CATTI是学英语人的一块试金石,平时都觉得自己英语学的还行,试过CATTI就知道自己是什么水平了。这里还是建议大家实践为主,因为翻译这种东西,经验和技巧太重要了。下面是小编整理的关于CATTI二级笔译日常练习:气候变化需要全社会的积极参与 的内容,希望对你有所帮助!
To address climate change, we need the proactive participation of the entire society, especially for the society to form a green, low-carbon lifestyle. The Chinese government attaches significant importance to raising public awareness for addressing climate change. We proactively promote education on the issues and advocate a green, low-carbon lifestyle, and we encourage participation of the general public.
The Low-carbon Day campaign that we organize annually is a nice touch to reach out to the public. Taking on different themes each year, the campaign encourages actions to be taken at various regions, sectors, schools, and communities to practice a low-carbon lifestyle. At the same time, different sectors are organizing publicity campaigns in various forms with distinctive features. The media also give a lot of attention to this subject and provide it with massive coverage. With the collaboration of all parties, the public awareness of climate change has been raised gradually, and more and more people are paying attention to the issues.
Meanwhile, young people are the key to both the present and the future of sustainable development. The aim for us to proactively address climate change is to protect the natural environment for the future generations to enjoy and for them to maintain sustainable development. The present situation of climate change casts a profound impact on us and the next generation, therefore, we hope young people would take notice of relevant issues. We encourage the broad participation of young people in the National Low-carbon Day campaign and other events.
We also wish young people would continue to study and acquire more knowledge and skills for addressing climate change, be well prepared, and take practical actions on their own to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in order to contribute to the global efforts for addressing climate change.
以上就是小编整理的关于CATTI二级笔译日常练习:气候变化需要全社会的积极参与 的内容,大家切记要经常动手翻译,坚持一段时间,一定会获益颇丰!