If you've eaten fewer than three hours before you go to sleep, your stomach hasn't had time todigest all of your food. When you lie down, gravity causes the gastric juices that are busydigesting your food to come up into your throat. Because your airway and food pipe are side-by-side, they share an adjoining wall. Those gastric juices that have backed up in your food pipeactually permeate that wall and enter into your air pipe. These juices can irritate your larynx,and cause your voice to be hoarse and your breath to turn foul.
In addition, gastric juices are acidic enough to burn the mucous membranes in your throat,resulting in a sore throat that occurs in the mornings, but lessens throughout the day. Morningmouth tends to worsen with age, because as you get older, the top of your esophagus, thethin tube that leads from the mouth to the stomach, loosens. With the softening of the top ofthis tube, gastric juices can more easily escape from the esophagus into the air pipe.
Another contributing factor to morning breath is infrequent swallowing during sleep.Swallowing allows us to keep our mouth relatively free from odor-producing bacteria. Butwhen we're asleep, these bacteria can thrive, contributing to the bad taste in our mouthwhen we wake up.