What is that? 这是什么
You were writing in it all during service. 你在礼拜的时候一直写
It's my diary. 我的日记
Since when do you keep a diary? 你从什么时候开始写日记啊
Since forever. 早就开始了
Let me see.Okay. 让我看看 好吧
No, you're gonna have to wait till after. 等那之后再给你看
Till after what? 什么之后
After I'm dead. 我死之后
Ew, don't be so gruesome! 不要这样吓我
I'm not being gruesome, I'm being mysterious. 不是吓你 我这是神秘
Forget it. I don't want to read your stupid diary, anyway. 算了 我也不想看你那无聊的日记
Yes, you do. 你想看的
I'm writing them for you."Them"? 我是为你才写这些日记的 "这些"
They're beyond scandalous. 除了八卦还有很多其他的东西
You're gonna need them 如果我死后你要查清楚真相
if you're gonna carry on after I'm gone. 你会用上这些日记的
Carry on with what? 查清楚什么真相
Fresh muffins at the bakery. Come on! 面包房刚出炉的松饼 走吧