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英语听力:《流言终结者》第11季 完全爆炸手册20




I call this piece Explosion 753.

From A for audit to Y for yelling and everything in between, the Mythbusters A to Z of explosions has been a blast. And with just one letter left, you might say that the guys are going to end with a bang.

Well if X is an indication, next we’re going to be blowing up a zebra, right?

No. Z is for zenith, the pinnacle, the biggest explosion in Mythbusters’ history…

Which we be the blast from homemade diamonds.

Yeah. That was the episode. Were were trying to figure out different ways to make diamonds and one of them involve using explosives.

Yep. When microwaving peanut butter didn’t spring any bling…

I’m starting to get the idea that this shouldn’t be done inside.

But Mythbusters turned to a girl’s second best friend, explosives. They started big but ended enormous with 5,000 pounds of ANFO.

Charging, five, four, three, two, one, zero.

That was awesome!

Given that that’s the biggest explosion we’ve ever done, why isn’t it the fan favourite?

Well unlike the cement truck which is there and gone, (well that’s your problem.)we really are just looking at a big giant tube.

Yeah. There’s really nothing in it to give you scale. I mean when the explosion went off, which was five times bigger than the cement truck, you couldn’t tell how big it was.

Yeah. But unlike the cement truck, we actually have an amazing high-speed that just shows the shockwave moving.


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