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听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第四季 第20集:卖房记





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0:00:01.02, And as we make our way out of the gourmet kitchen, 我们走出美食厨房
0:00:03.35, we find ourselves way back in the warm embrace of the parlor. 回到客厅温暖的怀抱
0:00:06.31, Easy, dutches. 放松 公爵夫人
0:00:07.17, It's just one room, not Gosford Park . 一间屋子而已 又不是高斯福德庄园
0:00:09.08, Where'd you get all this sweet furniture? 你们从哪儿弄来这么好看的家具
0:00:10.61, We rented it to make the house feel more comfortable and inviting. 我们租的 好让家里显得更舒适温馨一点
0:00:12.94, Don't sit there! Oh, my gosh. 别坐那儿 天呐
0:00:14.72, It took me 20 minutes to get these chops just right. 我刚花了20分钟才把这褶皱弄好
0:00:17.71, There. Does that look straight? 好了 现在看着直吗
0:00:18.79, Nothing about that looks straight. 怎么看都不"直"
0:00:21.07, I love the house. It's beautiful. 我好喜欢这房子 太美了
0:00:22.89, Here is a tree. 送你们一棵小树
0:00:24.05, It's a pachira, 这是马拉巴栗
0:00:25.04, a taiwanese symbol of good financial fortune. 在台湾人心中象征着财运
0:00:27.67, So it's also known as a money tree. 所以也被称作发财树
0:00:28.81, That makes two of us. 我也是棵"摇钱树"
0:00:30.04, Well, I would like to propose a toast. 我提议大家共同举杯
0:00:34.33, Missed me. 我空了
0:00:35.42, To the hard work of Claire and Cameron-- 感谢克莱尔和卡梅隆的辛勤付出
0:00:37.85, Or as I like to call them, "Clameron", 我也喜欢叫他们"克莱梅隆"
0:00:39.90, which is what potential home buyers will be doing 未来买家看到这房子时
0:00:41.90, when they see this place. 就会这样
0:00:43.43, Clamoring. 客来猛要
0:00:46.39, - Clamoring t-to buy it f-- - Phil, don't go back for it. 房客来了猛要-菲尔 别解释了
0:00:49.42, Because this house is going to sell. 因为这座房子一定会大卖的
0:00:52.57, Who's the best realtor in town? 镇上最厉害的房产经纪人是谁
0:00:54.27, - Gil Thorpe. - That's right, 格尔·索普-没错
0:00:55.44, - And he has buyers coming over tomorrow. - That's right. 明天下午他会带客户过来-没错
0:00:57.43, All right. 太好了
0:00:58.87, To Claire and Cam. 敬克莱尔和小卡
0:01:01.13, My sister. My partner. 我姐姐和我爱人
0:01:03.34, My sister! My partner! My sister! My partner! 我姐姐 我爱人 我姐姐 我爱人
0:01:05.29, - "Chinatown." hilarious. - Still empty. 《唐人街》中的笑话-还是空的
0:01:07.32, Okay, you know you're my ride. 你知道我得坐你的车吧
0:01:08.34, - To Clameron! - Hear, hear. 敬克莱梅隆-干杯 干杯
0:01:10.05, Speech! 请发言
0:01:11.12, Oh! Well, gosh, I wasn't prepared for this. 天呐 我没有准备
0:01:13.29, I...I think we should just really thank the people-- 我 我们衷心感谢哪些
0:01:14.33, - Here's to the best construction crew in the business. - Okay. Okay. 感谢这次的优秀装修团队-好吧
0:01:16.61, Hank. Luis. Paco! 汉克 路易斯以及帕克
0:01:19.32, Wish you could be here right now, buddy. 你要是也在就好了 伙计
0:01:20.95, What? Did he die? 怎么 他死了吗
0:01:21.69, No, he's on the roof fixing the shingle 没有 他在屋顶上修理
0:01:22.93, that he should've gotten right the first time. 本来第一次就该弄好的木瓦
0:01:24.51, I guess the most important people- 我觉得最重要的人
0:01:25.32, - And then to my partner. - Yes. 然后敬我的爱人-对
0:01:26.74, My lifelong companion. 我的人生伴侣
0:01:28.69, My lovah. 我的爱
0:01:30.00, Okay, Cam. 好了 小卡
0:01:31.04, Who had his doubts about this project the whole time, 他一直都反对这项工程
0:01:33.88, And never, even in my darkest moment, 但在我最低谷的时候 也没对我说
0:01:36.48, said "I told you so." 我早就告诉过你了吧
0:01:37.75, Which is good because he would've been wrong. 那很好 不然他就错了
0:01:39.48, Very gracious. 真有爱
0:01:40.85, And I'm sure that the house is gonna sell in no time. 我相信这房子一定一下子就能卖掉
0:01:44.20, Great. Hear, hear! 太棒了 干杯 干杯
0:01:46.03, Hey, I've got a friend who wants to buy a house. 我有个朋友也想买房子
0:01:48.21, Maybe I can show it to him after school. 也许我放学后能带他过来
0:01:50.12, Then if he buys it, I'd get the commission. 如果他买了 得给我些佣金
0:01:52.22, What would that be? 怎么样
0:01:52.99, Adorable. 真可爱
0:01:54.22, I'm serious. And I'm not adorable. 我说正经的 我才不可爱呢
0:01:56.26, I'm getting a mustache. 我要留小胡子
0:02:00.17, I know my a-b-c's. 我现在学会字母表了[儿歌]
0:02:01.99, I guess things weren't about you for a second. 我猜你一会儿没成为焦点就难受是吧
0:02:04.19, Okay, wrapping this up. 好了 别闹了
0:02:06.09, To the fastest sale in real estate history. 敬房地产史上最快售出的房子
0:02:08.15, Yes! Bravo! 没错 太棒了
0:02:09.83, Seriously, it's bad luck to toast with an empty glass. 说真的 跟空杯子碰杯会倒霉的
0:02:21.64, 第四季 第二十集  
0:02:25.52, Dunphy, I'm not gonna lie to you. 邓菲 跟你说实话吧
0:02:27.13, You guys did a nice job on the house. My buyer wants in. 你们这房子弄得很不错 我的客户想入手
0:02:29.65, Fantastic! That is great news! 太好了 真是个好消息
0:02:32.56, You know, when we first got into this-- 我们刚开工的时候
0:02:34.13, the small talk's over. 别扯闲篇了
0:02:35.43, Here's what we're prepared to offer. 这是我们的开价
0:02:36.70, You're joking, right? 你开玩笑呢吧
0:02:37.74, I don't joke about real estate. 做房产我从不开玩笑
0:02:39.78, I joke about golf and Mexicans. 我只拿高尔夫和墨西哥人开玩笑
0:02:42.73, It's okay, though. I'm married to one. 不过没关系 我老婆就是墨西哥人
0:02:44.26, W-we're not gonna take this. 我们不可能接受的
0:02:45.37, It's the first day on the market. 那房子才第一天上市
0:02:46.35, - We'd barely break even. - Take it. 我们甚至连保本都难-接受吧
0:02:49.04, No. 不行
0:02:49.73, - The market's crashing! - Nuh-unh. 市场现在一落千丈-没有
0:02:51.61, You're in over your head. 你已经泥足深陷了
0:02:52.65, Maybe you're in over your head. 你才泥足深陷呢
0:02:53.74, Dunphy, listen to me. 邓菲 听我说
0:02:55.18, If you pass up on this, you're gonna regret it. 过了这村 你会后悔的
0:02:57.51, I don't know the meaning of the word "Regret." 我完全不懂"后悔"二字的意思
0:03:00.72, Here we go. French toast, double bacon. 来了 法式吐司配双层培根
0:03:03.72, Egg whites, dry toast. 蛋白配无黄油烤面包片[蠢货]
0:03:04.70, Damn it. 该死
0:03:07.05, Let me tell you something, Gil. 我跟你说吧 格尔
0:03:07.99, You may be top dog, 你或许是很厉害
0:03:09.38, but you're the one who's gonna have regrets, 但是会后悔的人是你
0:03:11.20, cause this house is gonna sell like... that. 因为这房子弹指一挥就能卖掉
0:03:13.82, 两个月后  
0:03:20.19, That's it for today. 今天又是一场空
0:03:22.07, We're going to die in this house. 我们要老死在这房子里了
0:03:23.86, Oh, the pillows have lost their fluff. 靠枕都不那么蓬松了
0:03:25.62, The pillows are not the problem! 靠枕不是问题所在
0:03:32.55, It's okay, Manny. I'll see you in a minute. 没事 曼尼 那一会儿见
0:03:34.55, Yes, I'll be polite and I'll be nice. I promise. 好 我会很礼貌很友好的 我保证
0:03:38.33, I'm going to kill him. 我要杀了他
0:03:39.79, What'd Javier do this time? 哈维尔这次又怎么了
0:03:40.98, His one big weekend alone with his son, 他和他儿子好不容易共度周末
0:03:42.96, and I just found out 我才知道
0:03:44.20, that he brought his latest bimbo along. 他把他新搞上的姘头也带过来了
0:03:46.69, He always does this. 他总是这样
0:03:48.19, You remember that time that he took Manny 你还记得那次他带曼尼
0:03:50.08, and that stripper fishing? 和那个脱衣舞娘去钓鱼的事吗
0:03:51.22, Yeah. They barely got a nipple. 记得 他们连鱼毛都没钓到[乳头]
0:03:53.73, Come on. That was good. I just thought of that. 拜托 那很经典 我刚想到的
0:03:55.55, Are you done? 你闹够了没
0:03:56.29, I bet she was comfortable with the pole. 我猜她一定很满意那根钓鱼"棍"
0:03:59.10, Ah. Should've quit after "Nipple." 我应该在说完"乳头"就闭嘴的
0:04:00.44, How does Leno do it night after night? 雷诺怎么每晚说荤段子都不累啊
0:04:00.44, [夜间脱口秀节目《杰·雷诺今夜秀》]  
0:04:02.19, I was just wondering that about myself. 我也在想我每晚是怎么忍受你的
0:04:06.84, Phil, please. Tell us that you have some good news. 菲尔 拜托 告诉我们点好消息
0:04:09.06, Well, it's complicated because I don't have good news, 情况有点复杂 因为我没有好消息
0:04:11.30, But I really want you guys to like me. 不过我真心希望你们喜欢我
0:04:12.99, What? 什么
0:04:13.48, Gil thorpe called back with another offer, 格尔·索普打电话来说有新买家
0:04:15.35, But it was $10,000 lower than the last one. 但是比上一位出的价格低一万美元
0:04:17.41, Lower?
0:04:18.30, Oh, that is perfect. That's just perfect. 好极了 那真是好极了 好极了
0:04:20.20, Something you wanna say, Mitchell? 你有什么想说的吗 米奇尔
0:04:22.50, Yes. I told you so. 是吧 我早告诉过你吧
0:04:23.88, I warned you this would happen. 我警告过你会出现这种情况
0:04:25.28, I tried to stop it, but you wouldn't let me. 我试图阻止 但你不听我的
0:04:27.29, I was right, and you were wrong. 我对了 你错了
0:04:28.81, You live in this ridiculous candy-colored fantasy land. 你生活在可笑的被甜言蜜语包围的幻境中
0:04:32.11, I am so much smarter than you, 我可比你聪明多了
0:04:33.73, and it is killing me not to rub your nose in it! 我没落井下石奚落你 真是憋死我了
0:04:35.96, No. I'm just thinking. 不是 我只是在思考而已
0:04:37.34, Okay, guys, we have to do something. 好了 伙计们 我们得做点什么
0:04:38.77, We can't carry this house for much longer. 我们不能再把这房子留在手上了
0:04:40.87, Cam, what did you spend on staging? 小卡 你前期设计花了多少钱
0:04:42.83, Uh, let's see. I don't know. 让我想想 我不知道
0:04:44.18, How can you not know?! 你怎么可以不知道
0:04:45.51, Because I was hungry, and everything was so pretty. 因为我如饥似渴 所有东西又都那么好
0:04:48.78, and I didn't think it would matter 我以为这个不算事儿
0:04:49.97, because who could've guessed 因为谁会想到
0:04:50.94, we wouldn't have sold the house by now? 我们到现在还不能把房子卖出去啊
0:04:53.34, Me.
0:04:54.43, Phil, do you think you can 菲尔 你觉得能不能
0:04:55.99, Get Gil Thorpe up to his original offer? 让格尔·索普把价格提高到第一次报的价格
0:04:57.67, - How? - I don't know. 怎么弄-我不知道
0:04:58.88, You could, uh, flatter him, stroke his ego. 你行的 拍他马屁 哄他开心
0:05:01.26, No, he'd never fall for that. He's too smart. 不 他不会上当的 他太聪明了
0:05:03.94, But, honey, if anybody can pull it off, you can. 亲爱的 如果说有谁能搞定 那只能是你了
0:05:07.31, You're so good at everything. 你做什么都很出色
0:05:09.60, That is true. 那倒没错
0:05:10.56, I'll do it. 我试试
0:05:14.21, We're back! 我们回来了
0:05:16.68, I cannot believe that again you brought a girl. 我真不敢相信 你又带了个妞来
0:05:20.54, What is it this time? 这次的女人又是干什么的
0:05:21.64, A cocktail waitress? 调鸡尾酒的服务员吗
0:05:23.04, A boat show model? A stripper? 船模 还是脱衣舞娘
0:05:25.36, No, then I could make real money. 不是 那样我可就挣大钱了
0:05:27.31, I'm just a PHD. 我只是个博士而已
0:05:28.90, Mom, this is Trish. 妈妈 这位是崔茜
0:05:30.43, - Gloria, hi. - Hi. -歌洛莉亚 你好 -你好
0:05:32.33, Jay.-How do you do? 杰-你好
0:05:33.10, I have heard so much about you. 我听过很多关于你的事情
0:05:35.12, She works at the museum of art. 她在艺术博物馆工作
0:05:36.70, It was so cool. We got an after hours tour, 太酷了 我们在闭馆之后过去参观的
0:05:39.10, and Trish said I could take flash pictures of the paintings. 崔茜说可以开闪光灯给那些画拍照
0:05:41.70, But don't worry. I didn't. 不过别担心 我没照
0:05:42.71, That's a relief. 真是松了一口气啊
0:05:43.32, I was afraid I was gonna have to look at 'em. 我还担心得被迫欣赏照片呢
0:05:44.87, So you work at the museum? 那么你是在博物馆工作啊
0:05:46.68, Oh, no. I'm just on the board. 不是 我只是董事会成员
0:05:47.98, I run the art and antiquities department at Christie's. 我负责佳士得拍卖行的艺术品和古董业务
0:05:51.32, Let me see. What is the word I am looking for? 让我想想 我想用个什么词来着
0:05:53.34, Oh, yes. Bam! 有了 晴天霹雳
0:05:55.81, So how did you two meet? 你们两个是怎么认识的
0:05:57.42, I won a car in a poker game, but it caught on fire, 我玩扑克时赢了一台车 可那台车自燃了
0:05:59.76, so the guy gave me a painting. 于是那家伙给了我一幅画
0:06:01.31, I took it to the auction house, 我把画拿到拍卖行
0:06:02.68, Eh, ticky ticky, I made a big profit 弄来弄去 我赚了一大笔
0:06:04.39, but I still came home with a masterpiece. 不过我还是带走了一幅大师级的作品
0:06:07.52, He means her. 他说的是她
0:06:09.14, May I tell you, you have a wonderful boy? 我可不可以说 你家儿子实在太棒了
0:06:12.44, So well-mannered and chivalrous. 彬彬有礼 风度翩翩
0:06:14.78, It's like he leapt off the canvas 他就好像是从盖恩丝博勒或者范戴克
0:06:16.46, Of a 16th century portrait by Gainsborough or Van Dyke. 16世纪时的帆布肖像画里跳出来的似的
0:06:20.26, Listen to that brain. 听听人家多有学识
0:06:22.04, Can they stay for dinner? 他们能留下来吃饭吗
0:06:23.07, Well, that's up to them, papi. 那得他们说了算 小乖乖
0:06:24.84, How can I turn down a free meal? 我怎么会拒绝免费的晚餐呢
0:06:26.56, First time's the hardest. 第一次总是最艰难的
0:06:27.75, What do you say, my love? 你觉得呢 我亲爱的
0:06:28.97, Well, I'm not sure I'm ready to say good-bye to this guy yet. 我觉得我现在还不想和这个小家伙告别
0:06:32.21, But I'll only stay if you let me contribute. 不敢要让我留下来 我必须有所贡献
0:06:34.63, I did bring along a fabulous bottle of '82 bordeaux 我还真带了一瓶超棒的82年的波尔多红酒
0:06:38.40, that we didn't get to this weekend. 原打算我们周末喝的
0:06:39.73, For that, you can take Manny home. 那么好的酒 你想把曼尼带回家都行
0:06:41.29, See what I have to put up with? 瞧我每天得忍受什么样的人了吧
0:06:44.30, Gil! 格尔
0:06:45.34, Phil Dunphy. 我是菲尔·邓菲
0:06:47.84, I knew you'd come slinking back! 我就知道你会吃回头草的
0:06:49.66, Hey, guys! 伙计们
0:06:50.50, It's Dunphy. He's cavin'. What did I tell you? 是邓菲 他屈服了 我就跟你们说吧
0:06:53.12, What did I tell you, hey? 跟你们说什么来着
0:06:55.83, Oh, Dunphy, I can play you like a ukulele, 邓菲 我可以把你"玩弄"于鼓掌间
0:06:59.19, cause you're small and dainty. 因为你又弱小又可口
0:07:01.27, Gil, I wanna talk to you about your offer. 格尔 我想跟你谈谈你的出价
0:07:03.51, Let me stop you right there. 我给你打住吧
0:07:05.08, This is how this is gonna go down. 接下来应该这样进行
0:07:07.07, First of all, I'm gonna take you out to a very nice dinner. 首先 我会带你吃一顿精致的晚餐
0:07:09.91, I'm gonna talk really sweet to you. 我会跟你亲密地聊天
0:07:11.96, And then I'm gonna lay you down by the fire... 接着 我会在火炉边将你扑倒
0:07:14.50, Oh. Slow at first, then... 刚开始我会很温柔 然后
0:07:15.98, If you guys are talking about the house, 如果你们是在讨论卖房子的事
0:07:17.39, My friend Zack's still looking. 我的朋友扎克还在找卖家
0:07:18.71, Honey, 14-year-olds can't afford to buy houses. 宝贝 14岁的孩子买不起房子的
0:07:20.99, He's not 14. 他才不是14岁
0:07:22.25, He's a software guy who volunteers at my school. 他是名程序员 在我们学校做志愿者
0:07:24.48, We're gonna be sweating... 我们会大汗淋漓
0:07:25.27, He's an adult with money? 他是有收入的成年人吗
0:07:27.21, He drives a nicer car than you. 他开的车比你的豪华
0:07:28.95, Get me his number right now! 马上给我他的号码
0:07:30.04, And then you're gonna go home 然后你就会回家
0:07:30.79, and tell everybody you went to the movies, 告诉所有人你去看电影了
0:07:32.63, but you and I both know 但你我心知肚明
0:07:33.76, Thorpe(索普)+Torpedo(鱼雷)  
0:07:34.04, that you got thorpedoed. 你被我的"索"命鱼雷"射"中了
0:07:35.94, Guess what, Gil. This was a courtesy call 你猜怎么着 格尔 我只是出于礼貌
0:07:37.70, to tell you that I have another buyer. 告诉你 我有别的买家了
0:07:39.79, So you can tell your buyer that 现在你可以告诉你的买家
0:07:40.98, you cost them a great house 你让他们错失了一套好房
0:07:42.56, because you got cocky and overplayed your hand. 就因为你骄傲"鸡"大 下"手"太狠
0:07:45.95, Prepare to Phil the agony of Dun-feat. 你就"邓"着感受"菲"一般的痛苦吧
0:07:50.87, Both names! 姓和名都用上了
0:07:57.14, Now I'm not an art expert like you, 虽然我不是你这样的艺术达人
0:07:58.81, but I did acquire this piece in a gallery 但我还是在一家上好的维加斯赌场的画廊
0:08:00.87, in one of the finer Vegas casinos. 淘到了这个雕像
0:08:03.00, What do you think? 你觉得如何
0:08:04.81, It does say something. 确实说明了一些东西
0:08:06.36, He used to, before his little voice box broke. 他以前会说话 在音盒还没坏的时候
0:08:08.43, It said, "Welcome home, master. Rough day?" 他说"欢迎主人回家 今天不顺吗"
0:08:13.03, Again? 又来
0:08:13.94, Would you believe she made me keep this in the attic? 她让我把雕像放到阁楼 你一定难以置信吧
0:08:16.21, Gloria, Trish says this is art. 歌洛莉亚 崔茜说这是艺术
0:08:18.21, What was it Thoreau said? 梭罗怎么说来着
0:08:20.13, It's not what you look at that matters. It's what you see. 重要的不是眼中所见 而是心中所见
0:08:22.45, Hear that? 听到没
0:08:23.51, You were wrong. 你错了
0:08:24.41, Keep talking like that, 继续说呀
0:08:25.94, and you will find out how he lost his voice box. 然后你就会知道 他的音盒怎么坏的
0:08:29.23, - What have we here? - His name's Barkley. 什么情况-他名字叫巴克利
0:08:32.41, That's delightful. 真是可爱呀
0:08:33.31, It's not delightful. It's disgusting. 才不可爱呢 可恶心了
0:08:35.62, Uh, look at Warhol. Look at Koons. 想想沃霍尔 想想昆斯
0:08:37.94, A lot of great works of contemporary art 很多当代艺术中伟大的作品
0:08:39.78, were initially dismissed as garbage. 最初都被误认为是垃圾
0:08:42.01, Excellent point, Trish. 说得太对了 崔茜
0:08:43.26, This is not even garbage. 这连垃圾都比不上
0:08:44.81, They wouldn't take it. It's too big for the can. 没人愿意把它带走 太大装不进垃圾桶
0:08:47.60, Now what I see is a man who is not man. 我眼中的他外表是一个人 实质上却不算人
0:08:50.51, He is a servant who has lost his dignity. 他是一位失去了尊严的仆人
0:08:52.86, It is a commentary on the class system in society-- 说的就是当今社会的阶级制度
0:08:55.53, As well as a handy place to put your keys and sunglasses. 不过把钥匙和太阳镜放他身上倒是很方便
0:08:58.97, Whatever he is, 不管他是什么
0:09:00.03, your Barkley is going back to the attic. 你的巴克利都要被扔进阁楼
0:09:02.19, I'm going to see the baby. 我去看下宝宝
0:09:04.59, Barkley. 巴克利
0:09:05.61, Very clever. 名字取得好
0:09:06.46, Come on, guys. Let's play. 来吧 我们玩游戏去
0:09:07.94, What are you going to play? 你们要玩什么
0:09:09.04, Charades. Me and Trish against dad and Jay. 猜字游戏 我和崔茜对阵老爸和杰
0:09:11.59, I have to warn you, Jay. These two are very good. 我不得不提醒你 杰 他俩很厉害
0:09:13.93, It's like they have their own language. 他们简直就像心有灵犀一般
0:09:15.63, I want to play, too. 我也要玩
0:09:17.41, Which team should I join? 我该加哪一队
0:09:18.65, - Go with Manny. - Go with Jay. 曼尼那队-杰那队
0:09:19.57, Them.-His team. 跟他们-去他们队
0:09:22.07, Okay, then. Great. 好的 太棒了
0:09:24.37, Well, we'll see you tonight. 那晚上见
0:09:26.34, well, Zack Barbie is indeed an adult, 扎克·巴比确实是名成年人
0:09:27.99, He likes the neighborhood, and he's interested. 他喜欢这个社区 很有兴趣
0:09:29.84, Oh, thank god. 感谢上帝
0:09:31.21, Really? Did god come in here and tell you about him? 不是吧你 是上帝把他介绍给你们的吗
0:09:33.73, Because I don't remember it that way. 我可不记得有这回事
0:09:35.51, Okay, okay, this is it, people. 好啦 够啦 大家
0:09:37.05, We cannot afford to lose this buyer. 我们可不能失去这个买家了
0:09:38.72, Why am I standing? 我站起来干嘛
0:09:39.76, Phil, do you think this is the right house for him? 菲尔 你觉得这地方适合他吗
0:09:42.40, It's hard to tell. He's young. He's single. 很难说 他年轻 单身
0:09:44.03, I don't know anything else about him. 其余的信息我就不知道了
0:09:45.81, Zack Barbie. Born 1986. 扎克·巴比 生于1986年
0:09:47.85, Went to college at a place called "Mit." 去了一所叫"芝麻"的大学
0:09:49.50, M.I.T. MIT[麻省理工大学]
0:09:50.12, I know how to spell it. 我知道怎么拼
0:09:52.67, Five words. 五个单词
0:09:53.61, It's a book. 是一本书
0:09:55.62, There's an old man... 有位老人
0:09:57.27, On the boat... 在船上
0:09:59.10, He caught a big fish. 他捕了一条大鱼
0:10:00.37, The old man and the fish! 《老人和鱼》
0:10:02.09, Uh, time! 时间到
0:10:02.80, The old man and the sea! 是《老人与海》
0:10:04.23, Never heard about it. 从没听过
0:10:05.47, Hemingway's classic tale of man versus nature. 海明威关于人对抗自然的经典著作
0:10:07.87, Leave it to a guy with a hundred cats 让一个和上百只猫一起生活的人
0:10:08.98, to write a good fish story, right? 去写个有关鱼的好故事 对吧
0:10:10.38, Oh, ho, Trish! 哈哈 崔茜
0:10:12.25, What is this, a book club or a fun game? 这是在干嘛 读书俱乐部还是游戏
0:10:15.10, Go.
0:10:22.11, Play.
0:10:23.23, Five words. 五个单词
0:10:24.30, Second word. Scared. Afraid. 第二个单词 吓 怕
0:10:26.34, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"-Got it! 《谁怕弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫》-对了
0:10:27.81, You're amazing! 你太厉害了
0:10:28.88, Wowie! You could do this for a living. 你都可以以此谋生了
0:10:31.04, Really? There's such a thing? 真的吗 真的有这行吗
0:10:32.05, No, just like there's no such thing 不 就像也没有
0:10:33.55, as a professional Broadway enthusiast. 职业百老汇狂热粉丝一样
0:10:35.63, You're gonna have to get a real job. 你得找个正经工作
0:10:36.99, Okay, it's my turn. 好了 轮到我了
0:10:42.13, I don't know this. 我不知道这是什么
0:10:45.92, I don't know this. 我也不知道这是什么
0:10:46.94, Mom, you have to do the one you pick. 妈 你拿到哪张就要演哪张
0:10:48.60, Oh, no, Manny. It's fine. 不用 曼尼 没关系
0:10:49.70, Just keep picking until you get one you like. 慢慢挑吧 挑个你喜欢的
0:10:50.91, No, no. I don't have to keep picking. I'm gonna do this one. 不 我用不着慢慢挑 我就要这张啦
0:10:57.63, Uh-oh. No, I got this. 不 这个我可以
0:10:58.35, Is it a play, a book, or a movie? 是戏剧 书 还是电影
0:11:00.11, Yeah, one of those. 没错 其中之一
0:11:02.52, - "Lost"! - "Clueless"! 《迷失》-《独领风骚》
0:11:03.71, Dazed and Confused! 《年少轻狂》
0:11:04.76, This is stupid. 真是太弱智了
0:11:05.83, Nobody can get this. 没人能猜得中
0:11:07.53, You're probably right. I just... 你或许说的对 我...
0:11:09.94, Yeah. See? This is one of mine. It's really hard. 就是啊 这是我写的 这个太难了
0:11:12.28, Really? What is it? You do it. 真的吗 是什么 你试试
0:11:15.86, Play. 是戏剧
0:11:18.06, Sweeney Todd! 《理发师陶德》
0:11:18.98, Exactly. 答对了
0:11:20.18, What a team. 真是最佳拍档
0:11:22.26, This is a stupid... game! 这游戏蠢到家了
0:11:27.56, Okay, so after a quick scan of his Facebook, Twitter, 好 我在Facebook 推特等各大社交网站上
0:11:29.50, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Instagram, 把他人肉了一遍
0:11:30.90, here is what I know. 得知如下情况
0:11:32.13, Privacy is dead? 这年头还有隐私可言吗
0:11:34.33, Likes--Chicago Blackhawks, kickboxing, 他喜欢的有 芝加哥黑鹰队 跆拳道
0:11:36.87, The movie "Die Hard," and beer. 《虎胆龙威》系列电影和啤酒
0:11:38.37, - He sounds like a frat boy. - Oh, he's many things. 听起来像入过兄弟会-他爱好多着呢
0:11:40.78, He meditates, he loves Indian food, 他喜欢冥想 喜欢印第安菜
0:11:42.59, And he's crazy about his dog Otis. 他超爱他的狗狗奥蒂斯
0:11:44.58, Does the house have a doggie door? 这房子开了狗洞吗
0:11:45.71, No.-No. 没有-没有
0:11:46.48, Put one in. You get to Barbie through Otis. 开一个 想拿下巴比 必先拿下奥蒂斯
0:11:48.42, She's like the girl with the dragon tattoo. 她的搜查能力堪比《龙纹身少女》的女主角啊
0:11:50.16, With cuter hair. 而且头发好看多了
0:11:50.97, - Stop talking! - Oh, she really is. 别吵吵-她还真像啊
0:11:52.78, Dude has a thing for chicks in black tights, 那哥们喜欢穿黑色紧身衣的妹子
0:11:54.74, he likes old school funk, 他喜欢老式校园放克音乐
0:11:56.02, and he chipped his front tooth playing soccer. 而且踢球时踢蹦了门牙
0:11:58.25, Aw! It's actually kind of cute. 哎哟喂 真可爱
0:11:59.65, Oh, my god. You're falling in love with him. 天呐 你都爱上他了
0:12:01.20, Oh, please. It's just a job, nothing more. 别闹 这是干正经事呢
0:12:03.02, Okay, that's enough to go on. Let's move. 好 足够拿下他了 行动吧
0:12:05.01, We've got two hours 我们有两个小时
0:12:05.53, to turn that place into Zack Barbie's dream house. 来把这房子变成扎克·巴比的梦中豪宅
0:12:07.34, - Barbie's dream house. - We don't have time! -"芭比"的梦中豪宅 -我们没时间了
0:12:14.48, What the hell was all that about? 你刚刚闹的是哪出啊
0:12:17.05, Why don't you ask Trish? She knows everything. 你问崔茜去啊 她什么都知道
0:12:19.30, Well, at least she's not a bimbo. 起码她不是个姘头啊
0:12:21.13, She and Manny seem to hit it off fine. 她和曼尼挺玩得来的
0:12:23.38, What's the problem? 你怎么了
0:12:24.66, Just one weekend, and he already idolizes her. 才一个周末 那孩子就迷上她了
0:12:28.09, And why wouldn't he? She's so much smarter than me. 他怎么会不迷呢 她可比我聪明多了
0:12:31.15, She knows so much more about the things that he loves. 她对他喜欢的东西了如指掌
0:12:34.19, They have their little inside jokes. 他俩有着外人听不懂的笑话
0:12:37.34, If she learns how to froth his cappuccino, 要是她还会做他喜欢的卡布奇诺咖啡
0:12:39.13, I am history. 我就彻底淘汰了
0:12:40.15, You and Manny have the closest relationship I've ever seen. 你跟曼尼的亲密关系是我前所未见的
0:12:43.09, Hell, he may never form 老天 除了你
0:12:43.97, a healthy attachment with another woman after you. 他不可能跟别的女人有这种健康的关系
0:12:46.35, You're just saying that. 你真会哄我
0:12:47.93, And it doesn't matter if Manny likes her. 曼尼喜欢她也没什么啊
0:12:49.58, Knowing Javier's track record, 照哈维尔的作风
0:12:50.88, He'll dump her like he dumps everybody. 他肯定也会把她甩了的
0:12:52.80, You are wrong, Jay. I'm not going to dump her. 你错了 杰 我不会甩她
0:12:55.67, In fact, this weekend, I asked Trish to marry me. 其实 这个周末 我向崔茜求婚了
0:13:01.20, You're going to marry her? 你要和她结婚
0:13:02.71, I was waiting for the right time to tell you. 我想着时机成熟就告诉你
0:13:04.81, Nailed it. 你"成功"了
0:13:05.41, I wanted to ask you for my abuela's ring back. 我想找你拿回我祖母的戒指
0:13:08.05, I really want Trish to wear it. 我希望崔茜戴着它
0:13:09.16, She is the most amazing woman I've ever known. 她是我见过最好的女人
0:13:12.01, You see that I am holding a knife. 你看见我正拿着刀吗
0:13:13.96, Please. 得了吧
0:13:14.45, Half our marriage was you with a knife. 我们的婚姻中你有一半时间都拿着刀
0:13:16.47, Trish is the one. And Manny already loves her. 崔茜就是我的归宿 曼尼已经喜欢她了
0:13:18.93, He can spend more time with us now-- 他现在可以有更多时间跟我们在一起
0:13:20.31, Holidays, summers even. 节假日 甚至暑假都行
0:13:21.84, Fine. I'll go get you the ring. 好 我去给你拿戒指
0:13:23.79, But you owe me $8 你欠我8美元
0:13:25.22, Because I had to replace "The emerald." 因为我把你所谓的"绿宝石"换掉了
0:13:37.84, Javier, you've brought a lot of 30-year-olds around here, 哈维尔 你带过不少30多岁的"美酒"来我家
0:13:39.87, but this one's my favorite. 但我最喜欢这回的
0:13:41.50, And I like Trish, too. 而且我也很喜欢崔茜
0:13:43.40, Me, too. 我也是
0:13:44.14, Well, then I suppose this is 好 那我估计
0:13:45.41, as good a moment as any to tell you, Manny. 曼尼 现在是时候告诉你了
0:13:48.53, Trish and I are getting married. 我和崔茜要结婚了
0:13:50.25, Oh, my gosh. This is the best news ever! 我的天 这真是最好的消息
0:13:54.30, Here. Drink. 来 喝一杯
0:13:55.82, Now listen, my love. 亲爱的 听我说
0:13:58.09, This belonged to my abuela. 这是我祖母传下来的戒指
0:14:00.78, Um, maybe not now, Javier. 哈维尔 现在可能不合适
0:14:02.34, No, no. Please. Please. 不不 请听我说
0:14:03.53, It will fill my heart to see this ring on your... 我真心希望 这枚戒指能戴在你的
0:14:06.78, Your finger. 纤纤玉手上
0:14:08.29, Oh. It's-- it's a little small. 小了点儿哈
0:14:11.07, I can't do this. 我戴不了
0:14:11.79, No, no. I'll just push a little harder. 没事儿 我用点劲就是了
0:14:13.49, Javier, stop. It'll never work. 哈维尔 别弄了 不可能的
0:14:16.78, But wait, my love. 等一下 宝贝
0:14:18.20, We can put butter on your finger. 在你的手指上抹点黄油就行了
0:14:22.89, That's him. Hit it. 他来了 开音乐
0:14:28.13, Hey! Not him. 你好啊 不是他
0:14:29.81, Hey, guys. Sorry it took me so long. 伙计们 抱歉我去了那么久
0:14:31.49, I've never bought beer before. There's just so many choices. 我以前从没买过啤酒 种类太多了
0:14:33.84, Do we really need that much? 我们喝得了那么多吗
0:14:35.07, I don't know. Is this a lot? 不清楚 这些算多吗
0:14:37.99, Showtime! 好戏开始了
0:14:40.90, Hey! Not him. 你好啊 不是他
0:14:42.57, Hey! Thought I'd just swing by and see how it's going. 大家好 我就是来看看情况如何了
0:14:45.62, Zack here? 扎克在吗
0:14:46.78, Oh, my God. 我的天
0:14:48.04, You are wearing black tights. 你穿了黑色紧身衣
0:14:50.00, Alex was right. You are into him. 艾丽克斯说得对 你就是喜欢他
0:14:51.85, That skank Zoey broke his heart. 那个荡妇佐伊伤透了他的心
0:14:53.09, I can make him whole again! 我可以抚平他的伤痛
0:14:54.07, Haley. 海莉
0:14:56.06, Okay, that has to be him. 好了 这回该是他了
0:14:57.33, Everyone we know is already here. 我们自己家的人都已经在这儿了
0:14:58.69, - Everyone, places. Let's make this perfect. - Yes. -大家站好位 不要出差错 -好
0:15:02.06, I'm Ira Glass. 我是艾拉·格拉斯
0:15:02.98, - Today on the program... - No, no. 今天的节目-不不
0:15:03.97, - That's not it.- Turn that off! 不是这个-关掉
0:15:05.01, - No, no, no, no, no! - Turn it off! 不不不-快关掉
0:15:06.94, It's the back button. 那是后退键
0:15:08.56, Hey! You must be Zack. 你好啊 你一定是扎克吧
0:15:10.37, I'm Phil Dunphy. Come on in. 我是菲尔·邓菲 快请进
0:15:11.85, Hi. 你好
0:15:13.17, These are my associates. 他们是我的同事
0:15:14.31, - Hello! Good evening. - Hi! -你好 晚上好 -你好
0:15:15.70, Hi! 你好呀
0:15:16.70, Oh, and my, uh, my daughter. 那位 是我女儿
0:15:18.92, So... This is the place. 就是这里啦
0:15:21.62, Looks nice. 看起来不错
0:15:22.52, So, Zack, you hungry? 扎克 你饿了没
0:15:23.93, Uh, no. But, uh, it smells great. 没有 但是闻起来好香啊
0:15:26.23, Yeah, it's from this amazing Indian place just down the road. 是从离这里不远的一个很棒的印度餐厅买的
0:15:29.38, It's walking distance. 走路就到了
0:15:30.65, Which is awesome 那可真好
0:15:31.53, if you've had one too many brewskis, am I right? 就算你喝多了也没事 对吧
0:15:34.04, Yeah. 是啊
0:15:36.70, Oh. Is someone a blackhawks fan? Love the hawks. 有谁是黑鹰队的粉丝吗 我超爱黑鹰队
0:15:40.01, Yeah, well, that's a weird coincidence. 是啊 那可真够巧的
0:15:42.60, Let's go check out the kickboxing gym. 我们去看看跆拳道健身房吧
0:15:44.09, Seriously? I kickbox. 真的吗 我正好练跆拳道
0:15:45.87, - What?! - Yeah. 不是吧-真的
0:15:46.82, Come on! 走吧
0:15:50.12, Haley! 海莉
0:15:53.25, Trish, open up! 崔茜 开门
0:15:54.81, No. I don't want to see you right now. 不 我现在不想看见你
0:15:56.61, Open up, or I'm going to break down the door! 开门 不然我踹门进来了
0:15:58.63, Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Don't break down the door! 别冲动 那门可跟你无冤无仇
0:16:01.24, Ay, caramba. 见鬼
0:16:01.86, I'm beginning to think I should've just bought a ring. 我真该直接买个新戒指
0:16:03.71, - Let me talk to her. - You? 让我和她谈谈-你
0:16:05.75, Yes. She's scared. Maybe I can help. 对 她吓到了 也许我能出点力
0:16:08.28, Help her go... Adios. 送她走远点 拜拜哟
0:16:10.71, Go ahead. 去吧
0:16:11.52, And you tell her she's being crazy and irrational. 你告诉她 她现在头脑不清楚 很不理智
0:16:13.67, And if she doesn't come out, I'm going to burn down this house! 如果她不出来 我就把这房子烧了
0:16:16.23, Don't burn down the house! 别烧我们家房子
0:16:18.81, Trish, open! It's Gloria. 崔茜 开开门 我是歌洛莉亚
0:16:23.11, I'm sorry. I needed to be alone. 抱歉 我想一个人静静
0:16:25.51, In Manny's bedroom? 在曼尼的卧室里吗
0:16:27.24, Well... I thought it was a bathroom. 我之前以为这里是个卫生间
0:16:29.80, It smells like potpourri. 有一股混合香料的味道
0:16:32.01, Listen, 听我说
0:16:32.76, I would be the first person to understand that 我是最了解你现在这种
0:16:35.22, you're having second thoughts about marrying Javier. 犹豫要不要嫁给哈维尔的心情了
0:16:38.31, I am, 确实
0:16:39.43, but I do love him. 但我真的很爱他
0:16:41.11, Of course you do, 我知道你爱他
0:16:42.27, even though he's irresponsible and impulsive, 尽管他这个人没有责任心 冲动任性
0:16:45.88, and if your sisters are even a little bit pretty, 而且如果你的姐妹们有那么一丁点姿色
0:16:47.70, - he's gonna try-- - No, no, no, no, no. It's not that. 他都会-不不不 不是这些
0:16:49.88, Is it the drinking? 是因为他酗酒吗
0:16:52.20, Is it the gambling? 还是因为他好赌
0:16:54.18, Is it because of your fat fingers? 难道因为你手指粗吗
0:16:55.86, - No, it's you. - Me? -不 是因为你 -我
0:16:57.60, How can I compete with you? 我怎么比得上你
0:16:59.21, All Manny talks about 曼尼三句话不离
0:17:00.51, is how he's got the world's greatest mom. 他有世界上最好的妈妈
0:17:02.84, And I know how Javier regrets losing you. 而且我知道哈维尔有多后悔失去你
0:17:04.93, No, he doesn't. 他才没有
0:17:06.06, Oh, believe me, he does. 相信我 他有的
0:17:08.09, And who could blame him? I mean... 而我又怎么能怪他呢 你是这么的
0:17:11.09, Look at you! 瞧瞧你
0:17:12.38, Who has a body like that?! 谁能有这种傲人身姿
0:17:14.69, And you just had a baby two months ago? 而且你两个月前才生了个宝宝
0:17:17.15, I mean, what--do you just live at the gym? 你莫非是住在健身房吗
0:17:19.65, Who has time for the gym? 人家哪有空去健身房
0:17:23.24, You know what I had for lunch?! 你知道我午餐吃了什么吗
0:17:24.74, I had a half a granola bar, 我只吃了半个燕麦棒
0:17:26.32, and I can't button my pants! 但我还是扣不上裤子上的扣子
0:17:29.21, I can't cook! 我不会做饭
0:17:31.15, And at best, I am average in bed! 而且我的床上功夫撑死了算中等
0:17:34.62, And I will never, 我永远
0:17:35.68, ever, ever live up to the great Gloria! 永远不能达到歌洛莉亚女神的高度
0:17:41.83, Welcome to the family! 欢迎成为我们家的一员
0:17:47.36, And did I mention that from the back of the garden, 话说你从花园后面
0:17:49.61, you can almost see a piece of the building 可以看到拍摄《虎胆龙威》的
0:17:51.50, that they shot "Die hard" in? 那栋楼的一角
0:17:54.29, I like to sit back there sometimes. 我有时候挺喜欢坐在那儿的
0:17:55.67, It's a great place to gather my thoughts and just... 那是一个整理思绪的好地方 还可以
0:17:58.74, I don't know. Be in the now. 怎么说呢 静静沉思
0:17:59.95, I meditate every day. 我每天都会冥想
0:18:01.38, Yippee-ki-yay! 我的老天爷啊
0:18:02.69, What are the odds? 怎么这么巧呢
0:18:04.98, You know, this is probably not gonna help 我这样说也许
0:18:06.55, my negotiating power, but... 不利于还价 但是
0:18:08.52, I kinda can't believe how perfect this house is. 我有点无法相信这房子的完美程度
0:18:10.98, And how much is little Otis gonna enjoy this doggie door? 想想看 小奥蒂斯会多喜欢这道狗门啊
0:18:16.20, How do you... know my dog's name? 你怎么会知道我的小狗叫什么
0:18:18.59, I don't. 我不知道
0:18:19.20, Yeah, you do. You just said "Otis." 你知道 你刚刚说了奥蒂斯
0:18:21.25, No. No, no, he said, 不不 他说的是
0:18:22.91, Oh, dis doggie door would be perfect for your dog... 噢 这道狗门会非常适合你的狗狗
0:18:27.00, Should you own one. 你应该有养狗吧
0:18:28.59, - That's not even close to what he just said. - That's what I heard. 跟他说的完全不沾边-我听到是这样
0:18:30.76, Anyway, we can do a very fast escrow 总之 办第三方托管非常快
0:18:32.23, and get you in this house by the end of the month. 你到月底就能拿到这房子
0:18:34.29, Oh! Just in time for your birthday! 正好可以赶上你的生日
0:18:37.14, This is weird! 太诡异了
0:18:38.28, It's totally weird. 令我毛骨悚然
0:18:39.19, Okay, the blackhawks, you know my birthday, 黑鹰队 你知道我的生日
0:18:41.90, and you know my dog's name. 你知道我的狗叫什么
0:18:43.37, - You guys are freaking me out. - Okay, wait a second. 我快被你们吓死了-等等
0:18:45.59, We poured our hearts into this house, 我们对这间房子倾注了心血
0:18:47.46, and we just wanted to show you what it would be like 我们只是想让你知道
0:18:49.83, if you were living here. 住这房子会是什么感觉
0:18:51.61, Did we go a tiny bit overboard? 我们稍稍过分了点吗
0:18:57.23, Oh, my god. 我的天
0:18:59.43, Favorite song. 我最喜欢的歌
0:19:00.58, - Way to go. - You take care. -做的"好" -慢走不送
0:19:03.08, Can you even see the "Die hard" building from here? 这里到底能不能看到《虎胆龙威》的拍摄大厦
0:19:05.08, No. 不行
0:19:07.62, I'll be at coachella, too! I'll come find you! 我也会去科切拉音乐节 我会去找你的
0:19:09.32, - Honey! - Haley! 宝贝-海莉
0:19:12.31, Well, that's it. 就这样了
0:19:14.15, We're officially screwed. 我们正式完蛋了
0:19:15.67, Darn it. 见鬼
0:19:16.44, It's okay, honey. 没事的 亲爱的
0:19:17.55, No, it's not okay. I feel responsible. 怎么没事 我有责任
0:19:20.64, I dragged us all into this. 我把大家拖下水的
0:19:23.01, The whole point was so that I could make a little extra money 这样做的目的就在于 我可以赚点小钱
0:19:26.95, and contribute to the family, 对家里做点贡献
0:19:28.28, and instead, I'm gonna end up costing us. 结果呢 我却害我们赔钱
0:19:31.58, I'm a failure. 我太失败了
0:19:32.48, Hey. Hey. 别这样
0:19:34.69, No one could've predicted this. 这种结果谁能预料到呢
0:19:37.61, My bad. 我的错
0:19:38.48, We'll find another buyer. 我们再找买家
0:19:39.44, - This time, we'll learn from our mistakes. - Got it. I got it. 这次我们会吸取教训-让我来
0:19:42.73, He's back! 他回来了
0:19:44.40, No. No, no, no! Stop! Stop. Stop. 不不 别这样 别这样
0:19:47.12, This is a great house. It was built with integrity. 这是间不错的房子 是用正直打造的
0:19:49.61, We should sell it that way, okay? No more tricks. 出售也要这样 不准再玩花样
0:19:52.11, - Yeah. - Let's just be honest. 好-我们要诚实
0:19:53.75, No tricks. 不玩花样
0:19:56.19, - Hey, Dunphy. - Gil. 邓菲-格尔
0:19:58.47, Your office said you'd be over here. 你公司的人说你在这里
0:19:59.65, Yeah, I am here. 对 我在这里
0:20:00.91, With my buyers. 买家也在这里
0:20:03.55, What do you guys think? 你们觉得怎么样
0:20:04.28, Oh, my god! This house is perfect. 我的天 这房子太完美了
0:20:06.27, I especially love the warm embrace of the parlor! 我尤其喜欢客厅温馨的氛围
0:20:09.74, - It screams you. - No, it screams you, sweetie. 乐爆你的小心肝吧-乐爆你的 宝贝
0:20:11.94, Oh, dis doggie door, Cam. Look. Ooh! 还是狗狗门 小卡 看啊
0:20:13.86, Damn it. Gays. 见鬼 同志伴侣
0:20:16.62, They come to play. 有他们准没好事
0:20:18.37, I'm busy, Gil. 我没空 格尔
0:20:19.60, Don't accept any offers without talking to me first. 在问我之前 别接受任何报价
0:20:22.59, My buyer wants in, all right? 我的客户想买 明白吗
0:20:24.17, I don't know. We're pretty far down that road. 不好说 买卖几乎敲定了
0:20:26.40, All right. We'll up the offer. 好吧 我们会提高价格
0:20:28.32, Gil... 格尔
0:20:30.03, Let me tell you how this is gonna go down. 我来告诉你事情会怎样
0:20:32.71, First, you're gonna buy me a lovely dinner. 首先 你要请我共享温馨甜蜜的晚餐
0:20:35.53, No, that's not it. 不 不对
0:20:36.75, First, I'm gonna buy you a lovely dinner. 首先 我要请你吃一顿温馨甜蜜的晚餐
0:20:39.94, Then I'm gonna take you in the back... 然后我会带你去...
0:20:41.85, It's gonna happen! It's gonna happen! 成真了 成真了
0:20:43.94, We're gonna sell the house. 房子可以卖出去了
0:20:46.28, You see, Mitchell? I told you so. 你瞧 米奇尔 我早告诉你了吧
0:20:57.58, That's my wife. I better take it. 我老婆 我要接电话
0:20:58.97, Hey, hey. Whoa, listen. Whatever you do, 喂 听着 无论你说什么
0:21:00.85, don't tell her you're playing golf on a weekday. 别跟她说你在工作日打高尔夫
0:21:02.70, You'll be doing dishes all night. 否则今晚你就等着洗碗吧
0:21:04.24, Good call. Thank you, my man. 说的好 多谢了 我的男人
0:21:06.64, Hey, honey. What's up? 亲爱的 什么事
0:21:08.81, Oh, not much. 不太忙
0:21:10.40, Just, uh, in a meeting. 在开会
0:21:12.84, You know, working hard, bringing home the bacon. 努力工作 养家糊口
0:21:15.44, No, he's not! He's playing golf! 他没有 他在打高尔夫
0:21:16.85, No. 没有
0:21:17.93, Um... Fore! Nice putt! 让开 一杆进洞
0:21:20.51, Why you lying to your wife, Dunphy? 你为什么要骗你老婆 邓菲
0:21:23.12, Hey, he had a beer at lunch, too! 他中午还喝了啤酒
0:21:24.74, What is wrong with you? 你什么毛病啊
0:21:26.53, You just got thorpedoed! 你被我的"索"命鱼雷射中了吧
0:21:27.98, Come back here. 回来


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