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Bruno Mars - Lost

所属教程:Bruno Mars歌曲集锦





  [ar:bruno mars]


  [00:18.20]It's getting hard to breathe

  [00:20.04]I'm trying to make her see

  [00:22.23]That she don't really know That I

  [00:26.17]I'm trying to find a way

  [00:28.26]And tell her every day

  [00:30.56]That she just goes along So I

  [00:35.04]I don't wanna be

  [00:36.84]The only one that knows

  [00:38.98]That somebody can come along and just

  [00:43.45]Say Good Luck from me

  [00:45.44]I'm standing saking ground

  [00:47.28]That I've been thinking

  [00:48.60]that I'm gonna lose It

  [00:50.24]'Cause I'm losing my head

  [00:52.57]I'm losing my mind

  [00:54.77]I'm losing control of myself this time

  [00:58.55]She's got me losing my head

  [01:00.75]I'm losing my mind

  [01:03.05]I'm losing my way

  [01:04.92]But I think she knews

  [01:06.14]I'm already lost

  [01:10.69]I'm already lost

  [01:16.84]I wish that I could see

  [01:19.10]But It's making you

  [01:21.40]Feels this you should be consent

  [01:25.27]My love Is like a gunshot

  [01:27.71]All It takes Is a shot for me

  [01:30.06]to blow It all away

  [01:33.93]I don't wanna be like

  [01:36.03]I'm just wasting time

  [01:37.97]It's gonna be with you

  [01:39.71]and no one else

  [01:42.51]Dude you knowest me

  [01:44.17]I need to know right now

  [01:46.26]'Cause I've been think It

  [01:47.53]that I'm gonna lose It

  [01:49.21]'Cause I'm losing my head

  [01:51.55]I'm losing my mind

  [01:53.72]I'm losing control of myself this time

  [01:57.24]She's got me losing my head

  [01:59.95]I'm losing my mind

  [02:02.15]I'm losing my way

  [02:03.63]But I think she knews

  [02:05.47]I'm already lost

  [02:07.70]Maybe I'm trying to hard

  [02:10.09]But girl you make me nervous

  [02:12.44]By now you should have noticed me

  [02:15.94]And what will It

  [02:16.86]take It to a heavenly

  [02:18.99]Because your drawing chains

  [02:20.42]and driving me Insane

  [02:22.95]That I'm losing my head

  [02:25.27]I'm losing my mind

  [02:27.36]I'm losing control of myself this time

  [02:30.92]She's got me losing my head

  [02:33.31]I'm losing my mind

  [02:35.51]I'm losing my way

  [02:37.06]But I think she knews

  [02:38.69]I'm already lost

  [02:40.17]I'm losing my head

  [02:42.05]I'm losing my mind

  [02:44.28]I'm losing control of myself this time

  [02:48.04]She's got me losing my head

  [02:50.21]I'm losing my mind

  [02:52.66]I'm losing my way

  [02:54.04]But I think she knews

  [02:55.47]I'm already lost

  [03:00.13]I'm already lost

  [03:03.29]But I think she feels

  [03:04.21]I'm already lost

  [03:06.37]ohh oh oh oh oh

  [03:13.75]I'm losing my head


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