今天我们要学的词是fugitive。 Fugitive, 在逃犯。星期天是美国联邦调查局十大通缉要犯名单推出六十周年。 "The first FBI director J. Edgar Hoover started the "10 most wanted fugitives" program on March 14, 1950," 美国联邦调查局第一任局长胡佛1950年3月14号推出了“十大通缉要犯”这一项目。 "The goal of the list is to shine a spotlight on the most wanted fugitives," 这份名单目的是要引起公众对这些通缉要犯的注意。美国联邦调查局的统计数字显示, "94% of the 494 fugitives who have appeared on the list have been caught or located," 登上这份名单的494个在逃犯中,百分之94的人最终都被抓获或是被找到。好的,今天我们学习的词是fugitive...