梅子干皮肤?对,我们这次的内容与皮肤有关。有时候,我们可能在浴池或泳池中的时间较长,然后,会发现手掌和脚底板的皮肤起了褶皱。本次内容将对这一现象做出科学的解释。为什么会发生这种情况?为什么我们的整个身体不会出现褶皱? The answer lies in the structure of our skin, and that is not the same allover. The outer layer of skin, the epidermis, on our palms and the soles of our feet is thickerthan the skin on the rest of our body. When we soak in water, the epidermis all over our bodyabsorb some water and swells. Because the skin on our palms and soles is thicker, it canabsorb more water, and therefore, swells more.
That seems simple enough. But why did ends our fingers and toes wrinkle like black prunesand not the rest of us? Most of our skins absorbs water and swells rather evenly, but there issomething different about ends of our toes and fingers -- there is a nail on one side. The ends ofthe fingers and toes can't swell towards the nails, so the skin bunches up opposite nails on thepalm side of our fingers and the sole side of our toes. This bunching up of the skin gives us thewrinkles, prune skin.
1. wrinkle n. 皱纹 v.(使)起皱纹
例句:He wrinkled up his forehead in perplexity. 他困惑地皱起了眉头。
She's beginning to get wrinkles round her eyes. 她的眼角开始有皱纹了。
2. absorb vt. 吸收
例句:Plants can absorb carbon dioxide and releaseoxygen. 植物可以吸收二氧化碳释放氧气。
3. swell vi. 肿(膨)胀,鼓起
例句:The murmur swelled into a roar.
4. bunch up 缩成一团
When muscle tissue shortens, it also bunches up. 肌肉在收缩的同时,也会聚成团。