We have scrutinized the American dream of achieved wealth and well-being by comparing rich and unrich countries, and rich and unrich people. That leaves the final question Over time, does happiness rise with affluence
Typically not. Lottery winners appear to gain but a temporary jolt of joy from their winnings. Looking back, they feel delighted to have won. Yet the euphoria doesn't last. In fact, previously enjoyed activities such as reading may become less pleasurable.
On a smaller scale, a jump in our income can boost our morale, for a while. But in the long run notes Inglehart, neither an ice cream cone nor a new car nor becoming rich and famous produces the same feelings of delight that it initially did... Happiness is not the result of being rich, but a temporary consequence of having recently become richer. Ed Diener's research confirms that those whose incomes have increased over a 10-year period are not happier than those whose income has not increased. Wealth, it therefore seems, is like health Although its utter absence can
breed misery, having it does not guarantee happiness. Happiness is less a matter of getting what we want than of wanting what we have.
(摘自 Does Economic Growth Improve Human Morale by David G. Myers)