China has added 15 provincial-level regions to a pilotsystem that supports cross-provincial settlement of outpatient bills, bringingthe number of such regions to 27, the National Healthcare SecurityAdministration said on Monday. A total of 663 medical institutions andpharmacies in the 15 regions, including Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang, are nowincluded in the medical insurance system for direct reimbursements, said theadministration. Between its inception in 2018 and the end of 2020, thepilot system incorporated more than 10,000 medical institutions and more than10,000 pharmacies across the country. Over 3 million settlements of outpatientbills were done during the period, it added.
国家医疗保障局2月1日表示,新增内蒙古、新疆等15个省区作为普通门诊费用跨省直接结算试点,开通定点医药机构和定点零售药店663家。至此全国已有27个省(区、市)开展普通门诊费用跨省直接结算试运行。自2018年我国开展普通门诊费用跨省直接结算试点以来,截至2020年底,开通门诊费用跨省直接结算定点医疗机构和定点零售药店双双突 破1万家,累计直接结算人次突 破300万。
国家医疗保障局 the National Healthcare Security Administration
普通门诊费用跨省直接结算试点 cross-provincial settlement of outpatient bill
医药机构和定点零售药店 medical institutions and pharmacies
直接结算 direct reimbursements
开通门诊费用跨省直接结算定点医疗机构和定点零售药店双双突 破1万家 the pilotsystem incorporated more than 10,000 medical institutions and more than 10,000pharmacies across the country
累计直接结算人次突 破300万 Over 3 million settlements of outpatient bills were doneduring the period