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听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第三季 第21集:显摆的杰





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00:02.77, How you doing? 你好啊
00:03.66, Phil Dunphy. 我是菲尔·邓菲
00:04.96, What do I have to do to get you to ask 我要如何才能让你张口问
00:06.34, What do I have to do to get you into this car today? 我要如何才能让你看上这辆车
00:09.60, Well, why don't we start it with a test drive? 要不 我们先来个试驾你看怎么样
00:11.65, I'll get the keys. 我去拿钥匙
00:12.45, Sounds good. 听起来不错
00:15.34, Right where I want him. 正合我意啊
00:18.10, Come here. Come look at this. 快过来 瞅瞅这个
00:19.69, This thing warns you if you deviate from your lane. 一旦你偏离行车道 这玩意儿就会提醒你
00:22.84, In my car, that's my wife. 我的车 我老婆也具有相同功能
00:25.11, Andre, if you try to kill me, 安德瑞 你要是拿我生命冒险
00:26.56, I swear I will kill you!" 老娘就先收了你"
00:29.08, Well, I guess this is what I'll be driving for the next 39 months. 我想接下来陪伴我39个月的就会是这辆车了
00:32.93, This is my D.N.A. talking, 休怪我观察力太明锐
00:34.48, But you do not seem sufficiently excited 但你似乎并没有很兴奋满足
00:36.27, about the prospect of driving a new Cadillac. 这可是一辆全新的凯迪拉克啊
00:38.28, No, it's great. I've just leased the same thing forever. 没 我兴奋得很 只是一直都是老一套
00:41.15, Part of me wants to shake things up. 但内心深处其实想弄点刺激的
00:43.35, I don't know. 我也说不清
00:45.19, Get something like... 比如换一个...
00:47.69, Like that. 那样的
00:50.87, Colonel Klink, that is nice. 克里克上校风范 赞啊
00:55.11, We took Lily on her first train ride. 我们第一次带着莉莉坐城铁
00:56.90, Just a quick trip to chinatown. 去唐人街的短途路程
00:58.59, I was worried she would think 原本还担心她会误以为
00:59.71, We were taking her back to Vietnam, 我们要把她送回越南
01:01.15, But she seemed okay. 不过她表现还好
01:02.39, Yeah, yeah. 可不是嘛
01:03.51, Possibly because she was an infant when she left vietnam. 可能因为她离开越南时还只是个婴儿吧
01:06.88, Also, Vietnam is not China. 其次 越南和中国是两码事
01:08.46, Well, I had a lollipop with me just in case. 不过 我带上根棒棒糖以防万一
01:12.77, I love that we're doing this. 我真开心我们能这么做
01:13.82, It's important for her to explore the city she lives in. 慢慢涉足她生活的城市对她很重要
01:15.98, So much diversity. 真是鱼龙混杂啊
01:17.76, Keep your wallet in your front pocket. 快把钱包放你前面的口袋里
01:19.10, My shoe's untied. 我的鞋带散了
01:20.46, Oh, sweetie, it is. Here, have a seat. 小乖乖 是哦 来 先坐下
01:22.40, Right here. There you go. Hey, hold bunny. 就这里 好样的 小兔兔拿好
01:25.97, - No! No, no, no, no, no, no! - Bunny! -不 不 不 不 -小兔兔
01:28.95, How did you miss that, Mitchell? 你怎么就没接住呢 米奇尔
01:30.16, Mr. Conductor! I-I... 列车长 我...
01:31.20, What? 那什么
01:32.02, I was purell-ing! 我在给手消毒呢
01:33.64, And it's me! Why would you toss it? 我不就这样嘛 你干嘛突然扔过来
01:35.37, Because my hands were full? 我手忙不过来了这理由充分吗
01:36.69, I want bunny! 还我小兔兔
01:38.62, I know. W--okay, I have an idea. 知道 好的 我有个主意
01:40.13, Let's catch the next train and ride it till it catches up. 我们赶下一班城铁 然后去追前面那班
01:42.23, They don't catch up. That's called a collision. 城铁是追不上的 追上了那叫追尾
01:44.60, Okay, well, do you have a better idea? 那行你说 你想一个更好的办法呢
01:45.72, - You're the one that lost it. - No, you tossed it. 就是你弄丢的-不 是你扔丢的
01:48.34, He who tossed it lost it. 扔的人才是弄丢的人
01:49.78, Don't try to clever your way out of this. 别为了推卸责任跟我耍嘴皮子
01:51.09, Daddy lost bunny. 爸爸弄丢了兔兔
01:52.31, She means you. 她说的是你
01:54.12, Oh, I wanted a car like this since I was a kid. 自打小时候我就梦想着能有这么一辆车
01:57.15, Me, too. 我也是
01:58.50, I used to imagine the wind blowing through my perm, 我曾想象着那风掠过我的发梢
02:00.77, blasting some Hall & Oates, 再配上霍尔与奥兹的歌
02:02.00, maybe horsing around with my Mr. Microphone... 和我的麦克疯先生一起逍遥自在
02:06.15, Yeah, we wouldn't have been friends back then. 得了 那会儿咱俩还没那么熟
02:08.50, You should buy it. 心动不如行动啊
02:09.87, No, it's not practical. 不 这太不切实际了
02:11.84, Practical? You never see a person on their deathbed 实际 你见过人临死之前躺床上
02:14.24, saying, "I wish I'd have been more practical." 说 "我要是在活得在实际点就好了"
02:16.59, I see a lot of people on their deathbed, Phil. 临死之人的肺腑之言我见得多了 菲尔
02:18.52, A lot. 多了去了
02:19.54, I thought you operated on knees and elbows. 你手下的病人都是胳膊腿伤 不至于辞世吧
02:21.51, Phil, this is a nice car. 菲尔 这车真的不错
02:23.63, And it's half the price of a new car. 价格也只有新车的一半而已
02:25.59, If you don't buy it, I will. 你要是不买 我就上了
02:27.88, What would Claire say? 克莱尔知道可怎么办
02:30.38, You know what? Maybe we should find you 那好吧 我们去找那种特殊构造的车
02:32.32, Something with a little more lumbar support. 那种可以让你挺直腰杆的车
02:34.00, Yeah. You know, with you not having a spine and all. 知道吗 你要是自己连个主心骨都没有
02:36.33, - I have a spine. - Do you have a spine? 我有主心骨-你确定你有主心骨吗
02:38.37, - I have a spine. - So wanna take it for a spin? 我有主心骨-要去兜风测测性能吗
02:40.56, You know what? I'd rather take her for a spin. 这样吧 我更想测测她的"性能"
02:42.86, Let's get her top down 赶紧把她放平整利索了
02:43.71, and see what she can do. 看看她"性能"如何
02:44.65, I'm--no, I meant the convertible. 我... 我说的是那敞篷车
02:58.45, 摩登家庭 第三季 第二十一集
03:02.90, Well, I just talked to the concierge, 我刚跟那大堂经理聊了下
03:04.49, and room service will save me a bread pudding. 客房服务能帮我留一块面包布丁
03:06.33, Load off my mind. 那我总算放心了
03:07.78, You mock me, but "Travel and leisure" 尽管嘲笑我 不过《旅游与休闲》杂志
03:09.41, Says it's not to be missed. 可说了那是不能错过的美食
03:11.59, This weekend, we're going up to pebble beach. 这周末 我们一家要去卵石滩[加州
03:14.08, I'm gonna meet a bunch of guys I played high school football with. 去会会那群高中的橄榄球队友们
03:17.28, Man, those were the good old days. 天啊 那段岁月可真是难忘
03:18.76, Yeah, unless you were a woman, 是啊 但当年你要是女人或者
03:19.93, black, hispanic, or gay. 黑人 西裔 同性恋那日子就糟糕了
03:22.88, True, but if you were a straight white guy 没错 不过你要是一个白种的直男
03:24.53, who played football, 还打橄榄球
03:26.62, you really couldn't have a bad day. 每一天都是快乐的好日子
03:28.77, Gloria? 歌洛莉亚
03:30.28, Which watch should I pack? 我该戴哪块表
03:31.69, This one's showier. This one's more expensive. 这块霸气外漏 这款价值连城
03:34.64, Why do you care so much about a watch? 就一块表而已你干嘛那么在乎
03:36.29, How do I say this without sounding like an ass? 我要怎么跟你说才不会显得太臭屁呢
03:38.50, I'm kind of a legend to these guys. 那帮人可当我是个传奇人物
03:41.07, Not like that. 这么说不行
03:51.81, Who's your daddy? 瞧瞧酷爹风范
03:53.11, Whoa! Whose car is this? 哇哦 这车是谁的啊
03:55.13, - Mine! - I talked him into it. 我的-我说服他买的
03:57.12, Seriously? Mom's gonna let you have this? 真的吗 买这车老妈没意见吗
03:59.18, Luke, Luke, Luke... 卢克 卢克 卢克...
04:01.19, Where is she? 你妈人呢
04:02.69, Dad, I don't like this. 老爸 我觉得这样不好
04:04.23, Why not? 为什么
04:05.03, My friend Molly's dad bought a sports car, 我朋友茉莉她爸就买了辆跑车
04:06.86, and now he lives in a studio apartment 现在他住在一个单间公寓里
04:08.34, 跟一个在"永驻21岁"上班的姑娘约会 and dates a girl who works at Forever 21,
04:08.34, [Forever 21:美国服装品牌  
04:10.30, which she won't be for two years. 那姑娘可两年后才到21岁
04:12.66, Hear that? 听到没
04:13.68, Honey, I'm not leaving your mom. 宝贝们 我不会抛下你们母亲的
04:15.63, Might not be your call. 或许还真由不得你
04:17.35, Oh, my god, it's so pretty! 我的天啊 这车太炫了
04:19.64, I love it! And I love you, 我爱死它了 也爱死你了
04:20.75, and I promise I'll take super good care of it! 我答应你 一定格外小心地驾驶它
04:22.83, Can I tell her? 能让我来说吗
04:24.01, Please. I ask for so little. 求你了 我要求的事并不多
04:25.37, Alex, be nice to your sister. 艾丽克斯 姐妹俩要和睦
04:26.46, It's dad's car, not yours. 这是老爸的车 不是你的
04:27.82, What? But you're too old for this! 说什么 年老的你和这新潮的车不搭啊
04:31.29, It's just like last year 就跟去年一个样
04:32.43, when you wouldn't take off those skinny jeans. 你死也不愿意脱下那些紧身牛仔裤
04:34.62, Wouldn't or couldn't? 不愿脱 还是 没法脱
04:35.65, Hey. I looked hot. 我穿着可性感呢
04:37.03, And you look hot in this car. 你配上这车也一样性感
04:38.85, Let me tell you something about your dad. 让我来告诉你们一些你们老爸的事儿
04:40.56, Your dad is a man who knows what he wants, 你们的爸爸是个目标明确的人
04:42.24, and he gets it. 而且说到做到
04:44.39, At least that's what I heard. 反正我是这么听说的
04:45.52, You know, I was there more as a friend and an observer than anything. 你们懂的 当局者迷 朋观者清嘛
04:49.50, Andre.-Hey,Claire. 安德瑞-你好 克莱尔
04:52.37, Honey. Is this the new car? 亲爱的 这是你买的新车吗
04:54.89, I know it looks impractical, 我知道看起来不实用
04:56.36, but Andre's seen a lot of people die. 不过安德瑞跟我说了好些临死之人的事
04:58.06, I'm not upset. 我没有不高兴
04:59.89, I'm not upset. It's a beautiful car. 没生气 这车挺漂亮
05:01.34, Just surprised you didn't get the sedan, that's all. 就是惊讶你没买辆大车 仅此而已
05:06.27, Beautiful. 不错
05:06.77, Good seeing, you, Cl-- 见到你很高兴 克莱...
05:07.86, Mm. It's beautiful. 真的很漂亮
05:12.65, What just happened? 刚刚是怎么回事
05:13.49, She did not blink once. 她眼都没眨一下
05:16.09, Do you wanna come in for a minute? 进去坐一会儿吧
05:17.41, No, I gotta... You know, I gotta get to the wife. 不了 我得 你知道 找我老婆去
05:19.12, Well, do you... 你要不要
05:19.85, - Uh, do you need a ride or anything? - No. No, no, 要不要我送你一程-不用 不用
05:21.43, I'm gonna, uh, I'm-a jog. 我打算 跑回去
05:22.63, - Why--why are you running? - I'm just gonna jog! 你干嘛跑啊-我跑步回去就行了
05:27.05, Lily was up all night because she didn't have bunny, 莉莉没了兔兔 一晚上没合眼
05:31.01, which means that we were up all night 我们也跟着不能睡
05:32.73, because she didn't have bunny. 因为她的兔兔没了
05:35.86, God, she must have cried for... 天呐 她肯定哭了有
05:37.49, How long was it, Cam? 多久来着 小卡
05:38.93, Cam. Cam. 小卡 小卡
05:41.12, Oh, sorry. 不好意思
05:42.27, Uh, last night was rough because Lily... 昨晚上太混乱了 因为莉莉的
05:44.04, - Covered it. - didn't have bunny. 说过了-兔兔不见了
05:48.27, Jay, tell me, why are we on the runway? 杰 说啊 我们到跑道上来干嘛
05:50.78, Surprise! We're taking a private plane. 大惊喜 我们要乘私人飞机去
05:53.92, Wow! I've never been on a private plane! 我还从没坐过私人飞机呢
05:55.89, And you never will. 以后也别想坐
05:57.33, I am not getting on that little thing! 我不会上那个小玩意儿的
05:59.67, What if the rubber band snaps and we fall out of the sky? 要是皮筋断了 我们掉下来怎么办
06:02.70, It's perfectly safe. It's a legitimate airline! 安全系数很高的 人家是正规航空公司
06:05.12, Hey, folks. 你们好
06:06.54, Whoa. Nobody said three. 怎么有三个人
06:08.43, All right. Before we take off, 好吧 起飞前
06:09.90, I'm gonna need to get everyone's weight here. 我得登记一下各位的体重
06:11.25, - No problem. I'm about 190. - Okay. -没问题 我有190磅 -好的
06:13.57, Oh, yeah. In that case, I'm 275. 那样的话 我275磅
06:15.81, Gloria, I would never put you and Manny in danger. 歌洛莉亚 我不会让你和曼尼有危险的
06:18.92, Now come on! Trust me on this! 走吧 相信我这一回
06:22.16, Beautiful. 太棒了
06:27.93, It's American music the whole way, 这一路都得听美国音乐
06:29.78, and I don't wanna hear a word. 谁也别说话
06:45.27, - How you doing there, sport? - Great. Yeah. -怎么样了 跑车男 -棒极了
06:47.10, Awesome. You know what's awesome? 帅呆了 你知道帅在哪儿吗
06:48.57, Is this car has the engine in the trunk, 这辆车的发动机在后备箱里
06:50.85, so that means I get to... 这就意味着我得...
06:53.09, Put these signs in the seat, which is cool. 把这些展板放在座位上 真酷
06:56.74, Very cool. 是相当酷
07:04.26, What? 怎么了
07:05.01, Oh, nothing. My, uh, client just wants me 没什么 客户想让我
07:07.79, to pick her up on the way to the open house, 载她一起过去看房
07:09.25, which is great. I'll, uh, drop the sign off 没问题 我只要把展板拿下来
07:11.67, and just swing across town to... 然后穿过镇子
07:14.55, Oh. She's bringing her mom and a designer. 她还要带上她妈妈和设计师
07:17.39, Well, maybe they'll fit in the trunk. 说不定后备箱坐得下
07:18.73, Here it comes! 就知道你会撒气
07:19.86, What? I was making a joke. 哪里 我开玩笑的
07:22.53, What's your game, woman? 小女子 你耍的什么把戏
07:23.45, I have no game. You're an adult. You can make your own choices. 没什么 你是成年人 能自己做主
07:26.66, Since when? 我什么时候有这待遇了
07:28.10, Do you wanna borrow the minivan? 你想借用这面包车吗
07:30.29, Yes, please. 对 求求你了
07:31.26, Okay, fine. Then you're gonna have to pick up the kids from school. 行 那你去接孩子放学
07:35.11, Okay, I can't take it. 好吧 我投降
07:35.97, If you got something to say, just say it. 你想说什么 尽管往我这儿招呼吧
07:37.65, I have nothing to say. 我无话可说
07:39.32, - That just says it all. - Well...Ok. 不言自明了-随你怎么想吧
07:45.74, All--all right. Thank you, Serena. 行 好 谢了 塞丽娜
07:47.58, See you tonight. 晚上见
07:49.32, Good news--they rescheduled my massage for the morning. 好消息 他们帮我把按摩时间调早上了
07:52.11, Bad news--it's a dude. 坏消息是按摩师换成男的了
07:53.43, Don't blame me. It's your mom's fault. 别怪我 要怪怪你妈
07:55.28, Do you know how many people have died in these planes? 你知道有多少人因为乘这种飞机丧命了吗
07:57.70, [都是美国著名歌手 均因小型飞机失事丧生  
07:57.70, John Denver, 约翰·丹沃
07:58.40, Patsy Cline, 佩茜·克琳
07:59.37, Ritchie Valens. 里奇·瓦伦斯
08:00.50, I've heard you sing. I think you're safe. 就你那破锣嗓 我保你没事
08:02.94, All right, look, 行了 听着
08:03.51, The welcome dinner starts in four hours. 欢迎晚宴四小时后开始
08:05.05, It's a 5-hour drive. 我们开到那儿要五个小时
08:06.44, No bathroom breaks. 路上没时间上厕所了
08:09.62, Yeah, I think you're gonna want to hold on to that cup. 所以我劝你还是少喝点儿
08:12.57, Damn it! 糟糕
08:13.44, - What was that? - Giant pothole. 怎么回事-一个大坑
08:15.24, The dash is lighting up like a christmas tree. 撞得火花四溅了都
08:16.82, Tire's blown! 轮胎破了
08:18.13, This never would have happened if we were in the air! 要是在天上就不会有这种事了
08:20.01, If this had happened in the air, we wouldn't be in the air. 要是天上发生这种事 我们就没活路了
08:21.95, We would be in rock 'n' roll heaven! 我们就上天堂唱摇滚了
08:25.84, Okay, what do you think? 你觉得怎么样
08:27.31, I'm gonna put these in the subway. 我打算把这些贴到地铁里去
08:29.63, Okay, it looks like, uh, Lily's missing 这张看起来好像是莉莉丢了
08:31.54, and we're offering $25 to get her back. 然后我们悬赏25美元把她找回来
08:33.22, Oh, don't be ridiculous. No one in their right mind-- 荒唐 正常的人怎么会...
08:35.32, Okay. That's all I see now. 好吧 现在我也这么觉得了
08:37.26, - How about this one? - Okay. Um... 这张呢-我看看
08:39.47, Missing--stuffed bunny. Brown and white fur. 毛绒兔子失踪 毛色灰白相间
08:42.04, Sympathetic eyes." What are sympathetic eyes? 富有同情心的眼神 解释一下这句
08:44.56, Not those. 反正不是你那样
08:46.69, I just--I don't really love the idea 我只是 没法接受
08:48.14, of our phone number being up in the subway. 把我们的电话号码贴得地铁里到处都是
08:50.22, Okay, let's play a different game. 行 那我们换个方式
08:51.46, How about I be the problem, and you be the solution? 我来提问 你来解决 如何
08:54.16, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so critical. 对不起 我不应该吹毛求疵的
08:56.07, I know you're just trying to--got it! 我知道你不过是想 有了
08:57.99, Just came up with a better idea. 突然想到一个好主意
08:59.21, Took me less than five seconds. 花了我五秒钟不到
09:09.29, Okay... 我看看
09:14.26, I can't hear you. What? 我听不见 什么
09:16.43, Window. 窗玻璃摇下来
09:17.54, I don't know... 我不会弄
09:19.83, Gah! What did I do? 我按了什么
09:21.56, Oh. Oh, my. 天呐
09:22.74, - Yes. Hi. - Hey, nice car. 你好-你好 车不错
09:25.04, Thank you. 谢谢
09:26.40, You gonna drive up the coast, or... 你是去海边吗 还是
09:28.48, Oh, no. I'm gonna do some errands, actually. 不是 就是去办点事
09:31.08, Yeah, 'cause other people might go and buy a crazy car 有些人可能会去买辆离谱的车
09:33.59, with an engine in the-- in the trunk, but not me. 发动机还在后备箱里 我可不会
09:36.29, No. I'm responsible. Mm-hmm. 不 我是个负责任的人
09:38.40, We have three kids. You can't pick up three kids in this car. 我们有三个孩子 这车怎么坐得下
09:41.32, You can't. 根本坐不下
09:42.22, You--it... It... 你 这个
09:44.26, I'll get you... Catch ya. 我会追上你的 来了
09:47.80, I'm going! 走了
09:48.91, Maybe I was a teeny bit mad. 也许我确实有那么一点点搓火
09:52.40, So I blew off my errands and headed up the coast. 于是我抛开琐事 驶向大海
09:55.98, It was my turn to be irresponsible. 是时候让我潇洒走一回了
09:58.91, And luckily, I had sunscreen in my purse. 幸好 我包包里还有墨镜
10:03.51, Well, your strut's shot, 你的车架坏了
10:06.00, And we can't get parts for at least a day. 更换的零件要过一天才能到
10:08.69, Fantastic. 这下好了
10:10.74, I don't suppose 依我看
10:11.48, there's any place you can rent cars anywhere around here? 你们这儿也没租车的地方吧
10:13.70, Know what, sir? We're not some one-horse town. 先生 这小镇没你想象的那么落后
10:16.05, Of course you can rent a car. 当然能租到车
10:19.38, It just happens to be out for the day. 只是不巧都租完了
10:21.04, Unbelievable. 难以置信
10:22.73, - We're gonna miss the whole weekend. - I am sorry, Jay. 整个周末都泡汤了-很抱歉 杰
10:24.89, I know how much you mean to those guys, 我知道他们把你看得有多重要
10:26.39, and I know how much they want to see you. 也知道他们有多想见你
10:28.69, I'm so sorry. 真是不好意思
10:29.92, Uh, excuse me. 容我说一句
10:31.37, You are... 你真的是
10:32.70, so pretty. 太漂亮了
10:34.46, And if you really need to get somewhere, 如果你们真的必须要去哪儿
10:38.31, maybe I can help you out. 或许我能帮上忙
10:39.42, Ay, yes, please! Thank you! Anything! 好啊 拜托了 谢谢 怎样都行
10:44.23, Check it out. Restored it myself. 瞧瞧 我私藏的宝贝
10:48.99, No. 不行
10:49.83, I did not get in the little plane at the little airport! 我才不在这小机场里上这架小飞机
10:52.99, I'm not gonna get in this... 死也不坐这个...
10:55.45, flown by that guy that couldn't fix our car! 开飞机的还是那个连车都修不好的家伙
10:57.72, Gloria, it's either this, 歌洛莉亚 要么就坐这个
10:59.42, or we're in the motel. 要么只好住旅馆了
11:00.90, I don't like the sound of that. 现在这情况可不怎么乐观
11:02.29, A lot of amenities disappear when an "H" Becomes an "M." 宾馆变成旅馆 档次立马跟着下跌
11:05.76, You know, when I met you, 话说 我刚认识你那会儿
11:06.70, you were eating cereal out of a bucket. 你还从桶里扒麦片吃呢
11:10.65, Hey, Lily, guess what? 嘿 莉莉 你猜怎么着
11:12.75, What? 什么事
11:13.58, Uh, we just heard from Bunny. 兔兔给我们传信了
11:15.95, This is a terrible idea. 这办法糟透了
11:17.02, No, it's fantastic. 不 这办法好极了
11:18.46, Bunny said he's on an amazing adventure 兔兔说 他正在经历一场华丽的冒险
11:20.82, having the time of his life, 并且特别享受那种生活
11:22.56, And that you should pick one of his best friends 还说 你应该选一个他的好朋友
11:25.55, to sleep with while he's gone. 在他外出的这段时间陪你入眠
11:27.52, Bunny doesn't talk. 兔兔不会说话
11:28.91, This is going great. 进行得"真"顺利
11:30.22, He does now, because-- 他现在会说了 因为
11:31.83, because he took talking lessons. 因为他上语文课了
11:33.57, So what do you think, huh? 那你想选哪一个呢
11:34.80, Turtle or giraffe 小海龟 还是长颈鹿
11:37.22, or, uh, little reindeer? 还是 小驯鹿呢
11:39.49, Where's bunny now? 兔兔现在在哪儿
11:40.70, Uh, St. Louis. 在圣路易斯
11:42.14, Why? 为什么
11:43.18, He's visiting his girlfriend. 他去看他女朋友了
11:45.44, He doesn't have a girlfriend. 他没有女朋友
11:47.00, He has a boyfriend! 他有个男朋友
11:50.31, I want bunny! 还我兔兔
11:51.50, Okay. No, no, Lily. 好吧 等等 莉莉
11:52.54, Lily, uh, what about miss, uh, Teddy bear? 莉莉 要不选泰迪熊吧
11:54.60, Huh? No? Uh, Dr. Tiger? No? 不好吗 那老虎博士呢 也不好吗
11:58.69, Mr. Fish? 鱼先生呢
11:59.87, I want bunny. I'm going to St. Louis. 我要兔兔 我要去圣路易斯
12:03.86, Really? You don't know Nemo? 不是吧 这鱼叫"尼莫"都不知道
12:05.40, It's on an endless loop in the den. 屋里可都是循环播放着的
12:06.91, I have a job. 我可没那闲工夫
12:08.48, And then Bodie kicked it to me, 然后博迪传球给我
12:10.03, and I dribbled it past Michael and got it to Tyler... 我带球过了迈克 传给了泰勒
12:12.47, I was bummed not to be in my new cool car, 开不上崭新的靓车 我很不爽
12:14.67, so I wasn't joking around with the kids like I usually do. 所以我没有像平时一样跟孩子们嬉闹
12:17.98, And I would've scored if that kid didn't trip me. 要不是被那小子绊倒 我就射门得分了
12:20.29, I can't believe the ref didn't see it. 裁判居然没看到
12:22.27, I bet Olivia saw it. 奥利维亚肯定看到了
12:23.88, She's always watching you when you play. 你踢球时 她总是盯着你
12:25.75, Yeah, I know. It's like she's in love with soccer. 是啊 我知道 似乎她很喜欢足球
12:31.01, Ugh. Stop texting me! 唉 别再给我发短信了
12:33.50, What? 怎么了
12:34.37, Corey. He is so clingy. 是科瑞 他太黏人了
12:36.66, 该换男朋友了哦["汉语"?]  
12:39.72, But, you know, there's something about driving your kids around. 但是 开车接送孩子还是有好处的
12:42.74, You're in the front, they're in the back. 你在前排 他们在后排
12:44.47, They forget you're there, 他们忘记你在那儿
12:45.21, and you learn so much. 于是你知道了许多小秘密
12:47.15, You're like sigourney weaver in "Gorillas in the mist." 感觉我像《雾中猩猩》里的西格妮·韦弗
12:50.04, Except gorillas make less noise chewing. 不过猩猩的咀嚼声比较小
12:56.37, Once I hit the coast highway, I didn't stop. 一开上沿海公路 我就一路狂飙
13:00.35, I turned off my cell phone. 关掉了手机
13:02.35, I ate fish tacos for lunch. It was insane! 午饭吃了鱼肉卷 真是太疯狂了
13:05.78, I haven't felt that free in years. 好多年都没这种自由的感觉了
13:08.57, All my stress completely disappeared... 压力一下子就不见踪影了
13:13.00, And so did my keys. 车钥匙也一并没了
13:24.17, I'm sorry, but... These signs are ridiculous. 抱歉 但这些标志真是傻到家了
13:26.69, Oh, you're right. I should have used helvetica. 你说得对 我应该用赫维提卡字体
13:28.56, It much better represents the urgency of our situation. 那样更符合我们目前火烧眉毛的状况
13:31.05, No, the lengths that we're going to for a stuffed animal. 不 我是说咱费尽心思就为找个娃娃
13:33.71, You know, cam, maybe it's time lily learned about loss. 小卡 该让莉莉体会什么是"失去"了
13:36.09, No, she's 3, and I know. 不 她才3岁 我最懂了
13:38.40, Do you know how many times 你知道吗 在农场时
13:39.25, I had to say good-bye to a furry friend on the farm? 我不得不无数次和动物朋友们告别
13:41.11, And didn't it make you stronger? 你不正因此变得更坚强[肥壮]了吗
13:42.39, Yeah, because I was a growing boy 没错 那时我正在长身体
13:43.61, and they were chock-full of protein. 而动物肉富含了蛋白质 高营养
13:44.91, But it was still heartbreaking. 但那依然会让我心碎
13:46.64, It builds character. 那可以塑造人的品质
13:47.77, You know, once, when I was a kid, 我小时候 有一回
13:49.40, my dad left my Luke Skywalker doll on an airplane, 我爸把我的卢克·天行者玩偶遗失在机场
13:51.88, - and I was so angry-- - Wait, which--which Luke? 我特别气-等会儿 哪一款卢克
13:54.44, Shorty robe or dress blacks? 穿短袍的 还是黑衣的
13:55.74, - Shorty robe. - Oh, my. 穿短袍的-天呐
13:57.34, And you know what he did to get it back? 你知道他怎么找回它吗
13:58.78, Not a damn thing. Nope. 他什么都没干 什么都没
14:00.75, He didn't lift one pudgy finger to make a single phone call, 他连动动手指头去打个电话都没有
14:03.79, and I got over it. 而我挺过来了
14:04.90, Yeah, well, I want you and Lily 是啊 我希望你和莉莉
14:06.10, to have the same healthy relationship 能有健康的父女关系
14:07.67, you and your father have. For sure. 就像你和你爹那样 必须的
14:10.89, All right, give me these flyers. 好吧 把传单给我
14:12.86, I'm gonna take everything to this side of the homeless guy. 我把它们发给这些流浪汉
14:14.94, Mitchell! 米奇尔
14:15.24, Sorry, what are we supposed to say now 我错了 我们该怎么称呼他们呢
14:16.74, Home-challenged? Or... 无家可归的人 还是啥
14:18.26, No, look! 不 快看
14:20.78, Oh, my god! It's bunny! 天呐 是兔兔
14:22.80, Oh, Lily's gonna be so happy. 莉莉会高兴坏了的
14:23.91, Oh, that's so great. Go ahead and get it. 真是太好了 快去拿回来
14:25.78, - What, me? - Yeah. -啥 我去 -对啊
14:27.03, Why should I go and get it? 干嘛让我去拿回来
14:28.26, Well, I-I'm not gonna do it. 我才不会去呢
14:29.51, Why? I spotted it. 为什么 是我发现的
14:30.52, You're closer. 你离得近
14:31.42, It's your journey. Luke Skywalker? 这是你的使命 想想"卢克·天行者"
14:32.92, Pattern-breaking? Your father? Get in there. 想想"超越自我" 想想你爹 快去
14:34.56, Fine. 好吧
14:37.77, Sir--hi, sir. 嗨 先生
14:40.28, Hello, you--you... 你好 你 你
14:44.17, Hello. 你好
14:45.62, Hello. 你好
14:49.45, He-hello? Sir... 你好 先生
14:51.93, - I-I can't... - Oh, for god sakes! 我不能-我的老天爷啊
15:00.66, - Let her hate us. - You turned out great. 她要恨咱就恨吧-你心中有恨也照样成才了
15:02.01, - I did, didn't I? - You're a big lawyer. -的确啊 不是吗 -你是个大律师呢
15:10.13, This is not the massage I had in mind. 我预想中的按摩可不是这样的
15:12.19, All right. 好的
15:15.39, Okay. 这样
15:16.39, In about an hour, a train goes through town 大约一小时后 有辆火车会经过这儿
15:18.61, that will get us close to pebble beach. 可以把我们带到卵石滩那儿
15:20.80, Now it's not technically a-a passenger train, 严格意义上说 那不是一辆客运火车
15:23.27, - so it won't be stopping. - What? 所以不会停站-什么
15:25.19, So we gotta get running real good. 我们到时候得跑快点
15:26.77, No high-heeled shoes. And it wouldn't be wrong 高跟鞋就算了吧 还有带上那毛毯
15:28.86, if we took that blanket with us, either, huh? 应该也能派上用场了吧
15:30.92, So what do you say? Anybody up for a hobo adventure? 你们觉得如何 来一场流浪大冒险如何
15:33.68, If we're voting, I'm a "No". 真要投票的话 我反对
15:36.35, Manny, we're gonna be right back. 曼尼 我们出去一会儿就回来
15:38.23, We're gonna get some ice from the machine in the parking lot. 我们去停车场那个机器里弄点冰块回来
15:42.70, Classy. 够上档次
15:47.44, Jay, this is getting crazy. Is it worth it? 杰 这是要闹哪样 有意思吗
15:50.37, I wanna see the old gang. 我就想会会三五老友而已
15:51.49, Do you wanna see them or you want to show off to them? 你是真心想见他们 还是单纯想去炫耀
15:54.21, The private plane, the fancy watch. 私人飞机啊 名贵手表啊
15:56.89, You still want to feel 你只是想回味
15:58.11, that you're the big kahuna on the campus. 自己在大学里当大佬的滋味吧
16:00.19, That's not it. That's not even a thing. 才没有呢 我压根没往那方面想
16:02.21, You know what? I'm taking Manny home. 算了 我要带曼尼回家了
16:04.04, If you want to go in the takka-takka-takka-takka, 如果你执意要去坐那什么...
16:06.72, okay, go to pebble beach by yourself. 成 你就一个人去吧
16:08.71, No, what? That's not the plan. 不要 说什么呢 计划不是这样的
16:10.87, If you wanna go there so bad, 如果你那么想去
16:12.09, that's the only way you're gonna get there. 这就是唯一的办法了
16:13.63, I'm not trying to get me there. 不是我自己想要去那儿
16:15.49, I'm trying to get you there! 我是想带你去那儿
16:17.30, What?-Look... 什么-听着
16:20.86, I may have exaggerated the size... kahuna I was. 关于当大佬的事 我有点言过其实
16:25.40, I may not... 我可能
16:27.66, technically have been a kahuna. 严格意义上来说 都没当过大佬
16:31.81, I was shy, and I spent most of my time... 我那时很怯懦 大多时间我都是
16:37.21, on the bench. 坐冷板凳
16:38.61, But you always made it sound like you-- 可你一直说得好像自己当时很...
16:40.05, Oh, I know what I made it sound like. 我知道自己吹成什么样
16:45.84, People didn't expect much from me, 人们都觉得我不会有大出息
16:49.06, and, um... 还有
16:50.77, they certainly didn't expect me 他们肯定没想到
16:52.05, to end up with... somebody like you. 我能娶到你这样的美人
16:57.36, So this is all about you 所以你只是把我当个
16:59.42, parading me around like a trophy? 战利品带过去炫耀是吗
17:03.82, Yes. 没错
17:04.76, Why didn't you say so? 你干嘛早不讲
17:06.60, I can be a trophy! 扮花瓶我可最在行
17:09.32, Come on. We need to get this up to pebble beach. 好啦 赶紧把这个尤物带去卵石滩吧
17:13.21, Manny! We're leaving! Get ready! 曼尼 出发啦 快收拾一下
17:16.49, Oh, good. If we get out of here in the next ten minutes, 太棒了 我们十分钟内离开的话
17:18.66, we don't have to pay for the second hour. 就只用付一个小时的房费
17:25.50, How you doing there, sport? 玩得怎么样啊 开跑车的
17:27.49, - I'm sorry. - That's okay. 真抱歉-没事啦
17:30.09, Thanks. 多谢
17:31.43, So...
17:32.64, Whatcha doing all the way up here? 跑这么远来做什么
17:37.10, Did someone snap? 是不是生气啦
17:38.54, A little. Yeah. 没错 有一点
17:40.11, I was mad at you for buying that stupid sports car. 就因为你买那辆破跑车
17:42.55, I knew it! 我就知道
17:43.71, And I was wrong. 但我错了
17:46.00, It's a great car. God, I had the best day. 这车太棒了 一整天都棒极了
17:49.25, Phil, I did cartwheels. 菲尔 我还做了侧手翻
17:50.90, Without me? 不带我吗
17:52.90, Yeah.
17:59.18, Hey, did you know there's a girl with a crush on Luke? 你知道有小姑娘喜欢上咱家卢克了吗
18:01.54, Olivia.-Yeah. 奥利维亚吧-对
18:05.72, Oh, and Haley's totally done with Corey. 海莉跟科瑞彻底玩完了
18:08.06, That's new. 那倒算新闻
18:09.56, Alex is teaching herself Chinese 艾丽克斯在自学汉语
18:11.30, so she'll be useful when they finish buying us. 等回头中国把咱全部收购后可以派上用场
18:14.20, She's so weird. 她就是个怪小孩
18:18.94, I really want to be able to drive the kids around. 我真的很想驾车带孩子们四处逛逛
18:22.03, I need a bigger car for work. I made a mistake. 我本该买个大点的车上班用 是我错了
18:24.82, No, you didn't. You bought it for a reason. 你没犯错 你买它是有原因的
18:33.34, When did we stop coming to the beach? 为什么咱们后来就不到海边来了
18:36.52, I think it was when Alex 好像是从艾丽克斯
18:37.59, started printing out water quality reports. 绘制水质报告开始的
18:40.45, She'll be China's problem soon. 以后该头痛的就是中国了
18:43.42, You know... 你知道吗
18:45.55, We don't need a sports car to get out here. 我们并不需要跑车才能来这儿
18:48.76, We should just make a pact. 我们许下个约定好了
18:51.30, Once a month, we get out to the beach. 每月找个机会 逃离尘嚣奔向大海
18:54.55, And we tell everyone we're running errands. 别人问起 就说出来办点事儿
18:56.69, Yeah.-Yeah. 好的-好的
19:04.45, So you didn't get to the dry cleaner? 那干洗店你还没去是吗
19:08.76, They say the important thing in life 世人常说 生命中最重要的事
19:10.16, isn't the destination. 并非抵达终点
19:13.86, It's the journey, 而是旅途本身
19:16.57, the challenges you face along the way... 是一路上遇到的重重挑战
19:20.95, the unexpected twists and turns... 是出乎意料的峰回路转
19:24.60, the disappointments you overcome. 是被你击溃的失望与沮丧
19:26.47, Look what I found on the internet. 看看我从网上买到什么了
19:28.40, Oh, my god! It's Luke Skywalker in his shorty robe! 我的天啊 是穿着短袍的卢克·天行者
19:31.70, - I love it, Cam---. - Mine! -我好喜欢 小卡 -是我的
19:33.81, But they're wrong. 但世人皆错
19:34.75, It's all about the destination, 终点才最重要
19:36.77, especially when the destination 尤其是当终点是
19:38.25, is your amazing oceanfront hotel. 有超棒海景的酒店时
19:40.78, Thank you again, Serena. 再次感谢你 塞丽娜
19:42.32, Warmest regards, Manny Delgado. 最诚挚的问候 曼尼·迪尔加多
19:44.92, What's he doing? 这孩子干嘛呢
19:45.66, He's sending flowers to the concierge. 他给那大堂经理送花呢
19:47.65, - Oh, jeez. - Hey... 不是吧-喂
19:49.95, Credit card. 信用卡号
19:56.42, She wore you down, didn't she? 你老婆让你改主意了 对吧
19:57.74, This is not about Claire. 跟克莱尔一点关系都没有
19:59.14, I really want to sell you the car. 是我自己真心想把车卖给你
20:01.19, It's sad. She got you to believe that. 真悲哀 你居然被女人制服了
20:04.18, No, I... 不是 我
20:05.45, Turns out I'm just not a convertible guy. 我只是发现敞篷跑车不适合自己
20:07.95, Well, your loss is my gain. 好吧 你的便宜我来占
20:10.26, - It's a sweet ride, Phil. - Right? -这车多神气啊 菲尔 -对吧
20:12.09, It really is. 必须是
20:18.39, Uh-oh.-What? 不对-咋了
20:20.02, I'm getting, like, a whiff of mildew. 我好像闻到一股霉味儿
20:22.81, I don't smell anything. 没闻到啊
20:26.45, Yep. That's mildew. 没错 就是霉味
20:27.93, This car's been in the flood. 这车肯定被水泡过
20:29.76, It's a Katrina car! 是卡特里娜飓风受灾车
20:31.41, I'm offended that you tried to sell me a Katrina car, Phil! 居然把受灾车卖我 气死我了 菲尔
20:34.27, Your wife won't let you have a convertible, will she? 你老婆不准你买敞篷车 是不是
20:36.10, We will never know, 'cause I'm afraid to ask. 我哪知道 因为我都没胆去问
20:38.83, See you later, Phil. 再见了 菲尔
20:42.95, Why you running again? 怎么每次谈到老婆就跑


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