闪电侠第一季 第67期:不满意的借口
This thing you built, what can it do?
Bad stuff.
You said to call if there was anything suspicious.
This guy went through the tour twice. Nobody does that.
This is Detective west. I have a visual on Leonard Snart at the museum.
Requesting immediate back up.
I'm sorry. I thought I knew it, and I got excited, and I I just hit it.
No, I mean, maybe they'll get it wrong too.
Oh, yeah. I am sure that the team named Pride and Padawans doesn't know the name to Hans Solo's ship.
Oh, honey, you are so cute when you're confused.
Someone spotted Snart. I gotta go.
I'll cover for you.
All right, what are you gonna say?
I usually tell people Oliver's at a night club with a girl or nursing a hangover.
None of which will work for me.
Bad stomach achereally bad diarrhea.
Yeah, I'm not comfortable with that excuse.
Just go. Stay safe. And I'm talking to air now, which is odd. And I'm still doing it.
You okay?
Ahh, aah, it burns.
Time for a test run. Let's see how fast you are.