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Ellie Goulding - Goodness Gracious

所属教程:Ellie Gouldingt歌曲集锦





  [ar:ellie goulding]

  [ti:goodness gracious]

  [00:19.13]I lost the signal

  [00:20.71]and put you away

  [00:22.89]Swore upon the sun

  [00:24.82]I'd save you for a rainy day

  [00:27.56]Loosen the noose

  [00:28.88]and let go of the rope

  [00:31.37]I know if it's never

  [00:33.15]coming back it has to go

  [00:35.92]I keep calling your name

  [00:38.00]keep calling your name

  [00:40.08]I wanna hold you close

  [00:41.66]but I never wanna feel ashamed

  [00:44.21]So I keep calling at night

  [00:46.24]keep calling at night

  [00:48.46]I wanna hold you close

  [00:49.94]I just never wanna hold you tight

  [00:52.43]Goodness gracious

  [00:53.29]I can't seem to stop

  [00:55.80]Calling you, Calling you up

  [00:58.79]just to keep crawling into your arms

  [01:00.85]Goodness gracious

  [01:01.92]I can't seem to stop

  [01:04.00]Calling you, Calling you up

  [01:07.16]just to keep crawling into your arms

  [01:17.44]I found the weakness

  [01:19.27]and put it to play

  [01:21.40]Swore upon the stars

  [01:22.98]I'd keep you

  [01:24.15]till the night was day

  [01:25.97]Shake my head dizzy

  [01:27.40]so I'll never know

  [01:29.78]You said if you're never

  [01:31.66]coming back you have to go

  [01:34.51]I keep calling your name

  [01:36.38]keep calling your name

  [01:38.32]I wanna hold you close

  [01:40.14]but I never wanna feel ashamed

  [01:42.48]So I keep calling at night

  [01:44.85]keep calling at night

  [01:46.67]I wanna hold you close

  [01:48.40]I just never wanna hold you tight

  [01:50.84]Goodness gracious

  [01:51.60]I can't seem to stop

  [01:54.22]Calling you, Calling you up

  [01:57.32]just to keep crawling into your arms

  [01:59.35]Goodness gracious

  [02:00.19]I can't seem to stop

  [02:02.64]Calling you, Calling you up

  [02:05.58]just to keep crawling into your arms


  [02:13.04]Calling you up

  [02:13.90]just to keep crawling into your arm

  [02:21.33]Calling you up

  [02:22.39]just to keep crawling into your arm

  [02:24.73]Oh my goodness

  [02:25.86]here I go again

  [02:27.33]Pulling you back to me

  [02:29.61]pulling you back into my arms

  [02:31.69]so selfishly

  [02:34.14]I don't think I understand

  [02:36.09]cuz I don't really know myself

  [02:38.33]I keep calling you up

  [02:39.85]calling you up

  [02:44.07]Calling you up

  [02:46.09]Calling you up

  [02:48.24]Calling you up

  [02:52.32]So I keep call

  [02:57.81]Goodness gracious

  [02:58.32]I can't seem to stop

  [03:01.03]Calling you, Calling you up

  [03:03.95]just to keep crawling into your arms

  [03:06.24]Goodness gracious

  [03:07.12]I can't seem to stop

  [03:09.33]Calling you, Calling you up

  [03:12.35]just to keep crawling into your arms


  [03:19.69]Calling you up

  [03:20.75]just to keep crawling into your arms

  [03:28.17]Calling you up

  [03:29.13]just to keep crawling into your arms


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