今天我们要学的词是enlist。 Enlist, 有入伍的意思。美国全面完成了今年的征兵目标,这是35年来的第一次。"Hundreds of thousands of young people have enlisted despite the possibility of going to war," 虽然知道可能要上战场,但还是有数十万年轻人应征入伍。"Even the military leaders are surprised by the willingness of young people to enlist," 就连军方领导人都对年轻人入伍的积极性感到惊讶。
Enlist还可以引伸为寻求支持。"President Obama tried to enlist the support of doctors in his efforts to reform the health care system," 美国总统奥巴马为推动医疗保健系统改革,寻求医务人员的支持。好的,今天我们学习的词是enlist...