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Pitbull、John Ryan - Fireball






  [ar:Pitbull、John Ryan]


  [00:01.03]Pitbull - Fireball(Feat. John Ryan)

  [00:08.10]Mr. Worldwide to infinity

  [00:10.19]You know the roof on fire

  [00:11.62]We gon' boogie oogie oggi, jiggle, wiggle and dance

  [00:14.02]Like the roof on fire

  [00:15.58]We gon' drink drink and take shots until we fall out

  [00:18.05]Like the roof on fire

  [00:19.71]Now baby give a booty naked, take off all your clothes, and light the roof on fire

  [00:23.48]Tell her baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby

  [00:25.55]Baby I'm on fire

  [00:27.26]I tell baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby

  [00:29.37]Baby I'm a fireball


  [00:46.80]I saw, I came, I conquered

  [00:48.36]Or should I say, I saw, I conquered, I came,

  [00:50.61]This little chica on fire, it aint no lie

  [00:52.63]While yall sippin he is running the game

  [00:54.55]Now big bang boogie, get that kitty little nuggy

  [00:56.62]N a nice nice little shade, I gave Suzie a little pat up on the booty and she said,walk this way.

  [01:02.11]I was born in a flame

  [01:06.17]I'mma say that every world will know my name

  [01:09.90]I'm the best you never had

  [01:13.89]If you think I'm burning out, I'm never am

  [01:17.27]I'm on fire

  [01:21.12]I'm on fire

  [01:24.93]I'm on fire

  [01:28.91]I'm on fire



  [01:49.40]Sticks and stones may break my bones, but i dont care what yall say,

  [01:53.14]Because as the world turns yall boys gon learn, that this chico right here dont play.

  [01:56.99]That boy is from the bottom, bottom of the map,

  [01:59.21]M.I.A you a shay.

  [02:00.90]I gave Suzie a little pat up on the booty and she turned around and said, walk this way.

  [02:04.47]I was born in a flame

  [02:08.43]I'mma say that every world will know my name

  [02:12.30]I'm the best you never had

  [02:16.19]If you think I'm burning out, I'm never am

  [02:19.67]I'm on fire

  [02:23.47]I'm on fire

  [02:27.34]I'm on fire

  [02:31.34]I'm on fire


  [02:51.73]We're taking it

  [02:52.23]We're taking it

  [02:52.68]We're taking it down

  [02:53.73]We're taking it

  [02:54.18]We're taking it

  [02:54.68]We're taking it down

  [02:55.63]We're taking it

  [02:56.08]We're taking it

  [02:56.58]We're taking it down

  [02:57.71]We're taking it

  [02:58.17]We're taking it

  [02:58.62]We're taking it down

  [02:59.58]We're taking it

  [03:00.03]We're taking it

  [03:00.48]We're taking it down

  [03:01.49]We're taking it

  [03:01.99]We're taking it

  [03:02.43]We're taking it down

  [03:03.49]We're taking it

  [03:03.94]We're taking it

  [03:04.44]We're taking it down

  [03:05.59]We're taking it

  [03:06.04]We're taking it

  [03:06.49]We're taking it down

  [03:07.46]Now we're bring it

  [03:08.11]We're bring it

  [03:08.56]We're bring it back

  [03:09.31]We're bring it

  [03:09.76]We're bring it

  [03:10.22]We're bring it back

  [03:11.22]We're bring it

  [03:11.72]We're bring it

  [03:12.22]We're bring it back

  [03:13.17]We're bring it

  [03:13.62]We're bring it

  [03:14.12]We're bring it back

  [03:15.12]We're bring it

  [03:15.58]We're bring it

  [03:16.48]We're bring it back

  [03:17.18]We're bring it

  [03:17.64]We're bring it

  [03:18.14]We're bring it back

  [03:19.09]We're bring it

  [03:19.68]We're bring it

  [03:20.18]We're bring it back



  [03:46.32]Tell her baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby

  [03:48.31]Baby I'm on fire

  [03:50.19]I tell baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby

  [03:52.20]Baby I'm a fireball


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