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大学英语作文:足球改革 Football Reform





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Since the president Xi Jinping took office, the football reform had become a hot topic in China.  自从习近平主席上台之后,足球改革变成了一个热门话题。  I watch every FIFA World Cup match since I was ten years old, when I also started playing football. My greatest wish is to see Chinese football team can goes to the World Cup, but it always disappoints me except the one in 2002 FIFA World Cup, it didn’t do well anyway. I believe most of football fans like me have been hurt by Chinese football team.www.yingyuzuowen.cn  自从我10岁以来,每一届的足球世界杯我都会看,也是在那时我开始踢足球。我最大的心愿就是看到中国足球能够踢进世界杯,但是它总是让我失望,除了2002年那届世界杯,然而它的表现也不是很好。我相信大多数像我这样的球迷都被中国足球伤害过。  But apart from the bad management of the football association, I can see why Chinese football has always been weak somehow. When I was a high school student, I used to like playing football very much, and I liked to play it for one or two hours with my friends after school. I took it as a good hobby and it could help me keep healthy and active, but my teachers didn’t think so. They always took the study as the most important part in our high school age, they wanted us to focus on study, which meant to put every minute on the study. Furthermore, the year I went to senior grade, the school decided to block out the football field, no one was allowed to play football in it. This was definitely a disaster to Chinese football career.  但是除了足协糟糕的管理,一定程度上我也能明白为什么中国足球一直都那么弱。当我还是一个高中生,我曾经非常喜欢踢球,我喜欢在放学后跟朋友们踢上一两个小时。我认为踢球能让我保持健康积极活力,但是我的老师们可不是这样想的。他们总是把学习当做高中时期最重要的部分,他们希望我们集中精力在学习上,意味着要把每一分钟都花在学习上。更过分的是,在我升高二的那年,学校把足球场给封闭了,任何人不许进去踢球。这对中国足球事业来说,无疑是个灾难。  I hope the football reform will bring some changes in the high schools, free the football field, let us keep loving the football.  我希望足球改革能给高中带来一些变化,解放足球场,让我们继续热爱足球。

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