In that case, the most successful species knowntoman is a type of bacterium known as S-A-R-11, orSAR-11 for short.
Scientists estimate that there are two-hundred andforty times a billion billion billion SAR11 cells floatingaround in the oceans.
科学家们估计海洋中的SAR11细胞的数量超过2 x 10的28次方个。
Now that makes six-billion humans sound like a merehandful.
SAR11 bacteria are known for their ability to transform one substance into another, which iswhythey are such an important part of the Earth's chemical cycles.
Although scientists are stilluncertain about SAR11's specific role, it appears to produce carbondioxide using the oxygen andcarbon from organic matter that's derived from photo synthesis.
Scientists speculate that SAR11plays a major role in the way the ocean's surface acts as agiant carbon pump that removescarbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
The catch is that SAR11 is what is known as an uncultured organism, which means thatscientistshaven't been able to cultivate it under laboratory conditions.
This requires scientists to developpretty indirect genetic methods just to be able to studySAR11 cultures.
Now that this technologyis available, scientists are sequencing the SAR11 genome in order tofigure out exactly what kindsof carbon it uses, and why it's so successful at ocean living.