So how can your shoe slip on ice? The answer lies in two peculiar properties of ice. The first isthat as water freezes, its molecules move farther apart. The molecules of most substancesmove closer together as they freeze, making them shrink at lower temperatures.
But water molecules move farther apart at temperatures below 39 degrees Fahrenheit, makingwater expand as it freezes. That is why frozen water pipes burst, and a tray of ice cubes willfreeze over its top if you fill it too full. The second peculiar property of ice is directly linked toits first peculiarity.
When subjected to pressure, ice melts. Remember that the molecules in ice are farther apartthan the molecules in water; therefore ice molecules are vulnerable to pressure whichpushes them closer together, causing the ice to change into water.
So when you step on a patch of ice, you exert pressure on the ice, which causes itsmolecules to move closer together. That makes them revert to their more dense state, whichis water. If you slip on a patch of ice, then, you in fact are slipping on a thin layer of waterthat the pressure from your weight has created. And, unlike solid ice, water, as a liquid , isquite slippery.