CATTI是学英语人的一块试金石,平时都觉得自己英语学的还行,试过CATTI就知道自己是什么水平了。这里还是建议大家实践为主,因为翻译这种东西,经验和技巧太重要了。下面是小编整理的关于CATTI二级笔译日常练习:“舌灿莲花” 的内容,希望对你有所帮助!
Dealmakers are smooth talkers. They need to be. But which branch of finance has the slickest ones? Consider the polished, public-school manner of the City investment banker—or the high-velocity spiel of the Wall Street bank boss. Both have a strong claim. But the venture capitalists, or VCs, of Silicon Valley have a stronger one. They spend their time either being pitched to by, or pitching on behalf of, entrepreneurs who hope to be the next Zuck or Larry-and-Sergey. Peddlers of such extravagant dreams have to have silver tongues. They certainly have some catchy phrases. They speak of “vanity metrics” (misleading measures of a startup’s progress); of the importance of “product-market fit” (how well a piece of software meets the customer’s needs); and “deal heat”, the fever that causes investors to overpay. After a while even a normally buttoned-up Buttonwood is asking to “double-click” on a topic when he wants more detail from a voluble VC.
做交易的人都能说会道。Dealmakers are smooth talkers.
金融业哪个分队的人最伶牙俐齿呢?Which branch of finance has the slickest ones?
巧舌如簧的政客 slick politicians
伦敦金融城里的投资银行家们优雅的公学范儿 the polished, public-school manner of the Cityinvestment banker
华尔街银行老板滔滔不绝的高谈阔论 the high-velocity spiel of the Wall Streetbank boss
两方都堪称顶级了。 Both have a strong claim.
兜售如此宏伟梦想的人必须得舌灿莲花。Peddlers of such extravagant dreams have to have silver tongues.
有一套动听的术语 have some catchy phrases
通常都沉默聆听的本专栏作者 a normally buttoned-up Buttonwood
Dealmakers are smooth talkers. They need to be. But which branch of finance has the slickest ones? Consider the polished, public-school manner of the City investment banker—or the high-velocity spiel of the Wall Street bank boss. Both have a strong claim. But the venture capitalists, or VCs, of Silicon Valley have a stronger one. They spend their time either being pitched to by, or pitching on behalf of, entrepreneurs who hope to be the next Zuck or Larry-and-Sergey. Peddlers of such extravagant dreams have to have silver tongues. They certainly have some catchy phrases. They speak of “vanity metrics” (misleading measures of a startup’s progress); of the importance of “product-market fit” (how well a piece of software meets the customer’s needs); and “deal heat”, the fever that causes investors to overpay. After a while even a normally buttoned-up Buttonwood is asking to “double-click” on a topic when he wants more detail from a voluble VC.
做交易的人都能说会道。他们需要这样。但金融业哪个分队的人最伶牙俐齿呢?想想伦敦金融城里的投资银行家们优雅的公学范儿,再想想华尔街银行老板滔滔不绝的高谈阔论。两方都堪称顶级了。但硅谷的风险投资家还是更胜一筹。他们要么在听那些想要成为下一个小扎或拉里和谢尔盖双人组的创业者自我推销,要么在代表他们推销。兜售如此宏伟梦想的人必须得舌灿莲花。 他们当然有一套动听的术语。他们谈论“虚妄指标”(衡量创业公司进展的误导性指标)、“产品-市场匹配” (一款软件满足客户需求的程度)的重要性,以及“交易热”——导致投资者出价过高的狂热。片刻后,就连通常都沉默聆听的本专栏作者也得请求面前口若悬河的风险投资家“双击”某个主题,以了解更多细节。
做交易的人都能说会道。Dealmakers are smooth talkers.
金融业哪个分队的人最伶牙俐齿呢?which branch of finance has the slickest ones?
巧舌如簧的政客 slick politicians
伦敦金融城里的投资银行家们优雅的公学范儿 the polished, public-school manner of the City investment banker
华尔街银行老板滔滔不绝的高谈阔论 the high-velocity spiel of the Wall Street bank boss
两方都堪称顶级了。 Both have a strong claim.
兜售如此宏伟梦想的人必须得舌灿莲花。Peddlers of such extravagant dreams have to have silver tongues.
有一套动听的术语 have some catchy phrases
通常都沉默聆听的本专栏作者 a normally buttoned-up Buttonwood
以上就是小编整理的关于CATTI二级笔译日常练习:“舌灿莲花” 的内容,大家切记要经常动手翻译,坚持一段时间,一定会获益颇丰!