The Chinese firm keeps on growing; the rollout of 5G in Chinacontinues apace; and most of America’s allieshave so far ignoredits entreaties to ban Huawei gear entirely from their national 5G networks on security grounds. Even so, the Trumpadministration seems intent on doubling down on its strategy. If hawks have their way, any chipmaker that usesAmerican technology, which nearly all do, will soon have to ask for permissionin Washington, DC, to sell its wares to Huawei. The problem with America’sstrategy is that it is trying to win today’s “tech cold war”, as some call it,with yesterday’s arsenal. In effect it is trying to build an impenetrable wall around Huawei by any means necessary. This is a fool’s errand in a hyper-connected world in which technology andtalent can flow freely.
不断发展壮大 keep on growing
5G继续快速推广 the rollout of 5G continues apace
ADV Ifsomething develops or continues apace, it isdeveloping or continuing quickly. 快速地 [正式] [ADV after v]
以安全为由 on security grounds
无视这一请求 ignore its entreaties to
N-VAR An entreaty isa very polite, serious request. 恳求; 请求 [正式] [oft N'to' n]
She declined the Republican Party's entreaties to run for hisseat.
加强这项战略 intent on doubling down on its strategy
得偿所愿 have their way
武器库 arsenal
一切必须手段 any means necessary
一道无法穿透的墙 an impenetrable wall
高度连接的世界 a hyper-connected world
徒劳无功 a fool’s errand
N-COUNT An errand is a short trip that you make in order to do a job, forexample, when you go to a shop to buy something. (短程) 差使
She went off onsome errand.
The Chinese firm keeps on growing; the rollout of 5G in China continues apace; and most of America’s allies have so far ignored its entreaties to ban Huawei gear entirely from their national 5G networks on security grounds. Even so, the Trump administration seems intent on doubling down on its strategy. If hawks have their way, any chipmaker that uses American technology, which nearly all do, will soon have to ask for permission in Washington, DC, to sell its wares to Huawei. The problem with America’s strategy is that it is trying to win today’s “tech cold war”, as some call it, with yesterday’s arsenal. In effect it is trying to build an impenetrable wall around Huawei by any means necessary. This is a fool’s errand in a hyper-connected world in which technology and talent can flow freely.