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英语角-圆桌会议 Round Table:单身贵族都在等待真爱




Topic1-China Overtakes US to Have World's Largest Middle ClassJack Ma, president of Alibaba Group, says there will be half-a-billion middle class people (in China) in the next 10-20 years at the UK-China Business Summit in London.

And earlier this month, Credit Suisse, a leading global financial service company, says that China's middle class has overtaken the United States' to become the world's largest in terms of population.

Topic2-Single and Fabulous: Beijing Home to Most Wealthy SinglesA recent survey conducted by Zhenai.com, China's 80 million-strong matchmaking website, shows that Beijing has the biggest number of wealthy and single people in the country, followed by Shenzhen and Shanghai. Why are they single?

Topic3-Ominous House SellingAs you settle down in a city, you might consider purchasing your own property. But what if you are told...the previous owner died here or this was a crime scene? Would you still want to buy it?

Topic 4-China Fat MapOur nation is getting fatter than ever. There are more fat people in north China than in the south. Is it true?


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