今天要学的词组是turn a blind eye。 A blind eye就是一只瞎了的眼睛。Turn a blind eye就是只当没看见。 英国保守党领袖卡梅伦说,英国不能对盟国的过度行为置若罔闻, Britain must not "turn a blind eye to the excesses of our allies...."
有的人看到坏事也只当没看见。 Some people tend to turn a blind eye to other's bad behavior。一个人明明看见小偷在偷东西都不敢啃声。That man saw the thief stealing, but he turned a blind eye。我可以保证,要是谁偷他的东西,他就会大声喊叫,he would not simply turn a blind eye。今天学的词组是turn a blind eye...