By 1970, cancer had become the nation's secondleading cause of death. Texas Senator RalphYarborough sought to make its conquest a national priority. He led a group of medical experts,cancer advocates, and business leaders who explored the issue. They became commonly knownas the "Yarborough Commission."
The Yarborough Report became the blueprint for the National Cancer Act, which was signedinto law in 1971 by President Richard Nixon. The National Cancer Act provided additionalfunding for the National Cancer Institute, establishing 15 new cancer research centers, localcancer control programs, and an international cancer data research bank.
理查德·尼克松总统于1971年签署了国家癌症法案,这条法案的蓝图就是 Yarborough 报告。国家癌症法案为国家癌症研究所提供了专项资金,并成立15处新的研究中心,地方癌症控制项目以及国际癌症研究资料库。
Its passage received a boost when popular columnist Ann Landers encouraged a flood of mailfrom her readers, urging representatives to vote for the bill. The goal for a simple cure forcancer remains elusive. But scientific knowledge about cancer continues to grow. Newtechniques for detection, diagnosis, and treatment are constantly emerging, as a result ofefforts of Congress and the American people.