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英语角-圆桌会议 Round Table:"死亡质量"中国排倒数?




Topic1 Chinese Mainland Ranks Low on Quality of Death IndexA recent report published by The Economist Intelligence Unit said the quality of death index of the Chinese mainland ranked 71st in 80 countries and regions all over the world. What is the death quality? Why is China ranked so badly in this list?

Topic2 Is it really Chinese food?

It is said that there are over 40,000 Chinese restaurants in the United States, which are even more than McDonald, KFC, and Burger King. But they are not necessarily typical Chinese food familiar to most Chinese people. We’ll have a look at some foreigners’ favorite Chinese dishes that even Chinese people rarely know about.

Topic3 Silver Tourists in China on the RiseThe latest trend in the tourist industry is an increasing demand from senior citizens to leave home and see the world. This has made them a powerful group of consumers the travel industry seeks to pamper. Why are senior citizens interested in travelling home and abroad? What kind of travel product is their favorite?

Topic4 8 terrible excuses of leaving ur Pet Partners behindFor many people, leaving your pet behind is a heart-breaking thing. But, there are still millions of animals abandoned by their owners every year. Why do people do this? Are these reasons just excuses for leaving their animal partners?


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