kids will fall behind. Do you agree with that?

Topic4-SelfieUS photograph website Shutterstock publishes a report on web users’ photo searching behavior in 2015, which shows the word “selfie” was searched more than 20 times more than last year. There’s no reason for us to feel surprised. The word “Selfie” has been included by Oxford internet dictionary in 2013.


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