Little is known about the science of trust, butresearchers have begun to focus on the peptide oxytocin as a potential clue to the biologicalbasis for this behavior. Oxytocin is produced in the hypothalamus, and acts on areas of thebrain responsible for social behaviors.
Scientists hypothesize that oxytocin stimulates a trust response by encouraging"approach behavior" —that is, reducing the natural suspicion we have to the socialproximity of others. The chemical has also been found to reduce the brain's fear response topictures of human faces.
Under its influence, people are more willing to take social risks. In one study, researchershad their subjects play a simple game based on trust. Those who had been given a dose ofsynthetic oxytocin were more likely to trust the other players than those who had not.
In another study, seventy individuals with general social phobias used synthetic oxytocinfor one month, taking a dose before entering difficult social situations. These subjects weremore relaxed and exhibited a higher level of confidence when interacting with others whilesupplementing their brain's natural levels of the chemical.
Scientists are hopeful that further research into the effects of oxytocin will provide a newway to treat anxiety disorders in humans, from debilitating shyness to autism andschizophrenia. As they continue to explore oxytocin's role in brain activity, they hope to furtherunderstand these disorders, as well as the normal function of trust in human societies.