MANY COMMENTATORS paint a bleak picture of the future of work. Automation will spread from manufacturing to services, eliminating well-paid white-collar jobs. The workforce will be divided into a narrow technocratic elite and a mass of low-skilled, insecure jobs in the “precariat”.But it does not need to be this way, according to Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini, two management consultants whose new book, “Humanocracy”, is as optimistic as its title is off-putting. They envisage a world in which low-skilled jobs can be enhanced—if only employees are given the chance to use their initiative and change the way they operate. “What makes a job low skilled is not the nature of the work it entails, or the credentials required, but whether or not the people performing the task have the opportunity to grow their capabilities and tackle novel problems,” they write.
把工作的未来描绘得一片黯淡paint a bleak picture of the future of work
逐渐淘汰高薪白领工作eliminate well-paid white-collar jobs
有限的技术专家精英a narrow technocratic elite
低技能、无保障工作low-skilled, insecure jobs
未来不必定要变得如此it does not need to be this way
书名有多讨厌,内容就有多乐观is as optimistic as its title is off-putting
给予员工发挥主动性use their initiative
转变工作方式的机会change the way they operate
工作性质the nature of the work it entails
要求具备的资质the credentials required
执行任务的人performing the task
提升自己的能力,去解决新的问题grow their capabilities and tackle novel problems
MANY COMMENTATORS paint a bleak picture of the future of work. Automation will spread from manufacturing to services, eliminating well-paid white-collar jobs. The workforce will be divided into a narrow technocratic elite and a mass of low-skilled, insecure jobs in the “precariat”.But it does not need to be this way, according to Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini, two management consultants whose new book, “Humanocracy”, is as optimistic as its title is off-putting. They envisage a world in which low-skilled jobs can be enhanced—if only employees are given the chance to use their initiative and change the way they operate. “What makes a job low skilled is not the nature of the work it entails, or the credentials required, but whether or not the people performing the task have the opportunity to grow their capabilities and tackle novel problems,” they write.
很多评论家把工作的未来描绘得一片黯淡。自动化将从制造业扩展到服务业,逐渐淘汰高薪白领工作。劳动力会分为有限的技术专家精英和大量从事低技能、无保障工作的“不稳定无产者”。但在加里·哈梅尔(Gary Hamel)和米歇尔·扎尼尼(Michele Zanini)这两位管理顾问看来,未来不必定要变得如此。他们的新书《人本体制》(Humanocracy)的书名有多讨厌,内容就有多乐观。在作者设想的世界里,低技能工作可以得到提升,前提是给予员工发挥主动性、转变工作方式的机会。他们写道,“导致一份工作低技能的原因既不是其工作性质,也不是要求具备的资质,而是执行任务的人是否有机会提升自己的能力,去解决新的问题。”