By the 1960s, environmental issues had become a public concern, as scientific studies linked airpollution to specific health issues. The Clean Air Act of 1963 marked the beginning offederally funded air quality research programs to deal with increasing amounts of smog. Twoyears later, it was amended to include cars as a source of pollution. The Clean Air Act of1970, the year the EPA was established, was even more robust, and subsequent amendmentsin 1977 and 1990 addressed ozone depletion and acid rain.
Enforcing clean air standards has helped control pollution and reduce health hazards over theyears, but the process of improving and amending this Act to keep our air clean is on—going, asthe costs to industry must be weighed against the benefits to the environment. The Clean AirAct—one of the most complex and extensive pieces of federal environmental legislation—remains very much a work in progress.