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英语听力:《流言终结者》第11季 完全爆炸手册19




And the way its density differs from air (Everything’s in. It looks great.) has led to many a lagoon boom.

50 pounds of ANFO in three, two, one, bye-bye.

But what’s Greg’s other reason for loving this liquid?

The second reason is that explosions on high speed with water look really cool. And to prove just that, don’t try this at home. And that is an explosion in water.

With W all washed up, next up it’s two letters for the price of one where X is nothing if not predictable.

Well, we’ve moved to the letter X and let’s face it, we can’t afford to blow up an x-ray, so we’ve gone the cheap route and blowing up some xylophones. Why do we hit instruments? Cause we can play them.

But X is not flying solo.

We’re also going to throw Y in here because Y is for yelling.

Fire in the hole!

Fire in the hole! Whether it’s me or Adam (Fire in the hole!), or J.D. (Fire in the hole!), or Frank (Fire in the hole!), it’s always yelled three times and in three different directions. But every time it’s yelled, it definitely means something exciting is gonna happen.

Alright, this is X for xylophone because…

Well, it’s too expensive to blow up an x-ray machine.

Are you guys ready?



Three, two, one, fire!

Like music to my ears.


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