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听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第四季 第19集:不同的教育方式





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0:00:01.93, Yes, I promise I'll call you as soon as I get the results. 是的 我保证一拿到结果就给你打电话
0:00:05.46, Yes, I am aware that hospitals are a hotbed of infection. 是的 我知道医院是滋生传染病的温床
0:00:08.67, Thank you, Manny. 谢你了 曼尼
0:00:10.07, A couple of weeks ago, I had a minor heart incident. 几周前 我的心脏出了一点小状况
0:00:12.17, I am fine. 我好得很
0:00:13.41, But just to be safe, I'm having an angiogram, 但为了安全考虑 我要去做个血管造影
0:00:15.46, which is when they inject a dye 也就是说他们会输入一种染色剂
0:00:17.15, to make sure there's no blockage. 以确保没有栓塞
0:00:18.75, It's--it's no big deal. 不是什么大事
0:00:20.11, - We're not worried. - No. 我们毫不担心-不担心
0:00:21.92, If something were to happen, which it's not... 如果真出了什么事 虽然肯定不会
0:00:24.66, Not gonna. 不会出事的
0:00:25.85, I would turn our bedroom into a shrine to Claire. 我会把我们的卧室改造成供奉克莱尔的灵堂
0:00:30.44, And this room into a hall of magic. 把这间房改造成魔术大厅
0:00:33.69, Luke, please stop taking appliances apart. 卢克 别再拆小家电了
0:00:36.01, - I'm making something. - You're unmaking something. 我在做东西-你在毁东西
0:00:38.11, - 'cause I'm giving my notice today. - Wait. What? 因为我今天要递交辞呈-等等 什么
0:00:40.37, But wouldn't we rather have toast that's already buttered? 我们难道不喜欢已经抹上黄油的烤面包吗
0:00:42.93, I love that you're asking these kind of questions. 我就爱你问这种稀奇古怪的问题
0:00:45.78, If only the springs were stronger, 如果弹簧能够更强力一点
0:00:47.53, the toast would be catapulted into the pool of butter. 面包片就可以被发射到黄油罐中
0:00:50.00, Really strong springs, 超强力的弹簧
0:00:51.16, like the ones in your mattress? 比如你床垫里的那种吗
0:00:53.65, You're unbelievable. 你真是一语惊醒梦中人
0:00:55.26, What do you mean you're quitting? 什么叫你不干了
0:00:56.73, Your manager just started letting you 你们经理刚让你负责
0:00:58.06, open and close the store. 早上开门和晚上关门
0:00:59.59, It's boring. 那太无聊了
0:01:00.71, And Jennifer said that I could get a job at the jewelry store. 珍妮弗说我可以在珠宝店得到一份工作
0:01:03.10, Honey, you need to learn to stick with things. 宝贝 你必须学会持之以恒
0:01:05.58, You just got the big keys. 你刚把钥匙拿到手
0:01:07.42, Where's the coffeepot? 咖啡壶哪儿去了
0:01:08.24, Oh, you mean the soon-to-be coffee bot? 你是说即将改造完成的咖啡机器人吗
0:01:10.00, - Luke! - I need caffeine today. 卢克-我今天需要咖啡因提神
0:01:11.90, You can have juice. 你可以喝果汁
0:01:12.95, How late were you at that party last night? 你昨晚在那个派对玩到多晚
0:01:15.19, Oh, please. She snuck in at 10:00 拜托 她10点就溜回家了
0:01:16.68, And spent all night reading under the covers with a flashlight. 然后整晚都用手电筒躲在被子里读书
0:01:19.17, Alex, what have I told you 艾丽克斯 我不是说让你
0:01:20.30, about staying out past your curfew? 要在宵禁时间之后再回家吗
0:01:21.91, - I need to do it more often. - Exactly. 我需要再多玩几次-对极了
0:01:24.37, You need to learn to have some fun. 你得学会享受乐趣
0:01:26.65, You are going on that spring break trip with Nicole. 你要和妮可一起参加春假旅游
0:01:29.92, No! No, I can't. 不 不行 我不能去
0:01:30.99, I have to study for the P.S.A.T.S. 我得为高考预考做准备
0:01:33.35, Luke! Phil, talk to your children. 卢克 菲尔 快教育一下你的孩子们
0:01:35.50, All right. Everybody listen up. 好吧 大家都给我听好了
0:01:36.92, Haley, you're not quitting. 海莉 你不能说不干了
0:01:38.31, You're resigning. It sounds better. 你要说辞职 那好听一点
0:01:39.99, No.-Alex,you have all of spring break 不对-艾丽克斯 你可以把整个春假
0:01:42.53, to lock yourself in your room and study. 都用来将自己锁在屋子里看书
0:01:44.47, No, no, no, no, no. 不 不 不 不对
0:01:45.13, And, Luke, coffee bot is a non-starter. 卢克 咖啡机器人是不可能成功的
0:01:47.59, But I do like the idea 但我很喜欢你提出
0:01:48.79, of popcorn kernels in the pancake batter... 把玉米粒放进煎饼面糊里
0:01:50.75, So they self-flip. 那样它们就可以自动翻边了
0:01:51.82, Stop talking! 别说了
0:01:52.97, Step away from the children. 离我的孩子们远些
0:02:04.04, 第四季 第十九集  
0:02:17.36, Manny? 曼尼
0:02:18.92, I am telling you how handsome you are. 我在夸你长得帅
0:02:20.64, Oh. Well, next time, tell me in English 下次直接用英语说好了
0:02:22.07, So I don't miss it. 那样我就不会错过了
0:02:23.01, You're forgetting all your Spanish. You never practice. 你的西班牙语都快忘光了 你从来不练习
0:02:25.87, Perdoname, mami, soy embarazada. 原谅我 妈咪 我有了
0:02:28.45, You just told me that you're pregnant. 你刚是在说你怀孕了
0:02:30.85, Congratulations. You're glowing. 恭喜呀 你散发着母性的光辉
0:02:33.00, Really? That's what you're wearing? 不是吧 你就穿成这样
0:02:34.59, Really? That's how you talk to your meal ticket? 不是吧 你对你的"饭票"这么无礼
0:02:36.80, Besides, those snobs don't care what I wear, 再说 那些势利眼也不会在乎我穿什么
0:02:38.55, as long as I bring my checkbook. 只要我带上支票簿就行
0:02:40.96, Today I have an interview with the Dryden academy. 今天我要去德莱顿学院进行一场面试
0:02:43.28, It's only the most prestigious prep school around. 那是附近最有威望的预科学校
0:02:45.84, Their school song has 36 verses, 他们的校歌有36句诗
0:02:47.76, and I know all of 'em. 我全都掌握了
0:02:49.06, Settle in. 准备好
0:02:51.98, And the reason you're not bringing him? 为什么你不带他去
0:02:54.43, He says that I make him nervous, 他说我让他紧张
0:02:56.19, that I care too much. 说我关心则乱
0:02:57.38, That's why I'm not even allowed to bring him to his haircuts anymore. 现在我都不能带他去理发了
0:03:01.74, I never went to private school. 我从没上过私立学校
0:03:04.33, Hell, I never even finished college, 我甚至大学都没读完
0:03:05.59, And look at me. That danish I just ate cost 6 bucks. 但你瞧瞧我 我刚吃的丹麦糕点要6美元
0:03:08.81, I didn't even blink. 我都没眨一下眼
0:03:09.93, I've always felt out of place in public school, 我一直觉得在公立学校格格不入
0:03:12.46, like a lone petunia in an onion patch. 就像洋葱地里开出的一朵矮牵牛花
0:03:14.95, You felt out of place? 你觉得格格不入
0:03:17.63, Let me tell you something about your prep school buddies. 我来让你了解一下预科学校的学生们吧
0:03:20.28, When I was younger, I had a job 我年轻的时候 曾干过一份工作
0:03:21.77, checking coats at a country club. 是在乡村俱乐部帮人挂衣帽
0:03:24.04, These smug rich kids used to waltz in there 那些自大的富二代得意地走进去
0:03:26.11, and throw their coats at me like I was nothing. 直接把大衣扔到我身上 就像我是奴隶一样
0:03:28.87, That was before your high-tech fabrics. 那时候高级面料还没有诞生
0:03:30.20, They weighed a ton. 那些大衣重死了
0:03:31.82, You see that scar? 你看到这个疤痕了吗
0:03:32.89, The one you got in the war? 那不是你在战场留下的吗
0:03:33.82, That's what I tell people. 那是我对外人的说法
0:03:35.77, I caught the scalloped edge of a burberry duffel coat toggle. 我被一件巴宝莉粗呢大衣的棒形纽扣击中了
0:03:41.16, Still not sure there isn't a piece in there. 我现在也不确定有没有残片留在里面
0:03:46.08, Kids will always want to quit 如果你允许 孩子们总会
0:03:47.93, when things get hard if you let 'em. 在遇到困难的时候就不想干了
0:03:50.01, This is a girl who was kicked out of college. 那姑娘可是被大学赶出来了
0:03:52.59, The least she can do is stick it out at a little-- 她好歹也该再坚持坚持
0:03:54.87, Phil?-Sorry. 菲尔-抱歉
0:03:56.42, Look, all we can do is give Haley the time 听着 我们应该给海莉一些时间
0:03:58.22, to find out who she is. 让她认清自己
0:03:59.27, Or we could save that time, 或者我们省下那点时间
0:04:00.29, and I could tell her who she is. 我直接告诉她她是怎样的一个人
0:04:01.48, Let me know how that works out. 一定要记得告诉我结果如何
0:04:03.50, Excuse me? 你说什么
0:04:04.62, Oh, sorry, but my TV doesn't work, 抱歉 我的电视坏了
0:04:06.78, and you're all I've got. 我只能观赏你们的好戏了
0:04:08.27, - I'm Norman. - Good to meet you, Norman. 我叫诺曼-很高兴见到你 诺曼
0:04:09.76, What are you in for? 你是因为什么入院的
0:04:10.79, - Triple bypass. - Awesome. 做冠脉搭桥手术-太好了
0:04:12.51, And it sounded like you were agreeing with my parenting style, 你似乎很赞同我教育子女的方法嘛
0:04:14.51, So, please, continue. 所以请您老继续说吧
0:04:16.48, Well, I've raised three kids, 我养了三个孩子
0:04:18.07, and the main thing I learned is 我学到的最重要一点
0:04:19.33, you have to let them be who they are. 就是让他们保持真我
0:04:21.68, Thank you, Norman. 谢谢你 诺曼
0:04:23.28, Just because he's behind a curtain doesn't make him a wizard. 虽然他在幕布后面 并不代表他是巫师
0:04:26.44, Dad, I made you this necklace. 爸 我给你做了这个项链
0:04:28.26, It's good for healing. 有助于疾病痊愈
0:04:29.23, There's no scientific evidence to back that up, dad. 那毫无科学依据 爸
0:04:31.35, - I married a doctor. - I have three degrees. 我老公是个医生-我有三个学位
0:04:33.48, Girls, where's your little brother? 女儿们 你们的小弟呢
0:04:35.22, He didn't get his arm stuck In a vending machine again, did he? 他没把胳膊卡在自动贩卖机里吧
0:04:39.94, Are you getting this? 你看出来了吗
0:04:40.95, Yes. They sound just like our kids, 是的 听上去就跟我们家孩子一样
0:04:42.28, And they all got together to visit their dad... 他们都一起来探望父亲
0:04:44.41, who apparently did a pretty good job raising them. 他显然把儿女教育得很成功
0:04:46.30, Please. He sounds like an old hippie. 得了吧 他听上去就跟老嬉皮士一样
0:04:47.96, A wise, insightful, old hippie. 一个睿智 富有洞察力的老嬉皮
0:04:49.80, A Jeff Bridges hippie. 像大明星杰夫·布里奇斯那样的嬉皮
0:04:51.21, - Hey, dad. - There he is! 爸-宝贝儿子来了
0:04:53.00, Look at that sharp suit. 瞧那身笔挺的西装
0:04:54.56, Oh, my god, Luke gets huge. 天啊 卢克变得好威武雄壮
0:04:56.77, You've seen this. 你见过啊
0:04:57.64, I wore it to Angela's wedding. 我穿过这身去参加安琪拉的婚礼
0:04:58.95, Yeah. It's just like the one I had made for my little jonathan. 是啊 就跟我为小乔纳森做的那件一样
0:05:02.49, Okay, Mrs. Dunphy. 好了 邓菲太太
0:05:04.31, - Time for your prep. - Okay. 你该做术前准备了-好吧
0:05:05.61, See what happens when parents get out of the way? 你瞧见父母如果不干预孩子的发展会怎样吧
0:05:08.57, Weddings, babies, sharp suits. 婚礼 宝宝 笔挺的西装
0:05:11.56, You might want to wheel her by the burn unit. 你可能得推她去烧伤病房
0:05:13.05, She just got scorched. 她的信心刚刚被灼伤了
0:05:15.54, Wait. You made a suit for Jonathan? 慢着 你给乔纳森做了一套西装
0:05:18.02, He's a cat. 他是只猫啊
0:05:19.08, He's a hairless stray. He needs the suit for warmth. 他是只无毛流浪猫 需要西装保暖
0:05:22.15, You know, that thing. 你懂那种感觉的
0:05:22.77, All of your husbands eventually stop feeling for you. 每一任丈夫最后都抛弃了你
0:05:25.09, I did not come here to be insulted. 我不是来被你羞辱的
0:05:26.88, I came here for dad. 我是来看望老爸的
0:05:28.62, Dad, I need $500. 老爸 我需要500块
0:05:30.75, How can you need money? You have four divorce settlements. 你怎么会缺钱 你有四份离婚协议书啊
0:05:33.71, Yeah, sorry I'm not some sad, lonely exorcist. 对 抱歉我不是空虚寂寞冷的驱魔人
0:05:36.55, Archivist. I'm an archivist. 是档案管理员 我是档案管理员
0:05:38.80, Ugh. This arguing. 拜托 吵死了
0:05:40.68, I might as well have just stayed in court. 我还不如在法庭待着
0:05:42.28, Please be a lawyer. Please be a lawyer. 一定要是名律师 一定要是名律师
0:05:43.95, How'd it go? 结果怎样
0:05:44.61, - I got probation plus time served. - Suck it! -缓刑期 可以释放 -行啊你
0:05:47.73, Well, maybe now you'll stop 看来你不会再用肉钩
0:05:49.02, siphoning electricity off the grid with a meat hook. 从电网偷电了哟
0:05:51.56, Hey, look at me for a second. 嘿 看着我
0:05:53.48, When you die alone in your bed, 当你在床上孤独地死去
0:05:54.70, Jonathan's going to eat you. 乔纳森会啃光你的肉
0:05:58.50, Yep. 没错
0:06:02.16, Lily! Time for girls' day! 莉莉 闺蜜日开始咯
0:06:04.64, We've always tried to make sure that 我们一直在努力 确保莉莉
0:06:06.02, Lily has a feminine influence in her life. 在成长过程中受到女性的熏陶
0:06:08.25, Because I'm sure it is so difficult for her 我敢说 她周围整天都是阳刚之气
0:06:10.81, to be around so much masculine energy all the time. 她一定很不容易
0:06:14.02, Yeah, and recently, uh, 没错 而且最近
0:06:15.39, she's been asking a lot of questions about the female body. 她总问一些关于女性身体的问题
0:06:18.77, And... 再说
0:06:20.35, Uh, we are not exactly experts, 我们也不是很懂
0:06:21.67, So we d--just sit on 'em. 所以我们 把媚手给我放下
0:06:24.02, We decided to call in the big guns. 我们决定让大人物出场
0:06:26.49, Hola. 你好
0:06:27.09, Hi, Gloria! 嗨 歌洛莉亚
0:06:28.71, Lily is so excited for girls' day. 莉莉等不及要开始闺蜜日了
0:06:30.66, Yeah, but don't keep her all afternoon. 是的 但别霸占她整个下午
0:06:31.88, You know how we miss her. Mm-hmm. 你知道我们会多想她
0:06:33.06, Okay. 好的
0:06:33.61, When am I going to get real boobs? 我什么时候才会长出真正的乳房
0:06:37.19, Okay, so we'll see you whenever. 算了 你们想玩到什么时候都行
0:06:38.22, Absolutely. You know, just have a really great time. 没错 你们尽情去玩吧
0:06:40.32, Vamos, mami, vamos. 走 妈妈带你去玩
0:06:42.48, So we'll do a little shopping, 我们去逛逛街
0:06:44.51, We can have our pretty nails done... 做个美美的指甲
0:06:46.68, And our pretty hair. 还有美美的发型
0:06:48.43, - Do you think that's fun? - Yeah! 你觉得有趣吗-有趣
0:06:50.80, And you know what the best part of having a girls' day is? 你知道闺蜜日最棒的环节是什么吗
0:06:54.83, That you can ask me anything you want. 那就是你可以问我任何问题
0:06:56.85, Did you know I'm gay? 你知道我是同性恋吗
0:07:06.91, This is lucky. 真是幸运
0:07:08.09, At 2:00, the school's award-winning bell players 2点时 学校获奖的编钟乐手
0:07:10.40, will be performing a medley of civil war drinking songs. 将会演奏内战时期的饮酒歌合辑
0:07:13.51, What do they call that? Unhappy hour? 他们怎么称呼那节目 《郁闷时光》吗
0:07:15.94, Interesting. 有意思
0:07:16.87, This was an all-boys academy when it was established in 1901. 本校在1901年建立时 是所男子学校
0:07:20.52, Thank god they went away from that tradition, huh? 幸好他们摒弃了这个传统
0:07:22.19, Yeah. I bet the place is one giant orgy now. 是 我敢说这里现在成了"狂欢场"了
0:07:24.55, Jay, please. 杰 别这样
0:07:25.38, Hey, do you want to grab a coat? 嘿 你要拿件外套吗
0:07:26.40, Grab your own coat, college boy. 自己的外套自己拿 大学生
0:07:28.61, Uh, I meant for you. 我是说让你穿一件
0:07:29.43, They want us all to wear a school blazer for the tour, 他们要求全程都穿上校服
0:07:31.82, Get the whole Dryden experience. 完整体验德莱顿文化
0:07:33.09, Right. I-I'm sorry, buddy. 没错 抱歉 哥们儿
0:07:35.47, Hello, parents, perspective Norsemen. Welcome. 嗨 家长们 隐形的北欧人 欢迎
0:07:38.69, Our tour will begin this direction 我们的旅程将从这个方向开始
0:07:40.59, with a view of our renowned equestrian center. 可以看到我校知名的马术中心
0:07:45.73, It took me right back to 40 years ago-- 一下子让我回到40年前
0:07:47.53, Candy-ass preppies with too many privileges. 有各种特权的懦弱预科生
0:07:50.31, You know what I hated most about those guys? 知道我最讨厌他们什么吗
0:07:52.97, They all had these little noses. 他们的鼻子都很小
0:07:55.34, What is that? 那是怎么回事
0:07:56.80, To your left, the world-class Campbell observatory. 请看左边 世界一流的坎贝尔天文台
0:08:00.03, Now, of course, if it's stars of the Hollywood kind that you like, 当然了 如果你喜欢好莱坞那种明星
0:08:03.11, our award-winning theater is just here, 我们获奖无数的剧院就在这边
0:08:05.00, where this June 今年六月
0:08:05.70, Ms. Nicole Kidman will be appearing in "Picnic." 妮可·基德曼将在这里出演《野餐》
0:08:11.47, Okay, gun to my head, 好吧 我就勉强承认吧
0:08:13.25, maybe I was a tiny bit jealous of those guys back then, 我当年或许是有些嫉妒那些家伙
0:08:16.24, with their cars and their fancy hair products-- 嫉妒他们的车 他们高级的美发用品
0:08:19.24, Your brylcreems and your vo5s. 你们的发油和艾伯特牌发胶
0:08:23.01, We'll now take a short break, where you're free to explore 现在我们休息一会 大家可以自由参观
0:08:25.06, the treasures of our rare book library. 我校的珍本图书馆
0:08:28.15, You know what was a rare book in my school library? 你知道我们学校图书馆的珍本是什么吗
0:08:30.74, One that didn't have genitals drawn all over it. 一本没有被画满生殖器的书
0:08:33.67, Who am I kidding? 我骗谁呢
0:08:35.10, I wanted what those kids had then, 我当年就想要那些富家子所拥有的
0:08:37.18, And 40 years later, I still wanted it. 40年之后 我仍然想要
0:08:40.58, Manny, write down what they said about the library. 曼尼 把跟图书馆有关的介绍写下来
0:08:42.42, They're liable to ask you about that in the interview. 他们很有可能面试时问你这些
0:08:43.87, And get the lead out. We don't want to miss the bell players. 抓紧时间 别错过编钟演出了
0:08:46.88, Excuse me! 借过
0:08:48.45, But she's so young. 她还那么小
0:08:50.11, Do you really think that she already-- 你们真觉得她已经...
0:08:51.75, I knew when I was 5. 我5岁时就确定性取向了
0:08:53.03, - Everybody knew when you were 5. - Not true. 你5岁时大家都看出来了-不对
0:08:54.80, Not everyone knew until 直到我给自己办了
0:08:55.86, I threw myself my second 5th birthday party. 第二场5岁生日派对才天下皆知
0:08:57.71, Come on, Lily is not gay. 拜托 莉莉不是同性恋
0:08:59.59, It's probably just a phase. 那或许是因为她处于迷茫期
0:09:00.95, Oh, my god. Did I just say that? 我的天啊 我怎么说出口的
0:09:02.89, Do not tell anyone I just said that. 别告诉任何人我这么说了
0:09:05.02, I got my sweater. Can I go now? 我穿好毛衣了 可以走了吗
0:09:07.06, Here. Yeah, sweetie. Have a seat. 过来 宝贝 坐着
0:09:09.76, Oh. Imagine if this was a hay bale, 想象下这是个草堆
0:09:10.64, And she was wearing a prairie skirt. 她穿着草裙
0:09:11.69, It would be a total flashback. 简直是往事重现啊
0:09:12.73, Stay with us. 和我们坐一块
0:09:13.79, Um, so Gloria was telling us about something that you said. 歌洛莉亚跟我们说了你今天说的话
0:09:16.73, Something about you being gay? 说你是同性恋
0:09:18.42, What about it? 那又怎样
0:09:19.44, Okay, very aggressive. Just saying. 真强势 我就说说
0:09:21.04, Um, w-we're--we're just wondering, you know, 我们只是在想
0:09:22.92, why did you say that? 为什么你要那么说
0:09:24.12, Because I'm gay. 因为我是同性恋啊
0:09:25.48, But why do you think you're gay, sweetie? 可为什么你认为自己是同性恋呢 宝贝
0:09:27.54, We're learning about it in school. 我们在学校学了
0:09:30.53, My friend Aldo's parents are Italian, 我朋友奥尔多的父母是意大利人
0:09:32.67, so he's Italian. 所以他也是意大利人
0:09:33.66, And you and daddy are gay, so I'm gay. 而你们是同性恋 所以我也是
0:09:38.79, First of all, adorable. 首先 真是可爱啊
0:09:40.77, But that's not how it works. 但事实不是这样的
0:09:41.55, When Aldo's talking about him being Italian, 当奥尔多说他是意大利人时
0:09:44.58, he's talking about his heritage. 他是说他遗传了意大利人的血统
0:09:46.23, Yeah, and that's a totally different thing than being gay. 那和同性恋完全不是一码事
0:09:49.09, See, heritage is, uh... 遗传就是
0:09:50.83, Well, it's something that you're born with, 就是你生来就有的
0:09:52.20, And--oh, my god. What's wrong with me? 我的老天爷啊 我怎么了
0:09:53.64, And with respect to your heritage, you're not gay. 至于你的遗传 你不是同性恋
0:09:57.22, You're Vietnamese. 你是越南人
0:09:58.56, What's that? 那是什么
0:10:00.58, Well, Vietnam is a beautiful country, 越南是个美丽的国度
0:10:02.87, And it's near China. 靠近中国
0:10:05.80, Uh, it--it's known for, uh... 那个国家出名的东西有
0:10:07.92, Its--its farms, with all of the, uh... 农田 以及各种...
0:10:11.27, - Uh, water buffalos. - Water buffalo. 水牛-对 水牛
0:10:12.54, And... Bikes. Lily, there are bikes everywhere. 还有单车 莉莉 那里到处都是单车
0:10:16.31, - There are so many bikes. - So many bikes. 那里真的好多单车-好多好多
0:10:18.28, People are biking around. And, uh... 人们骑着单车来来往往
0:10:20.05, And then--and they're wearing hats. 他们都戴着帽子
0:10:21.52, Hats. They have these beautiful sun hats. 帽子 他们戴着美丽的太阳帽
0:10:22.66, That swoop. 弧形的帽檐
0:10:24.21, Can I go and play now? 我可以去玩了吗
0:10:25.15, Please. Go. Yes. Yes, gosh. Would ya? 去吧 可以 老天啊
0:10:27.77, Love for you to. 爱你哦
0:10:29.69, Is that all you know about her culture? 你们对她的文化就只知道这点吗
0:10:31.34, No. I mean, w-we're-- we're saving 不 我们保留了一些
0:10:33.28, some of the things until she gets older to tell her about. 等她长大再告诉她
0:10:35.44, I-I wanna say the windmills and the tulips? 我想说风车和郁金香
0:10:37.11, Don't.
0:10:37.65, No wonder she has so many questions. 难怪她有那么多问题
0:10:40.12, She doesn't know who she is. 她不知道自己是谁
0:10:41.48, Well, I guess we kind of dropped the ball. 好吧 那确实是我们的疏忽
0:10:43.27, You know what? Forget the pretty nails. 要我说 我们就别去做什么指甲了
0:10:45.10, We are all going to a Vietnamese restaurant, 我们去找家越南菜馆
0:10:47.21, and we are gonna give her a taste of her culture. 让她尝尝自己民族的文化
0:10:50.64, Which one is the best restaurant around here? 附近哪家越南菜馆最好
0:10:54.63, - I wanna say Saigon. - There's little, um... 估计是西贡菜馆吧-有叫小店叫啥来着
0:10:56.56, You know nothing. 你们一无所知
0:10:59.08, I'll look in the Jelp. 我查查大众点评
0:11:01.55, - Thank you. - You're welcome. 谢谢-不客气
0:11:03.19, Hey, we should go. Mom's gonna be here soon. 我们走吧 老妈快到了
0:11:04.83, Why don't you stay and say hello? 你们不如留在这儿跟她打个招呼吧
0:11:06.40, She'd love to see you. 她很想见你们的
0:11:07.71, Why? So she can tell me how to live my life? 怎么 她想趁机指挥我怎么过日子吗
0:11:09.55, Yeah, I've got my probation officer for that. 就是 我的缓刑监察官会"关照"我的
0:11:11.63, We'll see her on her birthday. When's the next important one? 等她过生日再见吧 还有什么重要节日吗
0:11:16.70, I know it's none of my business, but... 我知道这不关我事 但是
0:11:18.66, Is't possible that your mom doesn't want you to make certain mistakes 你们的妈妈也许是不想你们犯错
0:11:21.32, cause she cares? 因为她实在很关心你们
0:11:22.74, Oh, my god. You sound just like her. 天呐 你说话跟她一模一样
0:11:24.62, Let's roll. 我们闪吧
0:11:28.44, Haley, you are not quitting your job. 海莉 你不准辞职
0:11:31.09, Where is this coming from? 你从哪儿冒出这么一句
0:11:32.85, It's coming from the future-- your future-- 从未来 你的未来啊
0:11:34.56, And it ain't pretty. 那可不怎么好看
0:11:35.44, I don't understand. In the future, I'm not pretty? 我不明白 我未来变得不好看了吗
0:11:37.97, No, you'll hold up okay. But this path you're on, 不 你保养得不错 但你的行事风格
0:11:39.87, flitting from one thing to the next, 凡事都半途而废 再另寻新欢
0:11:40.99, it ends in a pile of ex-husbands and nicotine fingers. 只会给你无数的前夫 让你变成烟鬼
0:11:44.04, - Can I talk now, dad? - No! 轮到我说了吧-不行
0:11:46.31, Hello?
0:11:47.01, Alex? You don't have to go on that trip with Nicole. 艾丽克斯 你不必跟妮可出去旅游
0:11:49.89, You can study as much as you want. 你想宅在家学习多久都行
0:11:51.92, Just know that I love you. 你要知道 妈妈爱你
0:11:53.59, Okay. 好啊
0:11:54.50, Listen to me, Haley. You are dangerously close 海莉 你听仔细了 你现在很危险
0:11:56.49, to getting on a path you can't get off of. 一不留神就会走上一条不归路
0:11:58.07, Dad, stop yelling. 爸 别吼了
0:11:59.34, Mom, stop crying. I know I'm not a big nerd. 妈 别哭了 我知道自己不是书呆子
0:12:02.83, Here, mom wants to talk to you. 给你 妈找你说话
0:12:03.93, Dad wants to talk to you. 爸找你说话
0:12:05.62, Hello?-Hello? 喂-喂
0:12:06.42, Alex, book down, 艾丽克斯 快订票
0:12:08.00, run a brush through your hair. 把头发梳得漂漂亮亮的
0:12:09.51, You're going on that trip with your friend. 你必须跟你朋友旅游去
0:12:11.01, What? 什么
0:12:11.73, Haley, I love you. 海莉 我爱你
0:12:13.78, If you don't want to work in that store, 你如果不想在那店里干活
0:12:14.86, I'll help you find something you like better. 我一定帮你找份喜欢的好工作
0:12:16.52, Is this reverse psychiatry? 你这是在搞反向心理战术吗
0:12:18.32, No, honey. Actually, nothing is. 不 宝贝 妈妈不说反话
0:12:21.15, I just want you to be happy. 我只是想你开心
0:12:22.89, Mom, you're freaking me out. 妈 你别吓我啊
0:12:24.71, Why is everyone screaming? 你俩吵吵啥呢
0:12:26.26, - Here! - Here! 给你-给你
0:12:28.18, This is luke. 我是卢克
0:12:29.47, Why are mom and dad acting so cracy? 爸妈怎么这么异常啊
0:12:31.18, I don't know, but it's creepy. 不知道 这也太吓人了
0:12:32.62, Something's going on. 肯定有什么不对劲
0:12:33.80, Do you think it has to do with mom's heart thing? 你觉得这跟妈的心脏病有关吗
0:12:35.62, Like it's more serious than they're saying? 搞不好她的病其实比他们说的严重许多
0:12:37.22, - We have to go to the hospital. - Oh, my god! Oh, my god! 我们得去医院-天呐 天呐
0:12:40.06, Okay, everybody, calm down. 好啦二位姐姐 淡定
0:12:42.50, Here's what we know. 现在已知的情况是
0:12:44.07, Mom had to go to the hospital for a simple procedure. 老妈只是去医院做个小手术
0:12:46.94, Then mom and dad start calling us, acting weird. 然后爸妈都打给我们 并且言行怪异
0:12:50.16, Open your eyes, people. 擦亮双眼吧
0:12:51.80, They've been kidnapped. 他们是被绑架了
0:12:55.72, 招生办公室  
0:12:57.12, Well, now that the tour's over, we can probably take these off. 既然都参观完了 我们可以把这衣服脱了吧
0:13:00.36, I don't see the rush. 不着急吧
0:13:01.75, And you gotta be mentally sharp for your interview. 待会面试 你脑筋一定会转的飞快的
0:13:04.31, How you feeling? 感觉如何
0:13:05.28, Pretty good. 感觉良好
0:13:06.50, You know, parents are allowed to sit in, 父母是可以在里面旁听面试的
0:13:07.93, but if you don't feel like it... 但你要是不想进去
0:13:09.01, Are you kidding me? I wouldn't miss it. 开什么玩笑 我可不能错过
0:13:10.98, This is where it all starts. 此刻是一切辉煌的起点
0:13:12.77, Sure seems like you've come around on this place, Jay. 你好像开始喜欢这地方了 杰
0:13:14.89, How could I not? This place is unbelievable. 我怎能不喜欢 这地方棒极了
0:13:17.93, I'm already picturing those jerks at the club 我已经开始想象俱乐部里的那些瘪三
0:13:19.61, seeing my son walk in wearing a dryden jacket. 仰慕我儿子穿着帅气的德莱顿校服闪亮登场
0:13:22.84, Manny Delgado? 曼尼·迪尔加多
0:13:26.97, I-I guess what I'm trying to say is, 我想说的是
0:13:28.93, I like books for reading them. 我喜欢读书
0:13:30.86, You care to elaborate? 你能详细说说吗
0:13:31.99, Indeed. 那当然
0:13:37.61, Did you ever see one of those slow-motion movies 你看过电影里的慢动作镜头吗
0:13:39.92, where they destroy an old casino, 一座赌场从内而外地爆炸
0:13:42.34, and it just implodes? 火光四射 轰然倒塌
0:13:45.55, That. 就是这感觉
0:13:46.66, So who are your favorite authors? 你最喜欢的作家是谁
0:13:48.51, That's a long list. 可多了
0:13:49.85, I'd probably have to start with... 首先是那谁 叫什么来着
0:13:53.42, Go ahead. Hard as you can. 使劲来一拳试试
0:14:05.90, So good. 真好吃
0:14:06.87, I want a cheeseburger. 我想吃芝士汉堡
0:14:08.05, But this is a special soup called pho. 这可是越南的"草"汤
0:14:10.19, You told me not to say that word. 你还说不准说脏话呢[操]
0:14:12.79, It is delicious. This is the food of your people. 好吃极了 这可是你们民族的美食呢
0:14:16.63, Can I get you anything else? 还需要些什么吗
0:14:17.75, Actually, um, we're just trying to teach our daughter 其实嘛 我们正在给我们女儿
0:14:19.53, about your country. 介绍你们国家
0:14:21.24, And as I'm saying that, I'm hoping you're from Vietnam. 我这样说 其实私心希望你是越南来的
0:14:23.37, I was born there. 我在那儿出生
0:14:24.66, Uh, so was Lily. 莉莉也是
0:14:25.91, Oh. It's a beautiful country. 那是个美丽的国家
0:14:27.60, Um, my family still lives there. 我家里人还住在那儿
0:14:28.77, I hate Vietnam! 我恨越南
0:14:30.28, Lily, honey, we don't hate. 莉莉 宝贝 我们不能仇恨
0:14:31.97, I hate Vietnam. 我恨越南
0:14:34.90, Okay, um, we need just a second. 不好意思 我们得教育一下她
0:14:37.73, Lily, that was rude. 莉莉 这样不礼貌
0:14:39.10, I wanna go home. 我想回家
0:14:40.38, No. It's important that you celebrate the culture of your ancestors. 不 敬仰自己祖宗的文化是很重要的
0:14:44.90, You are Vietnamese. 你是越南人
0:14:46.73, No, I'm not. I'm gay! I'm gay! 我不是 我是同性恋 我是同性恋
0:14:49.77, Honey, no, you're not gay. You are just confused. 宝贝 你不是同性恋 你只是困惑而已
0:14:52.48, Oh, my god. What is wrong with me? It's like I... 天呐 我这是怎么了 感觉好像...
0:14:54.93, Oh, please. We have tons of lesbian friends. 别误会 我们有一堆女同性恋朋友
0:14:57.09, Odd that you would reference our friends and not us. 你怎么不跟人解释说我们俩也是同性恋
0:14:59.03, - I know. I know. - Also gay. 我错了错了-我们也是同性恋哦
0:14:59.71, - We should just go. - No, nobody's going anywhere 我们走吧-不准走
0:15:01.42, until she finishes the whole soup! 她把汤喝完了才准走
0:15:02.99, No, Gloria, it's fine. 算了歌洛莉亚 没关系
0:15:04.07, - We don't wanna push her. No, no, no, it's not fine. 我们不想逼她-不行不行 不能算了
0:15:05.27, That's the problem with this country. 这就是这个国家的问题所在
0:15:07.07, Nobody cares where they come from. 大家都不认祖归宗了
0:15:08.74, They just want cheeseburgers and prep school, 大家都只吃芝士汉堡 上预科学校
0:15:11.45, And they have forgotten about Colombia! 他们都忘了祖国哥伦比亚
0:15:14.45, Okay, I can't help but feel 好吧 我不禁觉得
0:15:16.46, that maybe you're bringing something to the table 你刚刚说的那些问题
0:15:18.18, that's possibly, uh, not at all about Lily. 好像不全跟莉莉有关
0:15:21.41, I think you're right. 你说得对
0:15:23.06, It's just that I feel like I'm losing my children to America. 这感觉就像 万恶的美帝国夺走了我的孩子
0:15:28.02, They're just going to grow up 他们长大后
0:15:29.39, and become boring old white people. 都会变成无聊的白人老头儿
0:15:32.42, Uh, most of our friends are white, actually. 别误会 我们大部分朋友都是白人
0:15:35.81, Uh... Okay, can everybody just calm down 好吧 大家都冷静点儿
0:15:37.21, and go back to their own conversations? 大家都该干嘛干嘛去吧
0:15:38.86, Just... Thank you. 谢谢啦
0:15:40.53, Hey. Hey, what's going on with you? 嘿 你怎么了
0:15:43.68, Manny has forgotten most of his Spanish, 曼尼都快把西班牙语忘光了
0:15:46.33, And Joe--I'm sure he's not even going to learn it. 而乔甚至根本不会去学
0:15:48.93, I know this is silly, but I just don't like 我知道这很傻 但我就是不喜欢
0:15:51.59, feeling like I'm so different from the rest of my family. 自己跟家里的其他人完全不同
0:15:54.95, Oh, honey. 噢 小可怜
0:15:56.07, - It feels so lonely, yes. - Oh, wait just a second. 太孤独了-慢着
0:15:58.10, Lily, is that why you want to be gay, 莉莉 你是因为这个才想做同性恋的吗
0:16:00.10, to be more like your daddies? 这样更像大爸二爸吗
0:16:02.22, Oh, honey. No, the three of us are a family 宝贝 不 就算我们三个来自不同的地方
0:16:04.45, even though we come from different places. 我们依然是一家人
0:16:05.98, You know, you were born in vietnam, 你出生在越南
0:16:08.00, and I grew up in a city, 我在城市长大
0:16:09.34, and even though he never talks about it, 尽管你大爸没说过
0:16:10.57, your daddy grew up on a farm. 其实他是在农场长大的
0:16:11.97, Yeah. 是的
0:16:12.76, The point is, is that we're a family 重点是 我们是一家人
0:16:14.48, because we love each other. 是因为我们彼此深爱着
0:16:15.90, Okay.-And you know What? 知道了-你知道吗
0:16:18.27, You just caused a scene in a restaurant... 你刚刚在餐厅引发了一场闹剧
0:16:20.23, and you can't get any more like your daddies than that. 这是最像你大爸二爸的地方
0:16:23.17, Maybe I'll just take Manny and Joe 也许这个暑假
0:16:24.58, to Colombia this summer. 我应该带曼尼和乔去哥伦比亚
0:16:26.88, I think that's a great idea. 我觉得这是个好主意
0:16:28.33, I really think that keeping in touch with your heritage 我真心觉得经常接触自己的根源
0:16:30.69, only enriches our culture. 只会丰富我们的文化
0:16:32.69, Absolutely. I think we would all be better off 绝对的 我觉得如果大家都是从哪儿来
0:16:35.29, if people would go back to where they came from. 回哪儿去 我们的日子会好过很多
0:16:41.02, I...
0:16:42.18, - I'll pull the car around. - Yes. 我把车开过来-好的
0:16:47.52, All I can think about are the good times I had with mom. 我能想到的全是和妈妈在一起的美好时光
0:16:50.11, Who's gonna walk me down the aisle? 到时候谁来陪我走红毯
0:16:51.68, Stop spinning out. 别瞎想了
0:16:52.45, There's no point in imagining some horrible future. 想象这些恐怖的未来没什么意义
0:17:07.06, Hey, buddy. 亲爱的
0:17:08.39, You made it. 你成功了
0:17:10.04, You're in heaven. 你在天堂
0:17:10.95, - That's not funny. - Okay. 不好笑-好吧
0:17:12.53, Knock, knock. 咚咚咚
0:17:13.26, Don't bother. She's not in the mood for jokes. 算了吧 她没心情开玩笑
0:17:15.11, Your results are great. 检测结果很好
0:17:16.27, Minimal plaque. Your heart is strong. 血小板是最低值 你的心脏很健康
0:17:18.23, Thank you. That's such good news. 谢谢 真是好消息
0:17:20.39, Well, keep taking your medication, 继续吃药
0:17:22.01, - you'll outlive all of us. - Thanks. 你会活得比我们都长-谢谢
0:17:23.73, Honey, you nailed it. 亲爱的 你挺过来了
0:17:26.42, You weren't worried, were you? 你没有担心 对吗
0:17:27.82, No.
0:17:29.22, Me, neither. 我也没担心
0:17:31.53, I wasn't done with that. 我还没抱够
0:17:32.32, Me, neither. 我也是
0:17:36.52, God, do you soak your hair in cigarettes? 老天 你的头发在香烟里泡过吗
0:17:39.52, Do you wash your clothes in tears? 你的衣服是用眼泪洗得吗
0:17:41.08, I have to get home. My roommate needs these shoes. 我得回家了 室友需要这双鞋子
0:17:44.13, Weirdos. 怪胎
0:17:45.49, Luke, don't be so mean. I can't take it today. 卢克 别这么刻薄 我今天无法承受
0:17:48.03, I may be your sort of mom now... 可能我现在就要姐兼母职了
0:17:49.37, and I'm practically a child myself. 我自己都还是个孩子
0:17:51.10, Okay, let's calm down. 好了 大家冷静
0:17:53.14, Mom could be fine. 妈可能没事
0:17:54.42, Oh, come on. They wouldn't be freaking out if they were fine. 拜托 如果没事他们不会这样失常
0:17:56.52, Right, 'cause mom and dad never freak out over nothing. 对 因为爸妈从来不会无缘无故地大惊小怪
0:17:58.76, They don't. They're perfect. 他们不会 他们是完美的
0:18:01.99, Remember the time when dad was switching jobs, 还记不记得爸那次换工作
0:18:03.59, and mom threw away all of our junk food? 妈把我们的垃圾食品全扔了
0:18:04.97, That was completely different. 那完全是另一回事
0:18:06.09, No, no, actually, it's not. 不不 这是一回事
0:18:07.44, They don't know how to deal with their stuff, 他们不知道如何处理自己的事情
0:18:08.77, so they obsess over us. 所以就拿我们开刀
0:18:10.50, Maybe that's all this is, right? 也许这次也一样 对吗
0:18:13.23, I can't believe how relieved I am. 真不敢相信我有多放松
0:18:15.32, Me, too. I'm just texting the kids. 我也是 我在给孩子们发短信
0:18:17.56, It's like at a certain age, "It's probably nothing" 到了一定年纪 "可能没事"
0:18:19.51, becomes "It's probably nothing." 就会变成 "可能没事...吧?"
0:18:22.35, Like they add italics at 40. 好像他们把"40岁"用斜体标出来了
0:18:24.89, Well, the good news is... 好消息是
0:18:26.80, These situations just bring us closer and closer together. 现在的情况让我们越来越亲"近"
0:18:31.84, By the way, you did a great job of keeping your cool. 顺便说一下 你一直表现得很冷静
0:18:34.51, Well, I didn't want to scare the kids. 我不想吓坏孩子们
0:18:36.63, You did a pretty good job yourself. 你的表现也不赖
0:18:38.16, Thanks. 谢谢
0:18:39.51, I have a secret. 我有个秘密
0:18:40.64, What's that? 什么
0:18:41.80, We're pretty good at this parenting thing. 我们是优秀的父母
0:18:44.07, I think we are. 我想是的
0:18:45.39, Kiss me. 吻我
0:18:47.34, I'm gonna try. 我试试吧
0:18:49.65, Mom ok?! 妈没事
0:18:51.25, You guys are the worst parents ever. 你们是有史以来最差劲的爹妈
0:18:53.08, It's the same every time! 每次都这样
0:18:54.66, One of you guys goes through something stressful, 你们只要有一个遭遇到麻烦问题
0:18:56.28, and instead of dealing with it, you freak out on us. 你们不是积极面对 而是把我们吓得半死
0:18:58.25, Quit your job, "Don't quit your job"? 辞职吧 别辞职
0:19:00.15, Read more, "Read less"? 多看书 少看书
0:19:01.75, Be better at being adults! 能不能做个像样的大人
0:19:03.05, Come on, Luke. Let's go! 卢克 我们走
0:19:04.58, You're not my mom anymore, but okay! 你不再是我妈了 不过没关系
0:19:09.61, Save the judgey looks for another 15 years. 15年后再看看还有没有脸用这种眼光看我们
0:19:17.22, What the hell happened in there? 刚才那是怎么回事
0:19:18.74, I don't know. I've never choked like that before. 不知道 我以前从未这样卡住过
0:19:21.41, You think it's a definite no? 你觉得肯定没戏吗
0:19:22.78, Well, you pointed to a picture of the dean's son 你可是指着院长儿子的照片
0:19:24.28, and asked when she's due. 问她的预产期是什么时候
0:19:25.75, Right. 没错
0:19:27.27, Sorry I let you down, Jay. 抱歉让你失望了 杰
0:19:28.43, Me?
0:19:29.77, I saw how much it meant to you. 我看出来这对你有多重要
0:19:31.28, It's like I was on the football field. 就好像我在橄榄球场上
0:19:32.88, You were up in the stands, all proud of me, rooting me on. 你在看台上 为我骄傲 为我加油
0:19:36.32, I'm not used to that. I just whiffed. 我不习惯 我失败了
0:19:39.63, That's not even the right sport. 我根本就不适合橄榄球比赛
0:19:41.25, Why am I trying to blame you? 我为什么要怪你
0:19:42.49, Probably 'cause you should be. Sit down. 可能你应该怪我 坐下
0:19:45.86, I think I put some stuff on you that... 我想我是希望把40年前
0:19:48.77, is about some guys 40 years ago 有着小鼻子浓密头发的家伙的一切
0:19:52.47, with tiny noses and perfect hair. 强加在了你身上
0:19:55.09, You're losing me. 我没听懂
0:19:57.37, There's only thing I want you to understand. 我只想让你明白一件事
0:20:00.38, If today was the first time 如果今天是你第一次
0:20:02.66, you've felt that I was proud of you, 感到我为你骄傲
0:20:04.13, then I should be apologizing, 那我应该道歉
0:20:06.12, cause I'm proud of you every day. 因为我每天都为你感到骄傲
0:20:08.85, Thanks, Jay. 谢谢 杰
0:20:11.80, Let's go. 走吧
0:20:13.46, Did I really bet him 我真的跟他打赌
0:20:14.40, I could fit his whole cell phone in my mouth? 我可以把他的手机放进我嘴里吗
0:20:15.75, Forget about that guy. You're never gonna see him again. 别再提他了 你不会再见他了
0:20:18.16, I'm not sure about that. 这可不好说
0:20:20.77, Wait here. 在这里等着
0:20:26.18, - Kernels in? - Check. 玉米粒放好了吗-好了
0:20:27.48, - On the right side only? - Check. 只放了右边吗-是
0:20:29.53, You know this is the last of our batter, right? 你知道这是最后的面糊吧
0:20:31.46, Our backs are against the wall. 我们已经到绝路了
0:20:33.17, Last chance at mastering the self-flipping pancake. 制作自翻薄饼的最后机会
0:20:35.85, You mean "Popcake." 你是说"爆薄饼"吧
0:20:37.14, I was thinking "Flipjack." 我想的是"弹弹饼"
0:20:38.26, Oh, of course! 太棒了
0:20:39.25, It's okay. 好了
0:20:40.98, Okay. 好吧
0:20:41.86, This is the one. I feel it. 就是这个了 我有预感
0:20:43.39, If this works, centuries from now, 如果成功了 几个世纪后
0:20:45.73, someone's gonna dig one of these things up 会有人把这个挖出来
0:20:47.16, and wonder what the heck it is. 纳闷这到底是什么东西
0:20:50.44, 5... 4... 五 四
0:20:52.70, 3... 2... 三 二
0:20:54.79, Flip!
0:20:56.73, Flip, damn you! 弹啊 该死的
0:20:59.24, - It's over. - No, it's not! - It's over! 结束了-没有-结束了
0:21:02.79, It's all right. 没事
0:21:04.14, We left it all out there on the griddle. 就这样放在烤盘上吧
0:21:06.82, We live to fight another day. 我们伺机再战吧
0:21:08.72, Yeah. I guess. 我想是吧
0:21:10.05, I can't believe we wasted all that batter. 真不敢相信浪费了这么多面糊
0:21:12.51, Ah, I guess you can't make an omelet 不打碎一些鸡蛋
0:21:13.77, without breaking a few eggs. Am I right? 怎么能做成煎蛋卷呢 对吧
0:21:16.98, Or can we? 不行吗
0:21:18.38, To the grocery store! 去杂货店


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