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听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第三季 第13集:克莱尔的竟演





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00:01.84, Did you see it? 你看到了吗
00:03.11, Does she know? 她知道吗
00:04.42, This is the last thing she needs today. 千万别让她知道了
00:07.02, No! 别看
00:08.52, Busy day at the Dunphy compound. 今天邓菲家可忙了
00:09.65, We have a wedding tonight, 晚上要参加婚礼
00:10.81, and this afternoon, Claire is debating Duane Bailey 下午克莱尔要和杜恩·贝利辩论
00:12.82, in the race for town council. 竞选镇议员
00:14.25, And now the "Weekly Saver" says 而现在 《每周救星》报上说
00:17.01, that some voters find Claire-- quote-- 一些选民认为克莱尔
00:19.36, Angry and unlikable. 脾气暴躁 讨人嫌
00:21.98, To those voters, I say, 我想对这些选民说
00:23.65, Wait till she sees this. 等她发现了 再让你们见识真正的暴躁
00:25.48, No one can mention it to her. 千万别告诉她
00:28.21, We can't have some unscientific poll 不能让这些无厘头的民意调查
00:30.15, shaking Claire's confidence. 打击克莱尔的信心
00:31.79, Phil... 菲尔
00:33.19, - What poll? -Too late. She knows. 什么民调-完了 她知道了
00:35.59, Who told her? 谁告诉她的
00:36.82, - What is this, a witch hunt? - Oh, my god. -干嘛 要搞政治迫害吗 -我的天啊
00:40.49, I have to go. 我得挂了
00:42.26, Well, I just don't think it's a big deal. 我觉得这没啥大不了的
00:44.18, I mean, how many people read the "Weekly..." 没多少人会读这《每周...》叫啥来着
00:46.11, - "Saver"? -"Saver," anyway? 《救星》-《救星》 随便吧
00:48.14, 22,000... ish. 22000左右吧
00:51.34, My company adver-- 我们公司
00:52.88, used to advertise with that newspaper. 曾经在这报纸上登过广告
00:56.09, And how am I angry and unlikable? 我怎么就脾气暴躁兼讨人嫌了
00:58.31, Can I take this one? 我能回答这个问题吗
00:59.38, I wouldn't. 劝你别
01:00.38, You seem angry now. 你现在就很暴躁
01:01.55, I am angry, at that poll. 是这民意调查惹的
01:03.18, I think it's the yelling. I would tone down the yelling. 我觉得是因为你大吼大叫 说话得温柔点儿
01:05.55, Honey, I don't yell for no reason. 宝贝 我不会无缘无故大吼
01:07.59, You yelled at my teacher for calling me "special." 老师说我"与众不同" 你就冲她吼
01:10.12, Honey, that was not a compliment. 宝贝 她那不是夸你
01:12.16, - Sweetheart, you're not unlikable. - Thank you. -亲 你不讨人嫌 -谢谢
01:15.26, You just seem unlikable. 你只是看起来讨人嫌
01:16.79, But if we work on it, it's totally fixable. 但如果我们努把力 问题就能解决
01:18.81, How? How, Phil? How are we gonna "Work on it"? 怎么解决 菲尔 我们怎么"努把力"
01:21.13, First of all, lose the snippy attitude. 首先 收收你这脾气
01:23.51, And I don't know--maybe we could have a mock debate. 然后 要不我们来个模拟辩论吧
01:25.29, Oh. Good idea. 好主意
01:26.28, That way, mom can rehearse her views on the issues. 这样一来 妈就可以演练一下发表政见了
01:28.27, Yeah, and we can point out all the little things 是啊 而且我们可以帮她指出
01:29.40, she does that turn people off. 不讨选民喜欢的小细节
01:31.63, Like that look. I would lose that look. 比如这副表情 你得改改
01:36.75, Spooky, but better. 看得我发毛 不过好多了
01:51.26, All right. Thank you very much. 好的 非常感谢
01:53.47, Hey, Lily! Come here, honey! 嘿 莉莉 快过来 宝贝
01:56.11, Hi! Do you know what this is? 嗨 你知道这是什么吗
01:58.61, A box. 是盒子
01:59.60, - Containing? -She doesn't know "containing." -裹着什么 -她不懂"裹着"这个词
02:01.90, Well, that's how she learns new words, by us using them. 就得这样教她新词汇 言传身教
02:04.10, Or, that's how we lower her self-esteem, 你整天灌输一些超难词汇
02:05.67, by bombarding her with confusing vocabulary. 也可能打击她的自尊啊
02:08.04, What's the box containing? 盒子里裹着什么
02:10.11, Told you. 说了吧
02:11.08, Okay. It's your dress. 好吧 是你的裙子
02:12.48, It's finally here! 终于送到了
02:15.08, It's every little girl's dream 每个小女孩都梦想着
02:16.62, to be a flower girl in a wedding. 成为婚礼上的花童
02:18.52, It's Lily's chance to shine. 这是莉莉大放异彩的机会
02:19.96, I was a 3-time ring bearer. 我做过三次捧戒指的戒童
02:22.27, It's lily's chance to shine. 这是莉莉大放异彩的机会
02:27.90, Pretty! 真漂亮
02:29.02, Oh, no, Cam-- 哦不 小卡
02:30.22, Cam, she's gonna look like little bo peep. 小卡 穿这身她会像牧羊女小波波
02:32.38, Or little bo cheap. 或是牧羊女穷波波
02:34.03, Look at this fabric. It's already pilling. 看这料子 都已经起毛球了
02:36.12, Maybe it look better on? 穿上身可能会好看点儿
02:37.50, You mean turned on? 你是说把灯开上吗
02:39.55, No, it does not--Cam! 不 不行 小卡啊
02:42.52, I love it! 我喜欢
02:43.18, No, you don't. 不 不喜欢
02:44.48, Oh, my gosh. Are we really gonna let her wear this? 我的天 我们真的要给她穿这个吗
02:46.53, You know what? If the bride wants to have a tacky wedding, 如果新娘想来场俗气婚礼
02:48.70, She can have a tacky wedding. 就让她俗气去吧
02:49.91, - Lily will be the bright spot. - Literally. -咱家莉莉就成"亮"点了 -够"亮"的
02:51.49, Heard it as soon as I said it. 说出来就后悔了
02:54.18, Stella! 斯黛拉
02:57.20, Where's my good girl? 我的小乖乖呢
03:01.22, Gloria, is stella up there? 歌洛莉亚 斯黛拉在楼上吗
03:02.79, No. But I am. 不在 但我在
03:05.43, Why don't you say "hello" your wife when you come home? 你回家怎么不跟自己老婆打招呼呢
03:08.13, Well, why don't you greet me at the door, wagging your tail? 那你怎么不在门口摇着尾巴迎接我呢
03:10.70, Stella, honey! Where are you? 斯黛拉 宝贝 你在哪儿
03:13.75, Stella! 斯黛拉
03:16.38, My baby! 我的宝贝啊
03:18.32, Stella, I'm coming! I'm coming! 斯黛拉 我来啦 我来啦
03:26.21, You okay? You okay? 你没事吧 没事吧
03:29.06, Why are you swimming in your clothes? 你怎么穿着衣服游泳啊
03:31.02, Because I'm self-conscious about my body. 身材太差 不好意思穿泳裤出来秀
03:33.21, Stella fell in the pool. 斯黛拉掉进池子里了
03:34.48, It's my fault. I let her out, 都是我不好 我放她出来
03:36.55, and then I got caught up in my couponing. 然后我忙着弄优惠券 走不开
03:38.71, Any coupons for swim lessons? 有游泳课的优惠券吗
03:40.38, Cause Stella needs some. 斯黛拉得学学
03:41.98, Seriously? Manny you teach to swim 有没搞错啊 你教曼尼学游泳
03:43.92, by throwing him in the pool, 就是把他扔水里自己扑腾
03:45.02, but the dog gets swimming lessons? 却让狗去参加游泳班
03:47.66, I gotta say, it was unpleasant but effective. 我得说 那么学虽然痛苦 但很有效
03:50.13, We have to teach Stella how to swim. 我们必须教会斯黛拉游泳
03:51.66, Otherwise, she could drown. 不然 她会淹死的
03:52.83, Why don't you teach her not to jump in the pool? 你为啥不教她别往池子里跳呢
03:55.03, She didn't jump in the pool. She fell in the pool. 她不是跳下去的 她是掉下去的
03:57.16, Why, suddenly, would she jump in the pool 如果她不会游泳
03:58.95, when she doesn't know how to swim? 怎么会突然跳进池子呢
04:00.07, Why does she bark at the vacuum? 那她为什么冲着吸尘器叫呢
04:02.13, It's a thing. It is never going to play with you. 吸尘器是个东西 永远不会跟你玩的
04:05.27, Are you saying that Stella is stupid? 你是说斯黛拉蠢吗
04:07.44, Are you covering her ears? 你这是捂着她耳朵吗
04:08.94, Let's have a little compassion. 有点儿同情心好吧
04:10.44, She's probably still traumatized from her near-death experience. 她刚死里逃生 还心有余悸呢
04:14.19, Again? What's happening?! 又来了 搞什么啊
04:16.15, Ay, no!
04:18.25, Welcome, candidates. Mrs. Dunphy... 欢迎两位候选人 邓菲太太
04:20.55, Thank you for having me. 感谢给我这个机会
04:21.95, And councilman Bailey. 还有贝利议员
04:22.99, Gosh, thank you so much, Alex. 谢谢你 艾丽克斯
04:24.19, I'm deeply honored to be here, 很荣幸能站在这里
04:25.60, and I remain, as ever, a humble servant 我将一如既往地为人民服务
04:28.15, to the greatest little town 为我们最伟大的小镇
04:29.88, in the greatest darn-- 在这最棒的
04:31.49, Eye-rolling. 翻白眼
04:33.30, Playful eye rolling. 我翻着玩儿的
04:34.61, How do we, as voters, know it's playful? I would avoid it. 我们选民哪会知道你是玩儿 我觉得这不好
04:37.74, Okay. No eye rolling. 好 不翻白眼
04:40.42, And don't purse your lips like that. 而且别这么抿嘴
04:41.65, It makes you look annoyed. 看起来像生气了
04:44.69, And don't touch your face. 而且别摸脸
04:45.62, Yeah, no face touching. Seems nervous. 是啊 别摸脸 这样显得紧张
04:47.69, Some of this is subjective. 你们这太主观了
04:50.96, - What? What now? - Anger. 又怎么了-你发脾气了
04:52.37, It looks like you're scolding us. 你似乎在指责我们
04:54.46, I will keep my hands at my sides. 那我这么叉着腰吧
04:56.10, Not on your hips. You're not superman. 别叉屁股上 你不是超人
04:58.47, Can we get started? 我们能开始了吗
04:59.40, We haven't started? 我们还没开始吗
05:00.54, I've prepared some questions. 我准备了些问题
05:01.91, Oh, goody! Actual questions. 哦 太好了 还真有问题
05:03.28, - Honk. Sarcasm. - Just go. -喇叭警告 讽刺 -赶紧提问吧
05:05.94, Okay, Mrs. Dunphy, 好吧 邓菲夫人
05:07.18, why are you running for local office? 您为什么要竞选镇议员呢
05:09.75, Okay, that's, um, that's good. 好吧 那个 问得很好
05:11.15, I... um, I-- 我 那个 我
05:13.82, Mom, you really shouldn't stutter 老妈 你应该把这些基本问题
05:15.09, over a basic question like that. 准备得滚瓜烂熟才行
05:16.52, You should at least know why you're running. 至少你得搞清自己竞选的理由
05:18.62, I thought the moderator was supposed to be objective. 主持人不是应该持中立态度吗
05:20.77, Not if she's the only one in the room 谁让我是这里唯一
05:22.04, who has actual debate experience. 有过辩论经验的人
05:23.95, Now why are you running? 再问一次 为什么参选
05:25.87, I saw the need for a stop sign in-- 我发现这个社区需要一个停车路标
05:27.76, Liar! 骗子
05:28.46, Phil! 菲尔
05:29.31, I-I just think you should be ready for anything. 我觉得你要准备好应付各种突发状况
05:32.71, I saw the need for a s-- 我发现这个社区需要一个
05:33.97, What? 怎么了
05:34.97, Sorry. Accidental buzz. 不好意思 手滑了一下
05:36.94, I saw the need for a stop sign in my neighborhood, 我发现这个社区需要一个停车路标
05:38.65, and although I collected the necessary signatures 但即使我收集了必须的区民签名支持
05:40.50, and did the paperwork, I found local government 并备齐了文件材料 我发现镇政府
05:42.85, to be entirely unhelpful-- 依然无视此事
05:44.52, - When--what? - Too long. I'm bored. -当我 又怎么了 -句子太长 让我觉得无聊
05:46.35, Yeah, next question. I feel like I'm in school. 对 下个问题吧 感觉跟上课似的
05:50.02, Some say the political system is bogged down 有人认为 我们的政治体制
05:52.20, by ideological hard-liners 就是被一些思想强硬派的
05:54.08, unwilling to compromise. 不妥协政策给拖了后腿
05:55.88, How would you respond to that, councilman Bailey? 贝利议员 您如何回应这种说法
05:59.31, I would like to use my lifeline. 我得求救了
06:03.01, I'll take this. 我来回答
06:04.14, If elected, I would consider all perspectives, 如果我当选 我会尊重各方观点
06:06.95, and I would not ignore opposing viewpoints. 而且绝不会无视反对意见
06:11.01, Helicopter. Just keep going. 救援直升机来了 你继续
06:12.55, I would consider all perspectives, 我会尊重各方观点
06:14.55, - and I wouldn't ignore opposing-- - You suck! 而且绝不会无视反对-下去吧
06:16.35, Luke! 卢克
06:17.10, You have to be ready for hecklers. 你得准备好应付起哄者
06:18.52, He's right. 没错
06:20.05, Okay. I'm doing over. No buzzing. 好的 从头再来 不准打断
06:22.47, If elected, I-- 如果我当选 我
06:24.92, #NAME? 又怎么了-离麦克风太近了
06:26.62, Phil, it's a hairbrush. 菲尔 这是个梳子
06:28.19, Okay. 好吧
06:30.96, If elected, I would consider all opinions 如果我当选 我会尊重各方观点
06:34.36, and not ignore those of the opposition, 而且绝不会无视反对意见
06:36.50, as councilman Bailey has done for six terms. 绝不会步贝利议员六届任期施政的后尘
06:40.20, What? That was a great answer. 又怎么了 我回答得多棒
06:41.90, Well, I couldn't hear it 好吧 我听不下去了
06:43.10, because you were showing me the bad side of your face. 因为你把不好看的半边脸面向了观众
06:45.91, I have a bad side? 我有半边脸不好看吗
06:47.22, - Yeah, the left. - No. It's the right. -对 左半边 -不对 是右半边
06:49.01, Uh, dad, it's totally the left. I mean, look at it. 老爸 绝对是左半边好吧 你自己看看
06:51.04, Sweetheart, why do you think I chose my side of the bed? 宝贝 我选择睡左边是有道理的
06:52.91, Okay! Okay. Thank you. 好吧 谢谢你们了
06:54.54, Thank you, family. This has been super-duper helpful. 谢谢我亲爱的家人们 你们真是帮了我一个"大忙"
06:57.22, Hands, lips, sarcasm, eye-rolling, 手势 嘴唇 讽刺 翻白眼
06:59.35, wrong side of the face. 不好看的半边脸
07:00.36, Oh, yeah. Now I see it. 哦对 我发现了
07:02.90, Yep. 就是左边
07:06.57, She's ready. 她准备好了
07:08.70, And it's this, 像这样
07:11.07, and it's this. 像这样
07:13.04, Not this, 不是这样
07:14.98, but this. 是这样
07:16.75, - Okay. Okay, that's good, Cam. -And this. -好了 够了小卡 -还有这样
07:18.15, Save--let's save some petals for Lily, all right? 留点 留点花瓣给女儿吧
07:20.48, Okay. Let's do it over here, sweetheart. 好 乖女儿过来
07:21.88, - Right over here. - Okay. 到这边来-好的
07:23.12, There you go. Oh, like you're coming down the aisle! 对了 就像你走向婚礼的圣坛
07:26.96, Not too many at once. That's good. 一次别洒太多 不错
07:28.39, Okay. You're doing great, Lil. 很好 你做得很好 乖女儿
07:29.33, Oh, she is, isn't she? 噢 她太棒了
07:30.73, Forget the bride. All the eyes are gonna be on her. 谁看新娘啊 咱闺女才是瞩目的焦点
07:45.50, I cannot believe you laughed! 我不敢相信你居然笑出来了
07:47.24, I am sorry. But you know I have two weaknesses-- 抱歉 但你知道我有两个软肋笑点
07:49.78, children cursing and old people rapping. 小孩爆粗口 老人唱饶舌
07:52.02, Cam, we have to tell her it's a bad word. 小卡 我们得告诉她那词不好
07:53.82, No. That just gives it more power. 不行 那样只会让她觉得那词很劲爆
07:55.82, The less we make of it, the better. 我们越不提起这事越好
07:57.82, Let's just pretend like it never happened. 我们就装作什么都没发生
07:59.42, Okay. Yeah, maybe it-- maybe it didn't. 好吧 或许 或许什么都没发生
08:01.09, Maybe we--maybe we misheard. 或许是我们听错了
08:02.89, Yeah. Maybe she said "Truck." 对 或许她说的是"卡"
08:05.23, Or--or "Duck." 或者"擦"
08:06.60, Or "Luck." She could have said "Yuck." 或者"菜" 她有可能说的是"草"
08:09.40, Daddy, can I have some ice cream? 爸爸 我能吃冰淇淋吗
08:11.17, No, honey, if you're hungry, you can have some fruit. 不 宝贝儿 如果你饿了 可以吃点水果
08:13.67, Fruit? . 水果
08:17.87, I have two children. 我有俩孩子要教育啊
08:27.26, Phil? Phil, is this televised? 菲尔 这是要上电视吗
08:29.63, I didn't tell you because I didn't want to make you nervous. 我没告诉你是不想让你紧张
08:31.83, Great plan. Really good plan. 好主意 真是个好主意啊
08:33.56, Throw me for a curveball at the last minute. 最后时刻 给我来个措手不及
08:35.06, Mom, chill. It's just public access. 别紧张妈 只是公共频道
08:36.80, My debate team's on public access, 我们的辩论赛也上公共频道
08:38.57, and the only people who watch me are you guys. 只有你们才会看而已
08:40.74, Yep. All the time. 对 每次都看
08:41.97, So maybe nobody will see this? 所以或许没人会看这个
08:43.50, No. We want people to see this. 不 我们想让大家看到这个
08:45.30, That's how you win elections. That's the whole point. 这样你才能当选 被人熟知才是关键
08:48.08, Then mom should do something so crazy and stupid. 那老妈应该做些疯狂愚蠢的事
08:50.69, - It goes viral. - Mom, please don't go viral. 可以做网络红人-妈 千万别做网络红人
08:53.03, Okay. I'll add that to my list of things not to do-- 好的 我会把这个加进严禁事宜中
08:55.20, Don't touch my face, don't roll my eyes, 别碰脸 别翻白眼
08:57.73, don't point my fingers, 别"指"点江山
08:59.10, and definitely don't go viral. 还有绝对不做网络红人
09:00.70, Do any of you still believe in me? 你们还有谁对我有点信心的
09:02.45, Of course we do. We're on your side. 我们当然相信你 我们站在你这边
09:04.44, The right side. 是右半边
09:05.95, Not the left. 不是左边
09:07.01, Let's grab a seat. 我们去找个座位
09:10.62, Right. Left. 右边 左边
09:11.82, Okay. Mom, just be confident. 好了 妈 要有自信
09:14.19, Based on what? I just lost a debate in my living room, 凭什么 自家客厅的辩论我都输了
09:16.42, and people think I'm unlikable. 而且大家觉得我讨人嫌
09:18.26, That's just the word men use for powerful women 那是男人针对女强人的专用词
09:19.69, because they feel threatened. 因为他们感觉受到威胁
09:21.06, So just forget everything else and be proud and powerful. 所以忘掉一切 强势不屈 舍我其谁
09:25.30, How did you get so smart? 你怎么这么聪明
09:26.73, I've always assumed adoption or baby switch. 可能我是领养的 或是在医院抱错了
09:28.73, Hey. Hey. No kisses! 注意 不能亲吻
09:31.16, Proud and powerful. 强势不屈 舍我其谁
09:32.01, #NAME? 抱歉-也不能道歉
09:33.90, Yes! Shut up and get in there! 对 闭嘴 赶紧进去
09:35.88, That's more like it! 就要这个范儿
09:37.51, Yeah!
09:39.68, Oh, god. 天哪
09:43.41, There she is. 她来了
09:44.15, - Go get 'em, Claire. -Thanks. -搞定他们 克莱尔 -多谢支持
09:46.02, Don't worry. We're going to cheer for you 别担心 我们会给你助威的
09:47.16, no matter what you say. 不管你说了什么
09:48.39, Oh, good. More support from my loving family. 真好 来自亲爱家人的更多"支持"
09:50.96, Honk. Sarcasm. 喇叭警告 讽刺
09:53.37, Why'd you bring Stella? 你怎么把斯黛拉带来了
09:54.67, She keeps getting out and jumping in the pool. 她总是往屋外跑 然后往泳池里跳
09:56.79, We don't wanna take any chances because she can't swim. 我们可不能冒险把她留在家里 她不会游泳
09:59.30, Then why does she keep jumping in the pool? 那她为啥还老往泳池里跳
10:01.03, I've been thinking about it. I got a theory. 我一直在想这个问题 我有个想法
10:02.46, She might be suicidal. 她可能有自杀倾向
10:04.52, What? That's crazy. 什么 这也太疯狂了吧
10:06.69, There's not such thing as doggy suicide. 这世上就没什么狗狗自杀一说
10:09.96, Hi. Duane Bailey. 你好 我是杜恩·贝利
10:12.21, Sorry. I couldn't help but overhear. 抱歉 我无意中听到你们谈话
10:13.87, In addition to being a public servant, 我除了是人民公仆之外
10:15.53, I'm also an award-winning breeder of puggles. 还是一名获奖哈巴小猎犬饲养者
10:18.30, I've won the Puggly. Twice. 我赢过最佳猎犬奖 两次哟
10:20.47, And I'm afraid that doggy suicide 我恐怕狗狗自杀是
10:22.04, is all too real. 确有其事的
10:23.85, It's just the mainstream media doesn't report on it, 只不过主流媒体不报道罢了
10:26.48, cause it's not as sexy as feline A.I.D.S. 因为不像猫艾滋那么火爆
10:29.00, Stella is not suicidal. She's just... estupid. 斯黛拉没有自杀倾向 她就是比较脑残
10:32.34, Well, that might be part of your problem. 那 或许就是您的问题了
10:34.28, She senses you don't like her. 她能感觉到你不喜欢她
10:35.65, You have no idea. 你根本想不到
10:36.78, This one's been against this little angel 从这个小天使踏进我们家门起
10:38.45, from the very beginning. 这位就没消停过
10:39.79, Yeah, well, dogs pick up on that. 没错 狗狗会注意到的
10:41.09, You know, they're very sensitive. 他们很敏感的
10:42.36, I like to call them, um... 我喜欢叫他们
10:44.59, Bottomless pits of need. 填不满的情感无底洞
10:46.73, But not to their face, though. 但不能当他们的面说
10:47.96, That would just destroy them. 那样太伤他们感情了
10:49.06, Not you. 不是说你哟
10:50.73, So now this is my fault? 那这么说是我的错啦
10:52.00, I think he knows what he's talking about. 我想他知道自己在说什么
10:52.94, The man won a puggly. 人家可是赢过一个最佳猎犬奖的
10:54.24, - Two. I won two pugglies. - We're done here. -两个 我赢过两个 -我们说完了
10:56.01, - In 2000- - Yeah. 在2000年和-是是
10:59.27, Do you have any idea what station this is on? 你知道是哪个台播吗
11:01.81, Here, I'll look online. 我上网查查[上网看
11:02.77, It's a webcast? That would have been helpful to know 是网络广播吗 你早点说我就不用
11:04.67, 900 channels ago. 摁过九百个频道了
11:05.69, No, it's on public access or something. 不是 是个公共频道之类的
11:07.77, I wanna watch aunt claire! 我要看克莱尔姑妈
11:09.38, Okay. Well, first, honey, we need to talk about something. 行 但是首先 宝贝 我们得谈谈
11:11.78, It's about that word you said this morning. 关于你早上说的那个词
11:14.21, What word? 什么词
11:15.08, You know, the one that starts with "F"? 你知道 就是那个以F开头的那个词
11:17.11, - "Flower"? - No. 花花-不是
11:19.91, - "Fruit"? - No. 果果-不是
11:21.30, If she doesn't remember it, we shouldn't remind her. 如果她记不起来了 我们干嘛要提醒她
11:23.48, Oh, well, she said it three times. 因为她说了三遍呢
11:25.07, Oh, you mean. 哦 你是说
11:28.04, Cam, leave the room! 小卡 出去
11:30.90, No. I can do this. 不用 我能忍住
11:33.70, Lily, that is a bad word, 莉莉 那是个不好的词
11:36.20, and you are not allowed to say it ever. 而且你永远也不能再说这个词
11:38.56, But it makes you laugh. 但能把你逗笑呀
11:40.04, Okay, well, daddy shouldn't be laughing, 其实爸爸不应该笑的
11:41.41, and you should never say that word. 你也永远不应该说那个词
11:44.05, Do you understand? 明白没
11:45.20, Maybe. 或许吧
11:47.32, Okay. This is not a game, all right? 好吧 这可不是什么游戏 好吗
11:49.89, If you say that word one more time, 如果你再说一遍那个词
11:50.96, I'm gonna take away all your toys! 我就把你的玩具都没收
11:52.26, I'm serious! She knows I'm not serious. 我认真的 她知道我不是认真的
11:54.33, What about the wedding? 那婚礼怎么办
11:56.16, What if she says it there? 如果她在那说怎么办
11:57.63, She's like a ticking time bomb! 她就像是个定时炸弹
11:58.87, -Well, what are we gonna do, cancel? - Yes. -那我们怎么办 取消吗 -没错
12:00.74, Maybe we just call and say, 我们就这么说
12:01.80, We're not going to any more weddings until the gays can get married. 在同性婚姻合法化之前 我们不参加任何婚礼
12:04.34, Oh, so now we're political? 得 咱们改走政治路线了
12:05.44, We leave town on gay pride weekend 连"同志骄傲"游行周我们都躲出去避难
12:06.98, because we don't like the traffic. 就因为不喜欢那拥挤的交通
12:10.99, But there's no substitute for experience. 但是经验的作用是无可替代的
12:15.98, For example, I doubt my opponent is familiar 举例来说 我怀疑我的对手
12:18.33, with town ordinance 26-12b... 是否熟悉镇法26-12b
12:21.08, 26-12b has to do with noise pollution-- 26-12b是关于噪声污染的
12:23.72, Something, sir, that you are guilty of right now. 也就是您 先生 现在正造出的哟
12:27.32, Oh, no she di'int! 她怎么这么牛掰
12:29.34, Go, mom! 加油 老妈
12:30.16, Ladies and gentlemen... 女士们先生们
12:31.20, Look at her eyes. 看看她的眼睛
12:31.92, I know. They're a little too close together. 看出来了 确实有点斗鸡眼
12:33.89, It's been bugging me for years. 我已经纠结很多年了
12:35.50, No, she's in the zone. 不是 她现在状态正佳
12:37.17, She's ready for anything. 她已经万事俱备了
12:38.23, I do like to talk... about the issues. 我是很想谈谈 谈谈问题
12:41.03, Speaking of issues, 说起问题哈
12:42.34, your husband seems to have some. 您先生好像有一些问题
12:45.71, I'm sorry? 抱歉
12:46.74, I'm not sorry. What? 我不是在致歉 什么
12:49.28, Oh, well, I wouldn't want to bring it up, 其实 我本不愿提起的
12:51.35, but since you asked, um... 不过既然你问了
12:53.03, In february of last year, your husband, 在去年的二月份 您先生
12:55.19, one, uh, Phillip Dunphy, was questioned at a local hotel 菲利普·邓菲 因为猥亵和淫荡行为
12:59.71, for lewd and lascivious conduct. 在一家本地酒店被问话
13:02.94, Oh, jeez. 老天
13:04.70, That's not true. 没这回事
13:05.70, Ma'am, according to this police report, 夫人 根据这份警方报告
13:07.45, he, uh, broke into a stranger's room, 他 闯进陌生人的房间
13:10.05, stripped naked... 全裸的
13:11.89, and then posed provocatively on the bed. 在床上摆出极为挑逗性的姿势
13:17.40, That is technically true, 外在现象大致如此
13:19.85, but in all fairness, it was valentine's day. 但是公平地说 那天是情人节
13:22.65, Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry. It was valentine's day. 抱歉 那天是情人节呀
13:25.62, I'm not sure, uh, 我不太清楚
13:26.69, if your husband was born in this country. 您先生是不是生在这个国家
13:28.32, Perhaps he snuck in illegally, 也许他是非法移民吧
13:30.02, but here in America, we celebrate valentine's day 但是在美国呢 我们在情人节这天
13:32.53, with chocolates, 送人巧克力
13:34.10, not our private parts. 不是送人小鸡鸡
13:38.47, This is my new favorite show. 这是我现在最爱的节目了
13:40.33, No, sir, 不是的 先生
13:41.54, he was looking for me, his wife, 他那时是在找我 他的妻子
13:43.88, and he walked into the wrong room. 但是他走错了房间
13:45.98, If you believe that, 如果你们相信的话
13:46.83, I have some talking puggles I'd like to sell you. 我有些会说话的哈巴小猎犬 很乐意卖给你们
13:50.11, Do you believe this? 你相信吗
13:51.65, Talking dogs? I'm skeptical. 会说话的狗 我很怀疑
13:54.02, - I won the puggly. Twice. - Be strong. -我赢过最佳猎犬奖 两次 -强硬
13:57.11, I am glad that my opponent brought this up, 我很高兴我的对手提起这事
13:58.97, as I feel that it speaks to his character 此事正好可以看出他的下三滥品格
14:02.16, more than mine. 而我身正不怕影斜
14:04.21, I think that we should raise the level of discourse 我认为现在应该把讨论提升一个档次
14:07.01, and get back to the issues 回到那些我们的选民
14:08.43, that the voters really care about. 真正关心的问题上来
14:09.96, When he was naked, what were you wearing? 当他裸着的时候 你穿的什么
14:12.05, I... don't think that's relevant. 我 我认为这与本次辩论无关
14:14.38, Are you sex freaks? 你是性变态吗
14:15.88, My personal life has nothing to do with this. 我的个人生活和这次辩论毫无关系
14:19.62, Uh--the--my opponent has brought this up 我的对手提起这事就是为了
14:23.52, to distract from his own record, 把公众注意力从他的政绩上转移
14:25.93, which shows that in--in six years, 因为他在六年的时间里
14:28.36, he has achieved nothing more than writing one ordinance 除了制定一项"允许私人派对上
14:31.30, that allows private parties to have more than eight dogs. 出现八条以上的狗"的条令之外一无所成
14:35.84, It's like watching the "Hindenburg." 简直就跟目睹兴登堡惨案一样
14:37.70, This is the most horrible thing I've ever seen in my life. 这是我这辈子见过的最悲惨的事情了
14:39.87, - Excuse me! - Stand by. 抱歉-还有更惨的
14:42.01, I am Phil Dunphy, and I am not a pervert. 我就是菲尔·邓菲 而且我不是变态
14:44.85, I, like a lot of men in this town, 我 和这镇子里很多的男士一样
14:48.58, enjoy making love to my wife. 喜欢和我老婆滚床单
14:53.04, I mean, um... I mean with their wives. 我是说 和他们各自的老婆滚
14:55.68, Not me, them. 各滚各的
14:57.88, Look, I should probably just sit down and say nothing. 听着 或许我应该只是坐在那里默不作声
15:01.31, But it's too late. 但是为时已晚
15:02.14, I am standing, and I'm obviously talking, 我已经站起来了 很显然我也在说话
15:04.48, and now you're looking at me, 而现在你们也都盯着我看
15:06.28, and I feel the need to keep going. 我就感觉我应该继续说下去
15:08.85, First of all... 首先一点
15:11.52, no charges were filed. 没有书面的正式起诉
15:13.03, Everyone had a good laugh-- 大家一笑而过
15:15.36, about the situation, not--not about me. 觉得挺滑稽 不是说笑话我
15:17.70, Everything's fine down there. 我"硬件"正常得很
15:20.13, Anywho... 总之
15:22.71, Where were we? 说到哪了
15:23.88, All over YouTube. 红遍了YouTube啊
15:25.71, We went viral. 还是做了网络红人
15:27.07, Some sick bastard auto-tuned me. 不知道哪个狗杂种给我弄了个电音版
15:29.94, I...
15:30.66, like a lot of men 和这镇子里
15:31.98, in this town 很多的男士一样
15:33.04, I enjoy making love to my wife--wife 喜欢和我老婆滚床单 滚呀么滚床单
15:37.81, And I don't know how to stop. 滚到天昏地暗不停歇
15:41.30, I am a pervert. 我性放荡呀
15:42.30, Pervert--per-- 浪里个荡
15:44.47, Jay! Manny! 杰 曼尼
15:46.68, We should have been there already! 我们早就该到那了
15:48.68, Gloria, I'm tying my tie! 歌洛莉亚 我正系领带呢
15:51.35, I'm accessorizing! 我穿戴搭配呢
15:53.39, And I thought I was the woman. 比女人打扮的时间还久
16:00.84, The door. 忘关门了
16:02.10, Ay! Estella, no! No! 喂 斯黛拉 别啊
16:04.60, Ay! No! No! 别啊 别动
16:06.01, Estella, don't do it! Don't kill yourself! 斯黛拉 别想不开 别自寻短见啊
16:08.44, You are a perfectly fine dog! 你是个超级棒的狗狗
16:09.91, I don't hate you! 我不讨厌你
16:11.64, Estella, okay, I was a little mean to you, 斯黛拉 好吧 我对你是有点刻薄
16:13.91, but that's no reason to kill yourself! 但你也不至于寻死啊
16:15.62, You are young! 小年轻啊
16:16.72, You still have so much left to smell! 花花世界还有很多"闻"所未"闻"呢
16:19.88, Ay!
16:20.73, I am--I go! 我 我来了
16:22.46, I'm coming! 等着我
16:24.30, I'm--Manny! 我 曼尼
16:25.66, Ay! Come on, Estella! 坚持住 斯黛拉
16:29.67, - What happened? - Are you okay? 咋回事-你还好吗
16:31.59, She did it again. 她又跳了
16:33.10, - And you jumped in to save her? - No, Jay! 然后你湿身救它了-不是啊
16:35.14, I wanted to take a little swim before going to the wedding! 我就是赶在婚礼前小游一下啊
16:38.03, Get her a towel. She's shaking like a leaf. 给她条浴巾 冻得直哆嗦
16:46.59, Oh, no, no, I meant-- 不不不 我意思是
16:47.79, - I meant-- - Thank you, Jay. 您请用-谢你八辈儿祖宗
16:49.49, The dog towel for me. 我就配条狗浴巾
16:52.64, For the wife. 我可是你老婆啊
16:58.34, Hi! 你们好
16:58.88, Hey, guys. Hi. 你们好啊
17:00.68, Hi. Hey, what's shaking? What's cooking? 好啊 有啥新鲜事没
17:03.01, You saw the debate, didn't you? 你们看了辩论了吧
17:04.23, The de-what? No, that wasn't-- 辩啥 那不是在
17:05.76, That was today? No, no. Was that on today? 今天吗 是今天吧
17:07.09, Oh, I didn't remember. 我忘了
17:08.13, You are the worst liars. 扯谎也下点功夫好吗
17:10.27, It was phenomenal television. 辩论实在太精彩了
17:11.93, Oh, Lily. 莉莉
17:13.82, What a... 多么那啥的
17:15.22, Dress. 裙子啊
17:16.01, Oh, well, you ain't seen nothing yet. 这才哪儿跟哪儿啊
17:19.92, How about there... we go. 开开眼 走着
17:23.09, Yikes. She looks like a lite brite. 我去 跟"点阵画图"似的
17:25.21, Luke, honey. 卢克 亲爱的
17:26.63, Lily, sweetie, are you excited to be a flower girl? 莉莉宝贝儿 做花童兴奋吗
17:28.73, Yeah? 是吧
17:30.47, Little bit nervous? 有点小紧张
17:31.67, Yeah? 是吧
17:33.30, Why isn't she talking to me? Did she see the debate, too? 她为什么不理我 她也看了辩论是吧
17:36.03, Nope, she's on verbal lockdown. 没 她被封口了
17:37.70, - Oh? - She's been dropping a certain curse word all day. 咋了-她整天嘴里都吧唧一个脏字
17:40.65, Mm. Yeah. Yeah, so we're just hoping 就是这情况 我们希望她
17:42.00, the next one doesn't happen during the wedding. 别在婚礼上口无遮拦
17:43.88, If it does, it'll be the second most embarrassing thing 要是没拦住 她就是咱家今天
17:45.91, to happen to our family today. 丢死人不偿命的"二小姐"了
17:47.39, Phil, you said it wasn't that bad. 菲尔 你说没那么糟糕的
17:49.22, That was in the car. We're in a church now. 车上满嘴谎言安慰你 教堂里不敢说假话
17:51.02, Honey... 亲爱的
17:52.85, Somebody turn her off. I think I'm having a seizure. 来个人把她"灭"了吧 慎得慌
17:55.02, Oh, buddy. 可怜孩子
17:59.25, Oh, good. I thought that we were going to miss Lily. 还好 还以为会看不到莉莉登场呢
18:01.66, Ships at sea wouldn't miss Lily. Where have you guys been? 海船都能看到她这座灯塔 你们去哪儿了
18:05.19, I had to jump in the pool to save the stupid dog... 我跳进泳池里救那条傻狗
18:07.66, Who she loves. 她爱得深沉
18:09.13, That I didn't let her down doesn't mean that I love her. 救了她不代表我爱她
18:11.93, I barely got Manny back in the pool 负鼠事件后我都很少
18:13.94, after that possum incident. 让曼尼下水了
18:15.91, I thought it drowned, 我以为它溺水了
18:17.17, but turns out it was just playing possum. 但结果负鼠只是诈死
18:19.57, Yes, papi. 没错 宝贝
18:32.42, Good job! 好样的
18:42.88, You know what the worst part of today was? 知道今天最失败的是哪部分吗
18:45.39, I imagine it's hard to choose. 都很失败 好难选择啊
18:46.81, When everything was melting down, 那就是当一切一点点搞砸时
18:48.29, I realized I had an answer to your question, 我终于想到你问题的答案了
18:50.58, why I was running. 为什么竞选那题
18:52.12, I wanted to make my family proud, 我想要一家子为我骄傲
18:54.00, and I did the exact opposite. 不想却给家里抹了黑
18:56.10, No. 才不是
18:57.18, No, I did. I totally embarrassed you. 就是 我让你们颜面扫地了
18:59.37, No. No, dad embarrassed me. 真的不是 老爸才丢人
19:01.27, I was proud of you. 我挺为你骄傲的
19:03.83, I think it's cool you're running for local office. 我特佩服你去参加竞选
19:05.97, I mean, it's totally nerdy, and that's kind of my thing. 虽然有点呆气 但我就喜欢那样的你
19:09.35, Hmm. Maybe it's kind of our thing. 或许我们娘俩都一样
19:21.05, Ah. Some day, I'll walk you down the aisle. 总有一天 我会挽着你走过红毯
19:24.11, If you're not in perv jail. 只要你没"浪"入班房
19:28.27, Please be seated. 请各位就座
19:33.18, Friends, family, thank you for making... 朋友们 亲人们 谢谢大家前来...
19:36.71, Really? 不是吧你
19:37.35, Well, you know I cry at weddings. 我逢婚必哭的
19:39.48, Oh, no. 别啊
19:40.99, - What? - Stop--stop crying. 怎么了-把眼泪咽进肚子里
19:43.25, Well, just because you have ice water in your veins, 你自己蛇蝎冷血 空洞无情
19:44.68, - doesn't mean that-- - No. No, Lily... 不代表...-别 别 莉莉
19:46.53, No. Lily... 打住 莉莉
19:48.01, He's fine. Daddy's fine. 他好着呢 爸爸好着呢
19:49.38, - Daddy's not sad. - Daddy, daddy! 爸爸高兴着呢-爸爸 爸爸
20:04.03, You see? I told you it was funny. 看见没 我说很搞笑的吧
20:12.47, Excuse us. 对不住了
20:14.27, Congratulations. 恭喜你们
20:20.37, There. That ought to do it.. Go on, you little motorboat! 应该没问题了 冲吧 像小汽艇一样
20:26.04, Look at her go! 游得多欢啊
20:29.03, Where's she going? 她去哪儿
20:30.30, Oh, jeez, I think she's trying to get herself 天呐 她不是要把自己塞进
20:31.78, sucked into the filter. 过滤器里吧
20:32.89, What'd you say to her? 你又说什么刺激她了
20:34.48, I didn't say anything! 我什么都没说啊
20:36.01, Wait a second. 等等
20:38.02, Jay, look. 杰 你瞧
20:40.52, See? She was not trying to kill herself. 看吧 她没有想自寻短见
20:43.37, She was just trying to get to the squeaky wiener! 她只是想去拿小捏捏来着
20:46.41, That must be why she's been jumping in. 这可以解释她的几连跳了
20:47.65, It must have been there all the time. That's hilarious! 那玩意儿肯定一直在那 真逗
20:50.05, Ay, si! 是啊
20:51.41, No, it's not! 逗你个头
20:52.78, Not now. 现在看不逗
20:54.47, I'm saying it will be. 将来再看就逗了
20:56.88, Later. 将来


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